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Rakata weapons still useless in 1.1

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Hello there,


We saw this thread and thought you might like to know that this issue is mentioned in the new 1.1.2 patch notes.


Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - 1.1.2 Patch Notes




Rakata weapons are now correctly rating 140 and are fitted with mark 25 modifications. These items were previously less powerful than intended.

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Bugs happen its the nature of MMOs the issue is the length of time to fix the bugs.



The green glow from comanions heals was a bug for the better part of 8 months. It took 4 months to fix reven to make him stop doing 70k ticks with lightining.



Some bugs need imediate hot fixes others can wait till a patch. Rakata weapons being worst then drops off the ground is something that needs a hotfix. Bosses that spawn unlimited adds like Interogator in D7 needs to be hotfixed.



Gamebreaking changes need hotfixes, emotes while on mounts, can wait years and no-one will care.

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You know I am curious though, what about weapons that people have already turned in? Also im sure the people that have taken mods out want to know how you will handle that also.

That is an excellent question. I change mods in my offhand saber when i first got it and subsequently stopped using it once i got my columi (since it was still better than a rakata with columi mods in it). Since that drop, I am also no longer the only Knight that my guild uses, since we've started doing 16-man ops. If I have to wait, to get duplicates of the rakata gear i already have just so i can pull the mods out to fix my once "broken" lightsaber I will be displeased. Most displeased...

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Yeah, I am still wondering how you will handle the weapons already turned in so that I know if I should pass on new tokens that drop in my raid to those who do not have them yet? Will you remove the mods (even out of other weapons they are placed in) and replace the turned in weapons with a token?
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Going to spell this out for the derps who think the "elite raiders" are just mindlessly qq'ing.


Most people who raid typically have pvp champ or t1 weapons since we don't get to decide who gets what in normal mode raids (somewhat silly but fine.) Since loot cant be distrubuted it equals out to hefty dose of luck on who gets an upgrade for currently the best wep in the game being columi.


Now we shouldn't have to farm needlessly to grind out 16 weapons and most of the time it goes to someone who already has the columi weapons. For people who have columi you are being silly sit down shut up and be patient till it's fixed the people who should honestly be upset are the guilds stuck in tionese weapons because they aren't "lucky" enough to get an upgrade.


Lastly the people with t1 wep's are doing most of the raging because they have a token which would be a considerable upgrade over their current t1 not some marginal 1% going from columi ---> rakata.

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The game could be much much worse...it could have been made by SOE. Atleast bioware actually do listen to feedback for the most part.


If they listened to feedback and fixed stuff this game would still be in closed beta. A lot of the issues we see today were being brought up in closed beta by testers.

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Yeah, I am still wondering how you will handle the weapons already turned in so that I know if I should pass on new tokens that drop in my raid to those who do not have them yet? Will you remove the mods (even out of other weapons they are placed in) and replace the turned in weapons with a token?


They stated the fix for this is coming in the next patch and that the existing items will all be fixed, no new ones will have to be obtained. Now stop bumping this endless qq thread.




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I have the same issue to got my Rakata weapon token but havent exchaged it yet due to the of fixing the the mods to 58 lvl i cleared nightmare mode and still my rakata weapon is not fixed when will it be when the new tiers will be out :PP
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So I submitted a ticket but just want to see what everyone else has seen with this patch and the Rakata weapons. I confirmed they corrected the stats and rating issue (YAY!) BUT! Prior to the patch I redeemed my tokens and updated the Mod and Enhancement slots to lvl 56 mods i pulled out of other gear. These same lvl 56 mods are still in there. Should this have been updated to 58 mods like all the other Rakata gear?



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Okay, now they have Leve 58 Mods, but the Sage Weapon is still completely useless. Power and Alacrity instead of crit and surge (as with the Columi Weapons)?


Who is planning the Rakata set? Isn't it supposed to be better than the Columi set? This is pathetic. The whole Rakata sets have to be reworked. There is hardly any surge on the whole set (only on the off-hand and the 2 implants), who is designing this nonsense?

Edited by Gerudan
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Bioware's quality control for patches and the overall game is absolutely terrible compared to Blizzard. I'll never take what Blizzard was able to achieve for granted in the last 4-5 years of the game.


Well it took Blizzard some time before the game was running smooth. I started to play WoW early, I have the limited edition original game. Things were a mess back then. Classes were wildly imbalanced. There was no economy to speak of the game consisted of endless grinding for mobs and materials and remember the barrens only had 1 flight point and people questing in the barrens had no mounts. So you spend over half your time walking to your quest zone. What also was fun is that the flight masters were constantly killed by allies. There was no zep in Ogrimar thus the zep was used almost exclusively by allies. There was almost always a group of allies ganking just oustide any major horde city. If you think balance is bad now. The first year the balance allies/horde were 80/20. And i could go on and on, remember the bus shock incedent on the shaman forum?


I will admit SWTOR has its faults by the game is very new. Give them some time to get things running.

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Okay, now they have Leve 58 Mods, but the Sage Weapon is still completely useless. Power and Alacrity instead of crit and surge (as with the Columi Weapons)?


Who is planning the Rakata set? Isn't it supposed to be better than the Columi set? This is pathetic. The whole Rakata sets have to be reworked. There is hardly any surge on the whole set (only on the off-hand and the 2 implants), who is designing this nonsense?


yea this is annoying, im tired getting power shoved down my throat in my crit/surge build..


Bioware wants people to tinker with gear i guess. ITs not enough that you won the roll for your rakata weapon, you gotta win some mod/enhancement rolls, or win rolls on other gear you already have to pull the mods out of them.



The Starshard as a +accuracy/+crit enhancement in it.. wish you could get more of those outside of ripping them out of the tier 3 weapon drops.

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Okay, now they have Leve 58 Mods, but the Sage Weapon is still completely useless. Power and Alacrity instead of crit and surge (as with the Columi Weapons)?


Who is planning the Rakata set? Isn't it supposed to be better than the Columi set? This is pathetic. The whole Rakata sets have to be reworked. There is hardly any surge on the whole set (only on the off-hand and the 2 implants), who is designing this nonsense?


Your preference may be for crit/surge... but that doesn't mean everyone using the same gear has a preference for crit/surge. Anyone wanting power/alacrity had to strip/replace mods in their Columi set.


To be treated equally, the next set is geared more for them and you have to strip/replace your mods. Be glad that you can make the adjustments you want to the gear.


Edit: Oh, and just because you crit/surge doesn't mean those are the best stats... I've seen some really poor theorycrafting touted as gospel when looking at secondary stats.

Edited by Crashmedc
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So I submit a ticket since my Oath of Ragnos weapon was not properly updated with a level 58 enhancement... and in response I get this...


"We are sorry to hear that you have some concerns with recent changes made with "The Oath of Ragnos." I understand that its inconvenient for your part.


From time to time, based on a variety of factors such as player metrics and other forms of feedback, the development team will make adjustments to certain items in order to provide as much balance as possible. We would like to assure you that these changes are intended and are never introduced lightly.


The decisions to make these changes are only ever implemented to benefit the player base as a whole. Because of this, we are unable to swap, refund or affect any items that have been adjusted by a game content change.


If you have any feedback or suggestions that you would like to bring to the attention of the development team in relation to these changes, please post them in the Suggestion Box section of our Community forums.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your understanding on this matter. If you have any other issues or queries please do not hesitate to contact is again and we will be more than happy to look into them for you."


WOW.... GG Bioware...


So basically I have to do what? Get the freaking drop AGAIN?

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