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How are Operative Medic's?

I have a Sith Marauder and i'd like my next class to be a healer, but my friend is a sorcerer so i'd like to go to the next healing class, Medic Operative.


But how do they cope in PvP / PvE?


Can they keep up the heals?


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Can they keep up the heals?



All the classes are supposed to be equal in terms of dps, tanking and healing. Its the difficulty of performing up to those standards that can be diffrent. That said I would very much like to see a guide in OP healing as well considering Im currently rolling a OP healer as well.

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That said I would very much like to see a guide in OP healing as well considering Im currently rolling a OP healer as well.


Once you get to level 50, get Crit to 40% and Surge to 85%-89% (400 surge rating). Then stack Power while keeping those percentages steady.


You want high crit for Diagnostic Scan to return energy when dps are being stupid/all hell is breaking loose. It also helps with the Medic 4pc bonus.


I also recommend the Crit/Surge Relic along with the Rakata Crit Adrenal. Pop both of those and along with the above 40% crit guideline, you will break 51% crit and can do some very handy emergency healing.


Alacrity has such a -MASSIVE- DR on it, that over 8%-12% Casting Speed haste, or whatever its called on the character panel, is a waste. I can get close to 800 Alacrity with mods and the Rakata Adrenal for a pathetic 21.xx% casting haste (don't remember the exact number. I do know that 658 Alacrity rating along with the 4% from talents gives 20.00% even.).

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Operative healing is huge fun once you get up in levels/spec and have some tools and practice to help you manage your energy. I really felt that I got to a point where things just 'clicked'.


When I was considering what class to play I read this guide on Operative Healing and have referred to it a few times since:




I hope you find it of use.

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In PvP our energy system is a burden. We have no way to stop spike damage and heals are weak in general compared to nukes. But in PvE we do fairly well (minus aoe heals).


Operatives can stop spike damage. They just can't stop undergeared people from throwing themselves at things and calling the damage they take spike damage wearing equipment even a tauntaun would laugh at.

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Operatives can stop spike damage. They just can't stop undergeared people from throwing themselves at things and calling the damage they take spike damage wearing equipment even a tauntaun would laugh at.


Not really. We can only cast three Kolto Infusion/Surgical Probe combos before we start to dip below the magical 60 energy threshold of doom. After that you're stuck with just surgical probe until you're back at about 70, 75 energy. That means 2-3 seconds of sitting there just spamming surgical probe, which you can only do if your target is under 30% health. If they are, a 1.5k heal every second isn't going to keep them alive through much. It'll only prolong the inevitable for another second or so.


And really, if you claim Adrenal Probe as our solution... it's only off CD every 2 minutes. Should we only be allowed to deal with burst damage every two minutes? That's a major handicap that other healers don't need to deal with.

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Not really. We can only cast three Kolto Infusion/Surgical Probe combos before we start to dip below the magical 60 energy threshold of doom. After that you're stuck with just surgical probe until you're back at about 70, 75 energy. That means 2-3 seconds of sitting there just spamming surgical probe, which you can only do if your target is under 30% health. If they are, a 1.5k heal every second isn't going to keep them alive through much. It'll only prolong the inevitable for another second or so.


And really, if you claim Adrenal Probe as our solution... it's only off CD every 2 minutes. Should we only be allowed to deal with burst damage every two minutes? That's a major handicap that other healers don't need to deal with.


If you NEED to use more than 2-3 Kolto Injections on a single target in a very short time span on top of the HoT(s) available, you're not healing spike damage--you're healing someone who is undergeared or 'standing in fire' for the fight. Don't mistake burst damage for people who ignore fight mechanics and don't interrupt or dodge the really nasty attacks because "the healer will heal through it" in a group.


That being said, healing multiple people quickly when they're ALL taking heavy damage is not the Operative's strong point, but as the only class that can heal while moving, keeping people up while dodging things is less annoying for us than Mercenaries and Sorcerors.

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Short answer:


PvE: we're fine.


PvP: roll a Sorc.


ROFL, our area heal is instant and keep moving ppl healed, that alone is far better for PvP than Sorc's static ring


I can easily outheal any sorc in warzone


People just dont know how to play...

Edited by Drom
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Short answer:


PvE: we're fine.


PvP: roll a Sorc.


I'd say our performance is acceptable in pve. We could definitely use some quality of life buffs, though.


But yeah, healing as an op in pvp is pretty brutal.


ROFL, our area heal is instant and keep moving ppl healed, that alone is far better for PvP than Sorc's static ring


I can easily outheal any sorc in warzone


People just dont know how to play...


RN is the least resource-efficient spell in the game, may not hit the targets you want, and heals for far less than the sorc's ring. If you're outhealing a sorc, they're either not trying or terrible.

Edited by steinsgate
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If you NEED to use more than 2-3 Kolto Injections on a single target in a very short time span on top of the HoT(s) available, you're not healing spike damage--you're healing someone who is undergeared or 'standing in fire' for the fight. Don't mistake burst damage for people who ignore fight mechanics and don't interrupt or dodge the really nasty attacks because "the healer will heal through it" in a group.


That being said, healing multiple people quickly when they're ALL taking heavy damage is not the Operative's strong point, but as the only class that can heal while moving, keeping people up while dodging things is less annoying for us than Mercenaries and Sorcerors.


Alternatively, they're a tank or someone getting focused in PvP. Either case, a sorcerer could still keep them alive easily and we've got to just throw our hands up and say "Well, sucks to be you buddy, get some better gear."

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Alternatively, they're a tank or someone getting focused in PvP. Either case, a sorcerer could still keep them alive easily and we've got to just throw our hands up and say "Well, sucks to be you buddy, get some better gear."


So to quote Doki again,


Short answer:


PvE: we're fine.


PvP: roll a Sorc.


I'm talking about PvE and didn't realize you were talking about PvP; sorry that wasn't clear. We can heal tanks fine in PvE. :p

Edited by Teykos
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wow i thing most of you all dont play a healer me as a healer with full champ gear all we do is run and heal and as we have to stop to use our main heal in that time your dead and when we get the healing debuff bye bye healer i wish we had a stop dps spell why dont we if you give damage class this why dont we have one for them again it's a dps game not healing
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wow i thing most of you all dont play a healer me as a healer with full champ gear all we do is run and heal and as we have to stop to use our main heal in that time your dead and when we get the healing debuff bye bye healer i wish we had a stop dps spell why dont we if you give damage class this why dont we have one for them again it's a dps game not healing

Ugh. I did not get any of that even after reading it twice.

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I find I heal pretty good in PvP. I keep getting tactical advantage non stop due to the healing bots and and the one I'm thrown every time I use the infusion. So I can just spam the heal that uses tactical advantage (yes, I realize I don't know any of the names of the abilities I'm talking about, but I know their picture).


My biggest problem in PvP is people I'm healing running super far away from me. Stay within in range of your healer silly people.

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