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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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Just dropped my sub from 6 to 1 month. From the video, and the various threads this game may not be alive for even that long , at least not for a fairly casual republic side pvp player hoping for fun and fair pvp when he finally gets to 50. That is seriously shocking incompetence.
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I agree with this, so much to do in-game.


But the key ones I like to do involve combat like questing, FPs, and PvP. However due to the combat issues they are having it's barely manageable for myself as I'm such a purist. Combat at low levels are fine because the delay of a few seconds don't matter at those levels. But the higher you go the more those seconds count and are more noticeable to the problem with their delay issues.

I have no issue with bringing problems to the attention of the devs. I'm not having much ability delay, but I do recognize there's an issue with it, and even BW has acknowledged the problem and is trying to fix it (see the Dev tracker on it). I totally get that part--problems don't get fixed unless BW knows about it. I've asked about customizable UI features because I have Old Fart eyes, and I could really use some bigger elements. And more skill bars on the bottom of the screen where my bifocals are.


However, stomping our feet and screaming "FIX IT NAO" like my daughter used to try to do when she was a toddler really annoys me, and is completely non-productive. I'm not going to quit the game just because I don't have 5 skill bars in 20 point font at the bottom of my screen. I adjust as needed until they can make the adjustments.


Everyone needs to remember that sometimes what BW thinks is going to work doesn't work out in actuality. This update MAY be one of those cases. I can't tell you how many times I thought doing something in, say, cooking, would work, only to have the dish come out different than I expected. What happens in theory and what happens in Real Life are two different things.


Also, it's not going to get fixed in 3 nanoseconds. Would you like your doctor to rush through diagnosing you? Would you like your dentist to rush through a filling and give you a bad one? Do you scream at them if they take their time to try to get it right? No? OK, then. Please, everyone, cut BioWare some slack, too. Let them identify the problems, look at the solutions, and go from there.

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The game is how old? And this is their first patch? Lol, lighten up guys. BioWare has never let us down before in their game making history. So let's keep it up for a bit. This is their first MMO and they could have just been aholes and not have released the game yet at all. They will get the stuff sorted out. They are learning and if they don't, we will just dump em like our old ex: StarWars Galaxies.


We are important to them, they need us to survive, they will conform, won't you BioWare ^_^??? Don't fire your interns in charge of the PvP just yet, but slap em around a bit for us and fix the game please :)


Do you think this is excuse they will give thier investors when they see hundreds of thousands of players cancelling subs?


"Its our first mmo..?"



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Also, it's not going to get fixed in 3 nanoseconds. Would you like your doctor to rush through diagnosing you? Would you like your dentist to rush through a filling and give you a bad one? Do you scream at them if they take their time to try to get it right? No? OK, then. Please, everyone, cut BioWare some slack, too. Let them identify the problems, look at the solutions, and go from there.


1. Unlike your kids, we are all in this relationship by choice and, unlike you as mother to your kids, bioware is answerable to us. Most of us would prefer to stay, but the product has to be acceptable.


2. Watch the videos or check out the pvp forums. Ilum is completely broken beyond any reasonable debate. It is broken beyond the most unreasonable fanboi debate. And it is broken in such a way that every second it stays up, pvp imbalance is exacerbated further and further. In other words, if BW doesn't take it down now, the problem is not going to be fixable, at least not from the perspective of many players who care about pvp and its rewards. Taking it down is drastic, but doable, and it appears to be the only solution. Probably some people need to lose their jobs or be reassigned as well, as typically happens in the grownup world when people royally screw stuff up.

Edited by dtongwa
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Above is the article on the 1.1 patch, my post was deleted and people pointed here.


Sweeping under carpet seems the general working practice of the mod here.


Ok, I ranked up from 42-54 today in about 4 hours, this is insane.


I will be able to pop my lvl 60 epic bags and have a distinct advantage over the underpopulated rebels. The only fair option I can see is a rollback but that would be a shizstorm itself.


I cannot imagine how bad it must be to be a rebel under the attack the Empire brought tonight on the tomb of fredon nadd, it was a slaughter.


100+ players AOE bombing your spawn and turrets for never ending valor.

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I just want to highlight some issues I and my guildies have experienced since the patch.


Crew skills - no item given on crafting, skill gain recieved but no item and error message, eg Biochem skill not listed.


Superior amounts of lag as never experienced before.


Stuck on a quest unable to leave (ticket logged).


Shuttles not working, only way to leave planet is by fleet pass.


Companions not working, not loading, not drawing properly.


Graphics in conversations missing holoprojector images.


Kicked out of warzones.


Just highlighting so they can be fixed :) Also would appreciate my ticketed toon being moved asap as cannot play her at all atm.


Thanks :)

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Ever since this update, my screen resolution has been drastically reduced. When I try to change it in the resolution tab in the preferences window, there is an empty drop down box. Why am I now unable to change my screen resolution now?




Same issue here and it plays worse at the lowered resolution, can't set game to the native resolution of my monitor 1280 by 1024 my game is now just a fuzzy mess. No option to change refresh rate also, just cancelled my sub not going to even consider re-upping until fixed.

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What a riot, hey smart guy, maybe fix the content you have released already that people cant play ( and are cancelling their subscriptions as a result of ), Before rushing to release new content.


PVP issues, Lag issues , Space Combat issues, Input lag/load screen issues, Authenticator issues. P!ss poor customer service, etc etc this list could go on all day


Try fixing the Current Content, and make it playable for your Entire Customer Base ( which is about to be drastically reduced ) Before adding new content for the fringe.


Oh and that comment about only lower end pc's having lag issues? what a joke.



Bottom Line : Bioware was no where near prepared to enter the MMO market.


George Lucas gonna sue somebody

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Just logged in for the first time since the patch and within 15 seconds the game DCs and sends me back to the character selection screen. This is absurd. Great job adding new content, but its useless if the game is suddenly unstable.
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However, stomping our feet and screaming "FIX IT NAO" like my daughter used to try to do when she was a toddler really annoys me, and is completely non-productive. I'm not going to quit the game just because I don't have 5 skill bars in 20 point font at the bottom of my screen. I adjust as needed until they can make the adjustments....


Also, it's not going to get fixed in 3 nanoseconds. Would you like your doctor to rush through diagnosing you? Would you like your dentist to rush through a filling and give you a bad one? Do you scream at them if they take their time to try to get it right? No? OK, then. Please, everyone, cut BioWare some slack, too. Let them identify the problems, look at the solutions, and go from there.


@ JaeOnasi,


Well put.


I have a toddler, and I think she'd handle challenges more maturely than many *cough* adults *cough*.


BW delivers a massive content patch one month post launch, and signals intent to keep content coming in March and month after month. What people are screaming for.


They're response... let's look back at the post.


It's like giving a kid a chocolate chip ice cream and they scream:


"But there's not ENUFF CHOCOLATE! Its the WRONG chocolate! I HATE YOU! YOU NEVER GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!!!!"


Stamps feet and holds breath.


  • We got content!
  • Ilum has a problem, here is my constructive criticism and what needs to be fixed



NOTE: I'm not a rabid fanboi, I see there are issues to be fixed. But I recognise an MMO is a complex machine to build and manage. Again, before you say I'm sweeping under carpet, I see there are problems to be fixed.


Any experienced MMO player will tell you there is no such thing as perfection. In WoW, we had win trading in Tol Barad until fixed. In RIFT, Rogues were OP for a period, but it was fixed.


Go back to the WoW forums in 2004/5 and read the "Your game is broken!" and "It fails" and "I will never play this again!" posts (often made by very same ones who resub year after year). Look at any MMO forum and the same patterns can be seen.


Ask your self: how many MMOs have not had this problem.




Moral of the story: a hot fix will come.



The angry customer parable


Look at it this way.


You buy a TV, it has a problem.


How do you react?


Do you take it back to the store, scream at the staff, threaten to NEVER watch TV again and then go into an online forum and scream (that is UPPER CASE TYPE) you'll never watch TV again. You then walk down the street, screaming TV is broken and no-one else in the universe but YOU have a clue? Come to think of it, you could make a better TV than anyone!


What do you call those kind of angry, bitter customers in RL?


Who here has been on the receiving end of an angry customer who screams abuse? How many people stop paying attention to the angry, bitter customers?


Put your self on the other side of this dynamic, and ask yourself: how do I look to others?

Edited by Paralassa
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Every time the client needs to download something or this patch in particular it ends with an error and then I have to repair it, which takes about as long as it does to download the whole damm game. *** is up with that. I've been restarting the computer logging in, download, repair, download repair for 5 hours now!!! Fix that!
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I'm already thrilled with the game, and hearing that there will becontinuous new content,not only in terms of flashpoints, but also to the single player stories and with the addition of new companions...I justcouldn't be happier. That's great to hear! I don't usually come to the forums anymore since people are so uncaring of spoiling and because it's such a flail-fest, but I'm glad\i looked in long enough to read of your plans. Edited by errant_knight
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I'm already thrilled with the game, and hearing that there will becontinuous new content,not only in terms of flashpoints, but also to the single player stories and with the addition of new companions...I justcouldn't be happier. That's great to hear!




Some bugs to fix, but overall - right direction.

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The game is how old? And this is their first patch? Lol, lighten up guys. BioWare has never let us down before in their game making history. So let's keep it up for a bit. This is their first MMO and they could have just been aholes and not have released the game yet at all. They will get the stuff sorted out. They are learning and if they don't, we will just dump em like our old ex: StarWars Galaxies.


We are important to them, they need us to survive, they will conform, won't you BioWare ^_^??? Don't fire your interns in charge of the PvP just yet, but slap em around a bit for us and fix the game please :)


yes m8, i understand how important is bug-free storyline, but all other content (hi lvl) is very important too.

its simple rule, if you cant give quality service and quickly fix critical bugs, you lost peple, their money and most sorrowfully their confidence


i only hope for hotfixes asap

Edited by Akermann
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I'm already thrilled with the game, and hearing that there will becontinuous new content,not only in terms of flashpoints, but also to the single player stories and with the addition of new companions...I justcouldn't be happier. That's great to hear!


I thought the bioware employees had their own forums?

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