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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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What's there to discuss? How much you (Bioware) just borked your game? We did that before you implemented this abortion, and you put it out anyway.


The only thing left in the discussion is for Bioware to say "Yeah, you guys were right, we're rolling this back until we can figure out what pvp is."

Edited by Kjetl
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"But go ahead, freak out and scream bloody murder. We all know Bioware is the ONLY developer to have a messy patch come out EVER in existence, rite guiz?"


i saw this from the last thread... he is right... lol... <3

Edited by Ralom-Enoco
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Do killing turrets actually give Valor? If so, prove it.


I have to say I actually went home for lunch today just see this crazy stuff first hand. I did not notice getting Valor for Killing a turret but it could have been lag. I was getting a lot of valor for killing players though. Fatman server has at least an active Rep side (yes they outnumbered)


In 30mins of play time I went from mid 43 to low 44 Valor ranking. Even if you take the turrent's out this will be how people farm Valor from now on not WZ.

Edited by pixelelement
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Wow, just wow. I cannot believe my fellow players. I know forums are often just good places to vent and heck I've been in most mmorpgs US side since 2000. Is all this helping fix things and making the community better, cohesive, consolidated on its issues and what it wants from the game?


What is Bioware doing, they are doing an mmorpg. PVP is not the centerpoint of the game, it is a detailed side component. Its going to wait in line ALWAYS with all the other components of the game that have to be addressed, improved and supported. Space combat, questing, pvp, mechanics, graphics, content, balance, flashpoints they all get a piece of the pie. Fine, if you can't take that go back to a true pvp game. Why make it unpleasant for yourself?


Bioware is being extremely responsive with bug fixes and customer service and has been doing a ridiculously over the top job of trying to put in new content its first month of going live when almost every other game out there used the first few months just to stabilize the servers so you can play it. Are they yours or my bugfixes? Maybe not, or maybe not yet but I think you'll get a lot more with honey then vinegar there. Although BW people are probably all severely sleep deprived.


The fact that they've already responded to the complaints should be lauded. You dont want to pay them money, just take it and go.

People who are seriously complaining that it took them a whole week of grinding something to get a title or armor or anything really that is now being exploited?


You have NO concept of investing real time for something yet. A week is nothing. You either have the attention spans of mayflies, are young or perhaps an attention disorder or something because grinding anything for a week only would probably get you laughed out of any game experience where people work for something, heck real world too. If you're just young or have a disorder all I can say is, you haven't perspective yet. You'll get it some day and you'll look embarrassed before yelling at the kids to get off the lawn. When you work on something for a year or heck I'll give you months to get that rare title or piece of equipment, or a car then you'll have something to get pissy over or better yet to be proud of.


Am I going to qq because I go to a gym for a week every day and don't have a body like a champion body builder? yeah that makes sense. Now people like instant gratification, I get that, we're a consumeristic materialistic, self-centered society and we pay money to have other people entertain us. But we're still sharing the sand box and the sandbox is complicated. And quite frankly the sand box is BETTER if we all work together to make it more fun. If we all entertain each other we'll definitely be getting our monies worth.


Invest some real time in something additionally worthwhile, try roleplaying, or writing, or trying all the questing options or do something else while BW cleans up their mess. I'm not arguing they dont' make messes, its going to be inevitable. Mmropgs always have one foot in the beta box.


Sheesh, less stress is just going to help the situation. Collect data and send that in, or take a break and get an arrow in your knee.


Another long rant from a hardcore PvE:er that thinks all the MMO's are PvE games only. Go and hide out in your operation you AI farmer. Rofl

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I really don't see that bioware has much of a choice...



If they don't roll back valor, then they have to leave the turrent in. Which means EVERYBODY gets battlemaster rank in a week and snags up the gear, making it the new lowest standard with the easiest method to obtain. In essence, rank 3 pvp gear becomes the new greens. So then bioware has to buff everything else, or nerf the hell out of PVP gear.


And again for the slow kids... the turrets don't give valor, you were trolled.

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Wow this thread is growing faster than I can read it amazing how bent people get when things don't go exactly perfect.


People make mistakes I'm not going to quit playing a game I enjoy because they made a mistake I am pretty sure they realize by now they messed up all they need to do is see how fast this thread is growing.


They will fix it give them some time and if you feel so strongly that you feel you need to quit playing because of this patch than maybe you need to find something less stressful to do with your free time and your couple bucks a month.

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Listen idiot. There is a thing called the "Public Test Server." It actually has a forum dedicated all to it! Who would ahve thought?


Anyways, read that forum! You will see people have been saying this since the Test Server has been up with the 1.1 patch.


Totally. Bioware is simply ignoring feedback.

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My PvP guild of 40 people is not impressed at all with this patch.


Make it so everyone can kill everyone, anywhere in the game.


Make it so people drop credits, and if they don't got credit they drop gear.


Make it so we can build bases.


PVP servers and areas are flagged as PvP areas for a reason. Stop the candy *** ****, and let us fight, grief, loot and swear at each other.



BTW, roll this candy *** crap back. I wasted 2 weeks grinding up to 48 valor.... not even 60 yet... and you're telling me everyone who didn't have to work today is already at 65 valor?

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Hello I'd like to report a bug introduced in 1.1:


I noticed all the Imperial NPCs in Ilum's Republic base, but I can't find the quest to start the chain where I take it back for Republic. I think it's a bug from the patch. I don't think my nuclear bomb is spawning or something.



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Wow, just wow. I cannot believe my fellow players. I know forums are often just good places to vent and heck I've been in most mmorpgs US side since 2000. Is all this helping fix things and making the community better, cohesive, consolidated on its issues and what it wants from the game?


What is Bioware doing, they are doing an mmorpg. PVP is not the centerpoint of the game, it is a detailed side component. Its going to wait in line ALWAYS with all the other components of the game that have to be addressed, improved and supported. Space combat, questing, pvp, mechanics, graphics, content, balance, flashpoints they all get a piece of the pie. Fine, if you can't take that go back to a true pvp game. Why make it unpleasant for yourself?


Bioware is being extremely responsive with bug fixes and customer service and has been doing a ridiculously over the top job of trying to put in new content its first month of going live when almost every other game out there used the first few months just to stabilize the servers so you can play it. Are they yours or my bugfixes? Maybe not, or maybe not yet but I think you'll get a lot more with honey then vinegar there. Although BW people are probably all severely sleep deprived.


The fact that they've already responded to the complaints should be lauded. You dont want to pay them money, just take it and go.

People who are seriously complaining that it took them a whole week of grinding something to get a title or armor or anything really that is now being exploited?


You have NO concept of investing real time for something yet. A week is nothing. You either have the attention spans of mayflies, are young or perhaps an attention disorder or something because grinding anything for a week only would probably get you laughed out of any game experience where people work for something, heck real world too. If you're just young or have a disorder all I can say is, you haven't perspective yet. You'll get it some day and you'll look embarrassed before yelling at the kids to get off the lawn. When you work on something for a year or heck I'll give you months to get that rare title or piece of equipment, or a car then you'll have something to get pissy over or better yet to be proud of.


Am I going to qq because I go to a gym for a week every day and don't have a body like a champion body builder? yeah that makes sense. Now people like instant gratification, I get that, we're a consumeristic materialistic, self-centered society and we pay money to have other people entertain us. But we're still sharing the sand box and the sandbox is complicated. And quite frankly the sand box is BETTER if we all work together to make it more fun. If we all entertain each other we'll definitely be getting our monies worth.


Invest some real time in something additionally worthwhile, try roleplaying, or writing, or trying all the questing options or do something else while BW cleans up their mess. I'm not arguing they dont' make messes, its going to be inevitable. Mmropgs always have one foot in the beta box.


Sheesh, less stress is just going to help the situation. Collect data and send that in, or take a break and get an arrow in your knee.


Nobody is in the mood to listen to your boot licking today. Maybe tomorrow.

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i got one thing to say......


Dear Bioware


Do you know how to make MMO's ?

Do you know what a Glitch or Bug is ?

Do you know what class balance is ?




The answer to all these questions is NOPE, they have no clue how to make a MMO, there only option is to keep feeding us more free play, which they did to me. to keep my satisfied, well big F U.

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I have to say I actually went home for lunch today just see this crazy stuff first hand. I did not notice getting Valor for Killing a turret but it could have been lag. I was getting a lot of valor for killing players though. Fatman server has at least an active Rep side (yes they outnumbered)


In 30mins of play time I went from mid 43 to low 44 Valor ranking. Even if you take the turrent's out this will be how farm Valor for now on, not WZ.


From another post.


Originally Posted by Gvaz
Killing Turrets only give valor to those who control Ilum.
Good luck republic 

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