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Why Bioware should fear Guild Wars 2


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First of all why am I unsub SWTOR and move to GW2 is that SWTOR graphic engine is ******* CRAP (!!!) . SWTOR is OK for PvE, but 1-5 fps for PvP... who are all of those testers and developers? Where did they find so BAD engine?!


Its obvious you cant compare the 2. Guildwars is based on end game pvp with experience in making pvp games. Bioware makes cool games but I dont think they have much experience at all in making pvp games. They have a bunch of pve game makers trying to make a pvp end game, it aint happening

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Its obvious you cant compare the 2. Guildwars is based on end game pvp with experience in making pvp games. Bioware makes cool games but I dont think they have much experience at all in making pvp games. They have a bunch of pve game makers trying to make a pvp end game, it aint happening

So they have huge budget and can't find professionals? Funny.

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So they have huge budget and can't find professionals? Funny.


Are there professionals to get ? How many successful MMO PvP teams are around for hire ? And what successful MMO PvP games did they do in the past ?


So you are in a battle, then you have to play around changing the abilities to suit the situation you are in? Really? I want all my buttons or at least the ones Il be using on my bars. Guess I just don't get the system and will have to play to find out more.


Imagine them as stances ... elementalist for example has fire/air/water/earth attunement(stance). In each stance he can select 5 spells to use. Plus he has antoher 5 spells that are shared among all stances (don't change when you switch stance).

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It's being designed with pvp in mind from the ground up. It's going to forgo treating pvp content as secondary and as a gear grind. Instead, it's attempting to legitimize itself as an e-sport while keeping an even focus on both play styles (pve vs pvp). On top of that, the diversity in content types within pvp? Unmatched by WoW and ToR. Depth? Heads and shoulders above the competition. And this is without even touching on any of the innovation.



It will effectively steal every self respecting pvpr from TOR. Perhaps a few will stay to play with friends, but I feel the majority will leave en masse. This means the Bioware pvp dev team will have a considerably easier job than what they have now because the demand for quality pvp content with depth and variety will all but cease to exist.


They'll lose out on the subscription base that primarily pvps simply because another game is going to do it so much better...and it's a damn shame. Because Star Wars is awesome. Not the game, the IP. The potential for pvp in this game is still immense and untapped but I don't think that matters at this point...


It just wasn't built with serious pvp players in mind, and for that reason it will hemorrhage a large chunk of that player base unless the dev's make drastic changes.


I'm not saying this game is going to fail or that it will without pvp players, but it will suffer for its own incompetence in pvp development.


Spent the last hour and a half reading this:



How is this not every pvpr's wet dream? Sounds like all you DAoC nuts get your lols back.


I don't work for GW2 (I'm a film student/pvp nut), just calling it how i see it.

This pvp forum will be a shell of its former self once GW2 drops. Maybe thats a good thing.


Simple solution to the problem, if Guild Wars 2 succeeds, and it has a very good chance of doing so, all Bioware has to do is make the PvP more like GW2, problem solved.

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Oddly, the only MMO that I found that "Did PvP right" was EVE Online. But, then again, MMO's as a whole aren't made FOR PvP, only specific ones are. The rest just have it as a part. And it's true that because of that the few who have catered to PvPers have done extremely well.


But, I don't think a game (any game) should be judged by its PvP unless the creators specifically say it's all about the PvP.


That is not putting down those who are disappointed with PvP in TOR. I agree with you - it should be better. I'm just against the "TOR will fail because of PvP!" crowd.


The interesting fact is that because this is Star Wars, all BioWare has to do is survive. You may think of it as a 'crap game' now, but so long as they make enough to survive and improve... The game will still draw most of the people it lost back with time.

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Are there professionals to get ? How many successful MMO PvP teams are around for hire ? And what successful MMO PvP games did they do in the past ?

The conversation is not about MMO PvP, but about horrible graphics engine! They could not hire experts from ID software, Bethesda, Epic Games or something like that?

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The conversation is not about MMO PvP, but about horrible graphics engine! They could not hire experts from ID software, Bethesda, Epic Games or something like that?


I think when they picked the engine it looked like a good option :)

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So you are in a battle, then you have to play around changing the abilities to suit the situation you are in? Really? I want all my buttons or at least the ones Il be using on my bars. Guess I just don't get the system and will have to play to find out more.


NO you have around 40 abilities, you choose the 15 you want in the situation you are about to enter (10 on your tool bar and an extra 5 through weapon swap). I understand this does not sound a lot, but then how many abilities do player use normally ? It tends to be a lot less than we like to think, for example on my OP I use


Kolt inf

Kolt probe

surgical probe

Toxin scan

stim boost


tactical advantage

nano tech

flash bang



cloaking screen



so 12 abilities I use a lot - most classes are the same, we have lots of abilities but often find we do not use a lot of them, or use them as we are somehow felt forced to use them because we were kindly given them in the first place.

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World pvp- so guys, which world is the champion of the world pvp?


Oh, that's world X.


OK, rolling on that server.




GW2 fanbois always make me laugh- the game's setting itself up to break itself. The instanced pvp looks like WAR, the dynamic events are copied from WAR's PQs directly.



Welcome to Guild WARs 2, enjoy the instanced world pvp.


Well I hope you learn to like them because Bioware have proudly proclaimed that they have Mythic employees producing them for SWTOR - Bioware think it will be a good addition to the game, seems you disagree

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The conversation is not about MMO PvP, but about horrible graphics engine! They could not hire experts from ID software, Bethesda, Epic Games or something like that?


... did you just say... Bethesda for good graphics?


Sorry, I'm going to go laugh myself to death, because that's the most hilarious thing I've heard, especially considering this game started development years before Skyrim.

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... did you just say... Bethesda for good graphics?


Sorry, I'm going to go laugh myself to death, because that's the most hilarious thing I've heard, especially considering this game started development years before Skyrim.


His point is that star wars graphic is horrible.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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... did you just say... Bethesda for good graphics?


Sorry, I'm going to go laugh myself to death, because that's the most hilarious thing I've heard, especially considering this game started development years before Skyrim.

Oh... really? And whats so funny for you? SWTOR graphic engine is total crap! I'm speaking not about visuals, but about performance. Some numbers on my system. SWTOR: GPU usage 50%, graph.mem usage 30%, 20-30 fps WZ, 1-10 fps yesterday fight on Ilum (40 on 40 ppl). Skyrim: GPU usage 100%, graph.mem usage 80%, 30-80 fps anywhere.

SWTOR doesn't use graphic card at all.

Edited by Sobakozoid
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Plenty of time for BioWare/EA to steal idea's.....hell Blizzard is already stealing ideas from GW2.


Today's patch was bad...really bad...but it isn't any worse than Tol Barad was at Cata's launch. Or how patches in other games (including WoW) have actually broken the game far worse (in WoW alone I had patches that killed my server for a whole day, patches that made me "lose" all my PvP rating, or my gear so on and so far forth).


It happens, for a first major patch with new content BEFORE subscriptions start? It isn't overly bad to be honest, there are a lot of people exaggerating on here, yeah I got valor really fast for an hour or two, before it became slow because of lack of kills /hotfix to DR on valor...no one grinded battlemaster in a day, there may have been a period that would put them on pace to have, but no one actually sustained that for any period of time.


Guild Wars 2 is also capable of failures on a technical level.....did you see any technical hiccups on the builds shown of TOR at game shows? no, in fact their "show" builds played better in some cases.


The only thing BioWare has to fear right now is themselves, their failure/success is going to depend entirely on the March patch yet (guess what of course these forums will blow up everytime something goes wrong, the results/ratio of unhappy players is skewed, most players don't use forums, and the ones without problems aren't going to be whinging or looking at them are they? They'll be playing) BioWare had an exceptional launch, and most servers at peak are still heavy, with a few at Standard/Very Heavy and a couple at Full.....I don't see any Light at peak hours.


If BioWare can't figure out things like: ability delay, performance/optimization (dear god fix your code BioWare), customizable UI and the like by March....THAN they should worry, but worry about themselves, not what some other company is doing in a year or more.

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Well I hope you learn to like them because Bioware have proudly proclaimed that they have Mythic employees producing them for SWTOR - Bioware think it will be a good addition to the game, seems you disagree


I have no problem with PQs- they were the only half decent pve thing in WAR. That they are acting like they're doing something brand new- when in fact it is just PQs... but with a twist! Just like Rifts were PQs... with a twist!


And of course TOR will have PQs... with a twist! What tires me is when they act like it's an innovation that is enough to sell their pve system- which, they must think so as it's the only thing we know more than two sentences about GW2 pve content- for a game that should be out this year.


I think they have a better chance selling though if they push the 'scantily clad women' thing they have going- let's face it, the game is free to play after buying, and with most 4-6 hour story games coming out at 60 bucks, buying GW2 at 60 bucks isn't really an issue as, unless it's unbelievably bad- it should get more than 6 hours gameplay from anyone.

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If you wanna do well in pvp in GW2 with the whole dodging system in place youll need the same or better connection then your oponent and thats why it might get alot of people angry in my opinion. besides that i can care if swtor maybe lowered there GCD by .5 seconds and actually implamented arenas i think it has a shot to atleast get in some people that pve and pvp like me that just pvp when were not doing operations or sometin. I also agree with the person that said you dont spend 300 million dollars on story but i actually dont think they spent anywhere near that much probably more like 100+ million on advertising if it was that much and i still HIGHLY doubt that. also patch 1.1 sucked it really did and the errors that some people are getting is rediculous but alot of times people are being lazy and not rebooting there system or checking there ports before they jump here make a post and then it works for them an hour or 2 later... With that being said i enjoy the new ilum they made except for the crazy lag you get when ur in a group of 25 stomping people but they actually made ilum a warzone now. Anyways In conclusion i think that if swtor made a few big updates to pvp it does have a shot. GW2 at this stage is just all talk sure there videos look fancy but if you look closer its just new things wich is great but new things are always glitchy / buggy at first until they fix it so people who are ************ here will ***** the same there.
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IMO, what it comes down to is if you're a Star wars fan that enjoys this particular franchise.


I really don't think BW and EA should rely on the IP so much because this is first a game, then a SW product.


Players will stay around for years if it's a solid and fun game even if they cared nuts about SW; however, the die-hard SW fans won't last many months if the gameplay is choppy and inconsistent.


This is a MMORPG; everything else is just fluff if the game doesn't work well.

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Realm vs Realm, putting out the call to battle in every zone and having 300+ people show up to defend the frontier from the other faction. DaoC were the days of real MMO PvP.


GW2 is bringing back RvR with a vengeance, where 2 separate servers fight over a zone both servers share, with up to 200 people taking part in full siege warfare with destructable environments and everything in play from rooftops to sewers. Sounds too good to be true? Go to their website and check it out.


There is also going to be Sims-style player housing for you carebears.

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