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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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Ok, I figured out my tanked FPS issue.


I'm forcing AA through my video card. With this Update, looks like AA is back in Preferences, though the tooltip says it hasn't been implemented yet, it's set to "High". I turned it off in Preferences, and voila, FPS back to 60.


Is the tooltip correct? Has it still not been implemented yet? If it actually has, I may turn off my forced AA and set it in Preferences to see.


I may do that, anyway...


All I know is, after testing the in-game AA myself, my FPS went back up to (near) what I'm used to. I noticed a very clear improvement in my computer's performance playing the game even since yesterday.

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Welcome to a launch everyone, it's going to be a bumpy ride. If you can't hack it, go back to World of Warcraft (since you clearly want SWTOR to measure up to an 8 year-old king of MMOs now that it's been a whole month since release).


True. I wish more people would realize that this is going to be an ongoing battle. Rome wasn't built in a day, and SWTOR won't be at its apex for awhile. It may be months before things iron out. Patience is needed - but patience is a virtue that not everyone possesses, sadly.

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1.1 killed my framerate too. Before patch I had pretty solid 60 fps in open area and something about 40 in buildings with average settings and 4xMSAA forced in Catalyst Control Center. Now I have 20 fps even without AA, 23 in character creation... Edited by Iras_
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I can see the republics switching sides now....3:1 ratio is about to get higher!


Here is an idea..... let it so republics get honor for killing in open world PVP.... then that could help boost the faction numbers a bit. Not a huge solution to the problem, but it is some attention to it.

Edited by Jhako
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Welcome to a launch everyone, it's going to be a bumpy ride. If you can't hack it, go back to World of Warcraft (since you clearly want SWTOR to measure up to an 8 year-old king of MMOs now that it's been a whole month since release).


Welcome to 2012, were MMO's cannot just be launched in a state comparable to 7 years ago, and where fanboys cannot expect to shout at anyone who makes comparisons to the CURRENT state of the competition.


If someone cannot "hack" comparisons, then may they should go back to DAoC and EQ1 (since clearly they cannot expect this product to compete).

Edited by Tarka
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I thought the delay to release 1.1 was fixing pvp faction unbalance issue on Ilum. :p


They did fix the balance on Ilum. Now everyone can be a battlemaster, everything is balanced!


Ok, seriously tho, I don't even really PVP all that often and I find this to be a bit disturbing. I'm no doom and gloomer though, games have problems, problems get fixed. Still, this is apretty big FUBAR. Should be interesting to see what happens.


I do know this, I'll -NEVER- PVP again if all these exploited battlemasters get to keep their ill gotten goods.

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Over the last few year I have played several MMO's & one thing that confounds me & ruins the games for me is all the nerfing that happens right off the get go. Good gawd! This game is still wet behind the ears & already all you are doing is nerfing it because a few whiners cant take the time to figure out how to play the game as is & want immediate gratification to substitute for piss poor player abilities. Out of all the players in this game its natural that you will only hear from the minority so why not wait & let the MAJORITY actually provide valued feedback. You don't hear from the majority who are also proficient players because we are happy. Why start nerfing this game when its still so new. Every new MMO that has come out in the last few years & started nerfing right away because of a bunch of whining has failed or at the very least has had their membership drop to half (or much less) of what it could have been. LEAVE THE FRIGGEN GAME ALONE! Note the whining & let it ride. Wait until you can get feedback from the majority either through active solicitation or general input. You already screwed up by nerfing slicing, now this crap?


As an old fart who has been playing around for YEARS, (& as a large public program manager for years) I am telling you, you guys a screwing up by the numbers. The most vocal sector is not always the majority & in 6 months this game will fail like Rift did if you don't stop now. Some in my group have been beta testing for you since day one & we are, I think, a more mature professional crowd .... & NON OF US WANT, BELIEVE IN OR SUPPORT these nerfs.


Come on guys, you can do better than this. Roll back these nerfs.


BTW, yeah I bought the CE & a 6months subscription. I plan on staying around. I wont be bailing at the first sign of problems.... unless they get worse. I like this game & plan on sticking around for a while. See RO2 for poster child of how to fail though by not listening to the majority. As for the other bugs folks have mentioned with the new patch, I have no comment as I have not had any experiences with those yet.

Edited by Orinthal
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Unable to comment on the content of Patch 1.1 as I, along with perhaps hundreds (if not thousands) of your customers are still unable to play the game. Check out ALL of the threads in the Support forum regarding people that can't get past the Launcher screen.
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I find it hilarious since none of you have went and posted into the actual illum problems post. And if you have why waste time posting here? With the feedback on it, it will probably be rolled back or fixed extremely soon so all of you canceling subs before they fix it probably in the next few days then goodbye. When the game is fixed for everything you complained about it will be on you that you won't be here to enjoy it ^_^
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2 more days.... then we'll see if all these "im cancelling" people are serious. I hope they are.


Bioware - thank you for the update. I have no comment on Ilum since i didnt rush to 50, but the PvE updates loo awesome. I havent had any FPS issues pre-update, so Im curious as to how the performance will be now. Cant wait to get home, patch up and login!

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I find it hilarious since none of you have went and posted into the actual illum problems post. And if you have why waste time posting here? With the feedback on it, it will probably be rolled back or fixed extremely soon so all of you canceling subs before they fix it probably in the next few days then goodbye. When the game is fixed for everything you complained about it will be on you that you won't be here to enjoy it ^_^


I'm pretty sure BW is still observing all of the traffic here.... and seeing how the free 30 days is still in effect im sure people are just wanting to flame. I find it trolls hilarious.

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you guys need to fix a lot of things not adding new flash points! class balances are sucks especially for tanks. I am using my taunt ability like crazy and my jugg is good geared! no bleeding effects etc. PvP are full of bugs. PvE are full of speaking wth man. It is like i am playing against my gf. Flash Points are wayyy to longgg, every qs and fps are goes like this -blah blah blah blah blah

-choose bad or godd thing

then some cool lasers light sabers and good game music then again

-blah blah blah

wth man i left so many Flash Points because of this and i didnt make side quests because of this.

there are some many things i want to talk about but my english not that bad. anyway please ask some help for the other MMO makers like wow, rift etc.

and last of all i believe that this game came too early, early like 1 year.

also i canceled my sub 2

plz get help!

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Well regrettably the only way for this new PVP system to work is if the servers are balanced Republic to Imperial. Oh Darn that isnt the case. No wonder everyone is up in arms about this. I just hope bioware reallizes this before the servers start to empty out like SWG did. BTW, having both Republic and Imperial toons I will say that I have found way more perks on the Imperial side. Comms drop like candy! This game needs to be re-balanced a bit I think.
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This is absolutely embarassing. Anyone that works at bioware and is not embarassed by this needs to reroll a new career. I have played a number of MMO's and this is the biggest joke I have ever seen. I did not think any group could be worse then turbine but, I have to say right now turbine and blizzard have to be handing out beers and shrimp at their meetings.
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