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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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I know it's a minor problem, but since the patch was released, my mid-30s level Trooper's armour has become glichty and, how to put this.... Somewhat stretchy. If you're confused by my statement, just buy some cheap Trooper armour (such as Battle, Elite Vanguard, Elite Commando, and several others) and watch the powerpack on the back as you move. I feel as if this problem could be easily fixed, and would be very grateful if you guys would make it so. Thanks.
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I successfully updated to 1.1 today and was reading the patch notes. It indicated that the companion conversation bugs had been resolved.


I tried talking to my companions on both my trooper and jedi knight. At times, the indicator showing that your companion wished to speak with you would appear, yet I could not initiate a conversation with companions.


Just wondering if there is any follow up to this. Perhaps I missed something.

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I disagree that one gets to break something, and then pat themselves on the back when they fix it.


They're not. I'd be high tailing it too if I put out bugs like these. Of course I might've tested my product before putting it out too, but it's too late for that :p But I appreciate their urgency to get fixes out since my game currently doesn't open lol. If all goes well I'll be able to log on when I get home from work tomorrow evening :)

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I really hate those hotheaded players abreact their emotions to the community.


From what I'm seeing are those hardcore 24/7 lvl 50 level players whining about Ilum' PVP.


I do PVP alot, and luckily I'm only level 32. I dont see any problem yet... ;)


If u r going to cancel ur subscription so be it, it will bring banlence to the force. :D

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Thank you bioware.


My FPS is now even worse after this patch and I didn't think that was possible.


You somehow managed to make the UI worse with your inane change to cooldowns, it's not fun trying to guess when something is ready and only missing that last tiny bit when you're already trying to work around ability lag.


Oh and you still haven't managed to put one dent in that problem either, any inside location and trying to click attacks is still like swimming through jello.


As for pvp I'm glad I hate it or I'd probably be even more irritated, keep up the good work! [/sarcasm]

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I think this post says it very well. They are producing a high caliber product but have to give them time to work the kinks out........I don't understand why people are so quick to jump ship and give up on this it is a month out of release, of course there are going to be buged and have some issues but at least give the dev team the time to address all the issues. Things can't be fixed over night.



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I want to touch on the "performance improvements" that are mentioned in the patch notes. Where exactly are they? Since this patch I have had to turn my graphics settings to low or off (for some options) to make the game playable (don't ask "what video card to you have?" because that is moot, I had everything maxed and was running a frame rate between 60 and 78 before this patch, then suddenly I was down in the low 20's). But, it really isn't playable because there is a constant flicker, the screen randomly blacks out now, and it looks like garbage on the low settings.


The thing is, it's not just me, I talked to others in general chat and they were having the same problems. So, Bioware, please fix this problem.

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It's not only on Ilum, my guild has been trying to do the Belsavis world boss and we just get outnumbered 1 v 3 every time by imperials. There is a huge population imbalance that makes the game unplayable. Not to mention the random loading screens and glitchy bosses; the game's in a worse state than it was in before. Oh yeah, not to mention all the imperials are valor 60 with battlemaster gear because of the little ilum fiasco, so we don't even stand a chance in PvP. I request a rollback on their valor to before 1.1 or the game will be unplayable for the foreseeable future.
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Anyone feeling that first major patch of Age of Conan all over again?


Seriously this is what you tell us after stealth nerfs/changes and you haven't fixed major bugs that have been in the game since beta, a month into release?!


And here I thought I had stopped paying Blizzard back in November.

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CLEARLY the people not willing to pay 15 a month for a game that lags to the point where most, if not all of the endgame content is nigh unplayable for them are the stupid ones.


Raids lag like hell, warzones lag worse.


I have no doubt that they are working on getting it fixed. I have no doubt it will be fixed. I sure as hell wont wait around for it and pay a sub to level alts in the meantime.


For every troll whiner, or even legitimate whistleblower trying to spotlight the games MAJOR issues on this forum, there is a blind, bioware-white-knight playing the game with mommy's money, trying to debunk all the legit issues. One is just annoying and the other is actually trying to muddle the troubleshooting process for the many people with these legit problems. They do this for what reason? To verbally back up a multi million dollar studio that will be just fine with or without their support? smh... Go play the game you love so much!


I loved this game while leveling and was anticipating it for YEARS, but I'm not going to pay a subscription to wait on fixes that don't even have a real timetable yet. That is true stupidity. When it's fixed I'll most likely give the game another chance.

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Also I'd like to know why Troopers were the only class not to get some bug fixes in this patch despite having several blatently bugged abilities who's code/procedures could be carbon copied from the BH code to fix at least two of our issues instantly?


And exactly what buggs to u have? Havn't had any yet and I don' t think Trooper needs any fixes at all. U dramaqueens here who' s saying that you'r going to cancel subs do it so we get rid of the re*ards. Game is doing fine and so far it has handel buggs etc very well. One of the best launches I've ever seen so far.


Keep up the good work!!! Can' t wait to see what future brings

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Bioware a possible suggestion to fix this imbalance on ilum, first things first server reroll to before patch 1.1 so empire doesn't just face roll to valor 100 in 1 day? Secondly if u want to use illum as a world pvp then make it a warzone but world warzone.. 1 possible suggestion is to make cross server queues, or even same server queue, eg. 40vs40 battlegroup to fix this imbalance issue or something along those lines. Implement an objective for both teams, an eg would be the control of ilum , the team that makes it to otherside and downs the opposing turrets wins, or u can impliment a boss at the bases n kill him that would actually be exciting n competitive since isn't that what's pvp's about? This suggestion by far is better then what the current state of ilum is at. This would make ilum fun to play N enjoyable!
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And exactly what buggs to u have? Havn't had any yet and I don' t think Trooper needs any fixes at all. U dramaqueens here who' s saying that you'r going to cancel subs do it so we get rid of the re*ards. Game is doing fine and so far it has handel buggs etc very well. One of the best launches I've ever seen so far.


Keep up the good work!!! Can' t wait to see what future brings


If you have'nt spotted that Mortar volley has a clear animation bug causing it to take 1-2 second to wind up and that getting any sort of dmg during a full auto channel causes the last dmg tick to vanish then you've not been paying attention to either the game or the trooper forums.


Educate yourself a bit before you say everything is hunky dory.


They told us to discuss the patch in this post, which I'm trying to do. I'm not saying everything about the patch sucked, far from it, the new instance was a blast, and very atmospheric, even if the Bonus boss is blatently overpowered (not a huge issue we just skipped it).

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Just reading the largest part of this thread I can't help but facepalm.


This game is out for one month, it's a frickin' MMO, and people can't even wait a bit to have it fixed?


The amount of vast rage is simply disrespectful to the game developers. Yes, they made mistakes, yes they will have to change it, but just like this MMO took more than 5 years to create, so too are not all things fixed in the blink of an eye damnit.


Go ahead and quit, but really, this only shows the current mindset of modern society.


Everything has to happen now now now now now now now now. 5 minutes? NO NOW, gosh darnIT FU I'M LEAVING CANCELLING SUB, QQQQ


:l really. I hate the changes too, but ***, cancelling over this is IMO childish and a pure sign of impatience.


Now people will say: I won't pay to play beta! Well, believe it or not, but if you would be playing beta this game'd already be dead. This game is good, but the developers are bit oblivious to how they should make PvP work. Apart of that? No issues, IMO.


And yes, I'd actually pay beta because I want this MMO succeed. If supporting it can make it the best game ever, then why not? I mean if you want this game to succeed you'll have to sub. If you QQ over stuff and unsub, then your voice becomes illegit very fast.

Edited by Dathran
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Just reading the largest part of this thread I can't help but facepalm.


This game is out for one month, it's a frickin' MMO, and people can't even wait a bit to have it fixed?


i agree with you. the game is fine, the whiners are all the same. qq moar.

i still hope BW will prove their ability to handle such mistakes as 1.1 valor stress test :D


just bring more fps, polish ui and class balance, random pvp loot boxes ftw, equalize crafting proffessions.. that are most painfull for me :D

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Some suggestions as you seem to have no clue what you are doing:

1. fix the many old, exisiting bugs rather than add new content (with new bugs)

2. look at other MMOs and add all the features you are missing

3. listen to your players, don't ignore them like you must have done in beta

4. get rid of those voice computers for phone support

5. don't reply with canned messages when contacting support, do humans even read it?

6. test before you push your patches on live

7. better stick with singleplayer games in the future

Edited by robutt
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Great post:


Let's look at why the deck is stacked against this game:


EA's Track Record


Warhammer was left to die. They didn't have the expertise to fix that game and when it became apparent that it couldn't be salvaged, they diverted its development team to SWTOR. The fate of SWTOR is in the same hands of the people who tried to save Warhammer, but ultimately couldn't.


James Ohlen's Attitude


James is incredibly smug and passive-aggressive. Look at the Eurogamer article that's been referenced many times on these forums.


Gabe Amatangelo Doesn't Get PvP


It's not that Ilum was poorly implemented; it was poorly designed. There's a difference. A good idea can have a poor implementation. A poor idea, regardless of its implementation, can never turn out well. Ilum's flaws demonstrate that Gabe simply doesn't understand the dynamic among player behavior, faction imbalances, and incentives.


Broken/Missing Game Systems


The fact that things like (but not limited to) unresponsive combat, static UI, and low frame rate exist post-release are horrifying. These are things that should have been identified during the game's early design phase. Since they weren't addressed in the distant past, we can only assume that James Ohlen and his team of designers didn't view them as a priority. Furthermore, it demonstrates that they simply don't "get it." And this is worrying because any fixes being implemented by a team that doesn't "get it" is likely to fail again.



Edited by Auxili
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This thread seems to be dominated by people unhappy about the endgame oRvR.


I've not reached lvl50 with any characters, so can't comment on that. I also enjoy PvE as much if not more than PvP


I was hugely pleased about adding the 50 bracket to warzones. It was great last night to find everyone jumping on, and finding a reasonably fairly balanced fight every time! so well done on that one


On the downside, as a few have mentioned, my skills are sticking now. taking 4 or 5 seconds to pop, or not at all. Which in PvP = frustrating, instant death. so hopefully that will get noticed and addressed sharpish


that's really ALL i've noticed from the patch, it was a bit of a non-event for me


for whatever they plan next, i'd seriously hope they concentrate on fixing and building on what is ALREADY there, rather than new content. I'm on the whole very happy with the game as it stands, as i think most of the non-vocal majority are. so work on things like

  • bug fixes
  • skill misfiring
  • further customization (dying armour, cosmetic changes to speeders etc)
  • turning space combat into a real co-op part of the game instead of a minigame afterthought


a couple of other related notes. the amount of downtime for the actual content patched seems excessive to date. if this is what it takes, fine. but could you at least schedule it separately for EU/US so that the EU aren't loosing so much of their subscriptions?


also, why close the site at the same time you update the game?


anyway on the whole i'd like to chip in and say well done so far. not enough people say it on the forums. just take note and work on the bugs mentioned and you will have a fantastic game

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Well i liked this game till now i thought you guys were a lilttle bit different but is like all others MMOS out there at first yeah we check everything first patch biggest fail ever like dont come out with some trash that you think will make ppl happy and in the end all they doing is complaining on how bad you guys suck llum suck balls right now pvp is a waste of time you guys should have put Ops group pvp before doing some crazy **** like this or make it cross servers or merge some dam servers so there will be more Reps oh oh oh 1 more thing about the assasssin class tank *** can you not see those dam heals every 4 seconds are useless on HM Flashpoints or Raids is waste of time not staying long after this patch already made up my mind to quit this BS and go to GW2 which im sure they taking notes of all your mistakes so they wont have the same and good luck with all your bugs and **** like Ev raid on HM no loot *** Bioware cant you not se are you blind or something you guys need to think on fixing all your bugs and stuff before coming out with new stuff like i killed my *** trying to get to rank 60 and now most of these noobs will get there in a few days **** YOU all anyways im done with this game so good luck on your failgame bioware 300 mill waste just like that.....
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