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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WOW HUGE EXPLOIT - SPENT WEEKS of ALL NIGHTERS Getting Battlemaster now its seconds?


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You didn't earn it the "real" way.


You roflstomped lowbies the moment you had expertise.


It is amazing that people that roflstomped lowbies now complain that someone else is able to gain valor and ranks in "easy" mode.


The hypocrisy of it is quite amazing to watch.

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Pretty disheartening to hear of this exploitation, but it doesn't bother me as BM gear is really not a large upgrade over Champ sets -- most classes see net increases.


Killing NPCs for valor repetitively is pretty lame. I would support a rollback.

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There better be a rollback, kind of wondering how they will do it though....how can they just roll back certain players and not the others who are just leveling, regular pvping and such...


It's going to be a huge issue as it'll have to be a cross the board rollback, i doubt they can just rollback one thing, it'll likely be a complete server rollback and thats going to piss everyone off.

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Ive never threatened to cancel over a single issue in a mmo before bu if theres no rollback im canceling...theres no way I would pay a company money after this pathetic display of incompetence. Oh and shocking the exploit only works for sith...gj bioware
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Same happend in Rift when they came up with the new PvP rifts.


People worked together crossrealm and farmed top rank in 8 hours. With never any punishment. All the old school pvpers left and game slowly died..


Dont know if same will happend here, we shall see..


My sub has been cancelled, Bioware clearly has no clue how to handle the pvp side of the game. And cba to wait 6 months paying for nothing.




Been there done that.


I played Rift right before SWTOR came out and it is pretty much as you described. There were so few people PVPing I wasn't even sure if the other faction even existed.


It wasn't until world events took place that max level players started to show up. And then there wasn't enough to even do the events. Both sides had no choice but to join forces to accomplish the event. Otherwise nobody was going to walk away with squat.


There was nothing sader than seeing an MMO demise occur right in front of you. By this time next year, Rift might even be FTP.

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It's going to be a huge issue as it'll have to be a cross the board rollback, i doubt they can just rollback one thing, it'll likely be a complete server rollback and thats going to piss everyone off.


It's actually quite easy, as long as they have a snapshot of their databases before the patch (if they are a competent company, they would do this every downtime). Then it is just a matter of bringing the servers down and changing the valor values of all players to their values pre patch. It can be done with one query really...

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Ive never threatened to cancel over a single issue in a mmo before bu if theres no rollback im canceling...theres no way I would pay a company money after this pathetic display of incompetence. Oh and shocking the exploit only works for sith...gj bioware


I can't say that myself. I quit Warcraft soon after release because the game was all but unplayable. It wasn't until a few months had passed that I came back.


But with that said, I do think this issue is a game killer. Within the first hour of the patch going live people were on the forums raising all kinds of hell. Yet, Bioware is mysteriously quiet on this even though the level of rage is only growing and not dimishing.


They are going to lose some subs over this. Of that I have no doubt. I would rather for them to lock down the PVP area in Ilum altogether than continue to leave things as they are.


The reality is, it isn't fair to either side. The Imps lose out on the distinction of having more properly "earned" the gear and the Repubs simply get screwed altogether.

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Nobody is answering the question "What is the exploit?"


Guess there isn't one and trolls just trolling


move along


Imps are getting valor for killing NPCs and turrrets in Illum. By holding all of Illum the valor is around 400-500 per kill. So by killing auto-respawning turrets every 1-2 min they get 400-500 valor. Rinse and repeat and they get battlemaster in 2-3hours.

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Imps are getting valor for killing NPCs and turrrets in Illum. By holding all of Illum the valor is around 400-500 per kill. So by killing auto-respawning turrets every 1-2 min they get 400-500 valor. Rinse and repeat and they get battlemaster in 2-3hours.


People are reporting turrets not giving any Valor.

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You know what's funny? A lot of these names here are people who said Imperials were whining when they said 1-50 WZ was imbalanced and high level geared Republic players farmed low level Imperials in WZ for Valor 60. Now that it's happening to them, they cry for rollbacks. Just like you guys said to us back then "we can't help it, Bioware made the game this way".
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Same happend in Rift when they came up with the new PvP rifts.


People worked together crossrealm and farmed top rank in 8 hours. With never any punishment. All the old school pvpers left and game slowly died..


Dont know if same will happend here, we shall see..


My sub has been cancelled, Bioware clearly has no clue how to handle the pvp side of the game. And cba to wait 6 months paying for nothing.




No, Rift punished the ones guilty of trading. They just never published it.

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There needs to be an entire rollback to last night before the patch.


For people upset about the warzones they did legit today, well...sorry? You played for less than a day honestly, certainly you can give that up to fix the game. Hopefully you'll even receive a reward for having to make such a sacrifice.

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Imps are getting valor for killing NPCs and turrrets in Illum. By holding all of Illum the valor is around 400-500 per kill. So by killing auto-respawning turrets every 1-2 min they get 400-500 valor. Rinse and repeat and they get battlemaster in 2-3hours.


Ah... I see.


anybody have a screenshot of this 400-500 valor per turret?

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There better be a rollback, kind of wondering how they will do it though....how can they just roll back certain players and not the others who are just leveling, regular pvping and such...


It would have to a server wide rollback. Mean the servers get reverted to right before they went down for the patch. All work from anyone PvE or PvP would be wiped, the last few hours would have never happened.


It's the right thing to do, and it really sucks.

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1 1/2 hrs in a full ops group in Ilum. I got ~2k valor total. I wish I knew how to get this battlemaster in seconds because 2k in 1 1/2 hrs is horrible. Turrets were only giving legacy xp, no valor. Controlling all of Ilum the kills weren't worth it with most of them not counting for anything and the totals decreasing or vanishing after the same people got killed.


I think the highest I saw off a kill was 170ish when I first got there. It started to be ~20 by the time I left and like I said not every kill counted. Ilum is a huge slideshow basically not worth the headache of being there

Edited by maggito
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Nobody is answering the question "What is the exploit?"


Guess there isn't one and trolls just trolling


move along


What a few people are claiming is that they can afk in illum and get tons of valor due to imps killing the turrets that the patch added to the republic base spawn point today.


Couple holes in this 'exploit'


1. Valor is only shared if you are in a group with the person who gets the killing blow

2. Valor is only gained if you are in combat with the person who died.

3. The 2 champion level 50 turrets that guard the spawn do not give valor. When i killed one a few hours ago all i got was 433 legacy experience.


I was on illum for a little under 2 hours to do my daily, almost all of which i did by zerging the Republic base in an ops group, and i got around 3k valor for the whole thing.


Unless i see a video of someone killing a turret and getting valor from it this is trolling.

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Imps are getting valor for killing NPCs and turrrets in Illum. By holding all of Illum the valor is around 400-500 per kill. So by killing auto-respawning turrets every 1-2 min they get 400-500 valor. Rinse and repeat and they get battlemaster in 2-3hours.


Yeah, not happening. (Not to say that there isn't a problem but this is inaccurate.) The turrets have ~million HP and hit for 4-5k against heavy armor (4 shotted through endure pain). The extra valor is from the bonus for controlling the zone points and then camping people in their base. Turrets, even if they give valor which I can't confirm because the lag was so bad, its not worth the effort.

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