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Worst 1.1 patch ever?


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I don't know where people pull this "$500 million" development cost from.


Dang, I went to look up the cost on Wikipedia and forgot about the blackout... but the number is more about 2 or 3, not 5. Expensive still, but not as outrageously high as people keep claiming.


Someone posted some article alluding to the idea that SWTOR cost half a billion dollars to make.



Some morons took it as absolute truth.



You know, like when EA Louse came out and said it was 300m and then THAT was debunked too?



Same scenario.

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You know I really enjoyed playing this game, I played through the glitches, the ability delay, but even I can't come to BW's defense with how ****ed they made Ilum.


There are Empire on my server farming Valor at an insane rate as I write this. The faction imbalance means that there are at least 3 Imp 50s for every 1 Pub, and now they're going to be in full Battlemasters while most of us can't even get INTO Ilum without being spawncamped?



Watching BW's next move very carefully.

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I don't know where people pull this "$500 million" development cost from.


Dang, I went to look up the cost on Wikipedia and forgot about the blackout... but the number is more about 2 or 3, not 5. Expensive still, but not as outrageously high as people keep claiming.


the price has been estimated to be somewhere between 80 and 500 million depending on what site you go to

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Patch 1.1 released causes more problems than it fixes and flat out breaks PvP.


i know many PvPers and guildies who unsubed today me being one of them because of the sloppy job Bioware has pulled off.


So who else has unsubbed today and why?


If a patch breaks a game more is it still considered a patch?

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Tabula Rasa and the Matrix Online would like a word with you.


lol yep, plus he's disregarding the fact that it's been


1. The smoothest launch ever for any MMO I've played, and that's A LOT.

2. the fastest growing MMO ever.

3. Sold the most copies of a newly launched MMO EVER.


Crash and burn?



No yet.



Even if they lost 3/4ths of their player base after the 1st month they still have enough to make the game profit.

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I don't know where people pull this "$500 million" development cost from.

A few weeks ago the number being postd on here was $100 million. Then $125M. $150M. $200M. $300M.


That number is going to keep growing because people like exaggerating, and pretty soon the number will be so big Bioware could have built an actual Death Star for the same money people will claim this game cost to make.

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Hello all,


We do appreciate and encourage constructive feedback of all kinds, both positive and negative. There are a couple of threads we have that are great places to give your thoughts and opinions on bugs and suggestions of features you would like to see in game. We are going to close this thread and encourage you to add your constructive feedback to one of the following threads:


The Ultimate Bug List

The Suggestion Compilation


Also, please see the following post relating directly to the PvP issues:


Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Potential Issues Discussion


Thank you for understanding!


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