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Are you thinking of rolling Republic?


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With the faction imbalance so obvious in PvP, is anyone else considering rolling a Republic character? I have two Rep alts that I used to test the waters before deciding I liked being a Pyro Merc best. I'm seriously considering spending some time on one of the alts now to help balance things out. However, that might seriously hurt my main since I have very limited time to play, so I'm considering slowly leveling the alt. I'm curious as to what all of you are thinking.


Please limit the discussion to the topic. Class imbalance is well covered in many other threads.

Edited by Bamajawn
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With the faction imbalance so obvious in PvP, is anyone else considering rolling a Republic character? I have two Rep alts that I used to test the waters before deciding I liked being a Pyro Merc best. I'm seriously considering spending some time on one of the alts now to help balance things out. However, that might seriously hurt my main since I have very limited time to play, so I'm considering slowly leveling the alt. I'm curious as to what all of you are thinking.


Please limit the discussion to the topic. Class imbalance is well covered in many other threads.


Yep. With all the QQ I can't wait to get home and start.

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I've been considering it. I only went Empire because I really wanted to do the BH story and my RL friend wanted to play Empire.


Now that I have finished the BH story and I play more than my friend, I've been playing a Trooper alt a little bit. However, it will be a long time before he ever gets to 50 to make an impact on the world pvp scene.


I also think a smaller bracket pool may lead to even more Huttball as well and I am certainly not going to be looking forward to that.


If the Republic could hire my BH I'd gladly fight for them. :)

Edited by Amp_
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Free faction transfer and I'll gladly go republic


Except for that won't work until mirror classes are actually mirrors of each other. The OP suggested we leave the class imbalance out of it, but to point that's impossible.


The class imbalances almost all favor the Imperials, as well as raw numbers, meaning you'd be a damn fool to leave the winning side for something that is less fun, more broken, and is, at current, receiving zero attention from the devs.


Take it from a Republic Commando that is staying that way despite the fact that my healing can't match a Sage/Sorceror, and my DPS doesn't match my Bounty Hunter mirror: Steer clear, I know it isn't fun to just steamroll the Republic over and over, but it is even less fun to get steamrolled by numbers AND mechanics. If you're having ANY fun in this game, stay where you are.

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If the Republic could hire my BH I'd gladly fight for them. :)


This is what I'd like to see... Smugglers and BHs allowed to play either side in PvP. Any Smuggler or BH entering a warzone solo could end up on either side depending on what faction is needed at the time.

Edited by Bamajawn
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This is what I'd like to see... Smugglers and BHs allowed to play either side in PvP.


I agree. I always thought it would have been smart (and lore appropriate) if Smugglers and Bounty Hunters were a neutral faction.

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I rolled a Trooper a week ago and found that due to the heavy sith population that my wait time to pvp is less than 3 mins on average. When you are in this situation you get to play Alderan and Voidstar more often than Huttball. On the Empire side we played Huttball against each other more than Alderan or Voidstar.


The god aweful Bounty Hunter armor made me switch at first but now I'm playing Republic for different reasons.

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myself and two friends just left imp for republic on Ven zallow.


We pretty much only do pvp so looking for a pvp guild on the republic :)


we are now levels 10-15 and man does it suck starting over but maybe in the long run we will find a good guild and have some fun again in pvp.


If BW wanted to really fix pop imbalance they would add delays to Imp abilities and remove them from the republic.


my friend really hates the delay in his abilities and struggles every day knowing he could have his mirror without the nerf.

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