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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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i am canceling because illum is a lag fest even with aa on and i have a gtx 570 2.5g and a i7 second gen and im still lagging go **** your selves also im canceling cuz snipers are severly underpowered and squishy. Oh and illum isnt all that fun
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shutdown the servers and do a rollback! There is no other solution to this.


People are now high valor rank 80's and now were seeing level 15 hit up alum and wants a piece of the valor pie (which is a whole lot).


This isn't fair to all the people that legitimately did their valor ranking by pvping before 1.1

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Then did you even think of the implications of what you suggest?????


You think rolling back like you said is only going to roll back Valor, i have doubts about your profession son, replacing the data like YOU said would effect all items including social and companion obtained pria to the roll-back.


So again is it as easy as you state it is, rolling back is to last night is not an option, screwing over every other player in the game just so you can get peoples valor removed is not an option, they will have to target Valor only and hope it doesn't cause more bugs and glitches..



I'm no IT guy I'm just a tax officer but even i know by years of gaming what it entails.


He is right, you don't have to replace an entire dp. It isn't a text file (o.k., some of it COULD be a text file). My point is you don't have to say "o.k. let's roll back everything in one go) it's much simpler. That's the whole reason a db is even useful. You can store, and change different sets of data without having to change the whole.


Think of it like a spreadsheet o.k.


you have the following ss


1 2 3 4 5

a t u v x y






now if yesterdays a1 was a z you don't have to replace the uvxy, you can write something or have something already written that would just replace the values you need replaced. This is easily done in any programming language I know.


So if a1 is yesterdays rank they could replace todays with it by overwriting todays with yesterdays.


if (a1 < new_a1)



Now that wouldn't work on the current database, but it gives a very basic example.

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Ok I am going to chime in here being that I am already upset with the game- I loved this game till I got to 40.


I still have not gotten a response from Customer Service (no surprise there).


PVP has no right to be anywhere on a PVE server unless you do it like DAOC...period! Or Battlegrounds!


Nowhere did it say that PVP would be a requirement for this game!


What they did on Ilium I have to agree with the masses here is wrong and needs to be addressed ASAP..


And while you are it ""WHY NOT FIX IT SO IF YOU ARE ON A PVE SERVER YOU CAN NOT BE GANGED BY THE OPPISTE FACTION BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE JERKS AND JUMP IN ON YOUR MOBS TO FLAG YOU THEN KILL YOU WHILE YOUR QUESTING AND NOT FLAGGED!!!!! Oh yea this has my blood boiling over, I have never ever but one game had this type of BS which was Rift (remember doing the rifts near opposing faction even if you are not flagged the aoe damage flagged you...) well welcome to hell.....because this is what your last levels will be like on a PVE server!


I know this has nothing to do with the Ilium issue but maybe someone will see this and fix the other issue while you’re at it…ha, ha ya right…wishful dreaming...good luck guys and I hope they fix your issue that looked like nasty business.

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i only got 2 days left for my 30 free days an in not gonna bother looging in until this is fixed, due to my work only thing i can do is PvP and unless this is fixed proberly i.e roll back and soemthing put in place to stop this then guess back to wow for me



must say though seen this coming a mile away what did they really think was gonna happen when ever server or almost is Imp favored and rebpluic is like ghost towns


should have jst kept it the way it was, ok my whas crap basicaly give free loot o people but least those poor public players had a chnace


with the way it is atm you migh as well jst get rid of othe rebulic faction

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Fix this. Today's "fix" was apparently not thought through in any way, shape, or form. There is definitely fundamental problems with this, on certain servers you can see that imbalanced populations are destroying the fun we used to actually have on Ilum.


I actually have gotten to know some of the empire guilds and players on Shii-Cho through Ilum, it was awesome to have that cross faction chatting going on seeing that there is a lack of server forums. There was a lot of smack talk, I enjoyed it immensely.


The only fix I can think of would be to add the following:

  • A Bolster type buff for the underhanded faction to an exponential value depending on the number of players on the opposing faction in the Western Shelf of Ilum
  • Create a timed event whereby the all bases need to be taken over (South, North and Central) in order to take control over Ilum. Capturing these bases, on a timed scale would act much like Wintergrasp, or Tol Barad in WoW whereby winning it would be the daily. It would occur once every two hours. You get increased commendations, valor, and credits when you win compared to losing.

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We can probably expect an announcement regarding the 1.1 Patch and Ilum situation by day's end if not then tomo. A basic "We f**ked up and we know it. Here's what we're going to do to fix it" letter.


If that doesnt happen in that time frame.. BW can will probably be looking at one of the largest drop offs in subs, in MMO history.


Add that to your guiness book of world records BW

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Possible fix...


Single respawn citadel with insta-kill turrets and no access to spawn point.

Speeders at points throughout the map allowing quick return to the action.

If camped at spawn (below the raised area) then take a speeder to one of the many locations (they can't all be camped at once).


LOTRO had similar number issues and their fix at least gives folks a good chance of getting out to prowl while severely outnumbered.

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How come no one is exploiting for valor on my server ?




Was 70vs130, but looks like everyone got bored and went home. Can't imagine Imperials leaving though when they can exploit turrerts for insane amount of valor. OH WAIT! That was just some stupid rumor that isnt true!

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I'm truly sadened by the Ilum changes. I played so many Warzones to achieve my title and was pretty proud I managed to make it to rank 55 on a server that was so dominated by the other faction. Now today when I log in and go to Ilum for my daily theres a zerg going on at the enemy base and people I'm absolutely certain were way below me in rank are Battlemasters today. How I do not know but it's the perverbial straw that broke the camels back.


I wish you all the best of luck and happiness. :(

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