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Until Bioware fixes our, stutering/combat responsiveness. You shouldn't voice opinion or thoughts on our supposedly broken class-which isn't IMO.


Trust me it's painfully obvious our world will be rocked upside down if skills actually worked 100% of the time and not reset animations. That is why people think they don't dps enough, that is why people think we're not survivable enough. The truth is we are broken due to the game mechanics at this stage and BIOWARE really really needs to address our issue quickly.


So stop your voicing and over analyzing of the class, we are broken due to those said things. Once we are working as intended then open up the whining threads if you see fit.

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Abilities not working is pretty much the definition of broken.


Underpowered, is when things are not balanced.

But atm, we have no idea where balance stands because we are BROKEN.

Abilities outright do not work when activated. Instants are interrupted by los, and desynce, and server/client feedback.

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Class isn't broken, we have every tool a melee DPS wants. 100% slow high damage good survivable low cd skills. = Very very viable.


Game mechanics broken = we aren't allowed to use our awesome skills as intended.

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Class isn't broken, we have every tool a melee DPS wants. 100% slow high damage good survivable low cd skills. = Very very viable.


Game mechanics broken = we aren't allowed to use our awesome skills as intended.


hi, im a lawyer, WATCH MY LOGIC!!!!

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Class isn't broken, we have every tool a melee DPS wants. 100% slow high damage good survivable low cd skills. = Very very viable.


Game mechanics broken = we aren't allowed to use our awesome skills as intended.


Stupid logic is stupid

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Abilities not working is pretty much the definition of broken.


Underpowered, is when things are not balanced.

But atm, we have no idea where balance stands because we are BROKEN.

Abilities outright do not work when activated. Instants are interrupted by los, and desynce, and server/client feedback.


seems like you selectively read his post. Game mechanics being broke != Sents being broken. No point in continuing "SENTS ARE BROKEN OMG!!" when there is an identified issue that they ARE working on.

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My character, who happens to be a Sentinel is BROKEN.


Until BW comes out and says clearly and with no vague answer that they are aware of the issue and are actively working on it I will continue to try and get that response from them.


The stuttering is INSANELY bad, yes, and likely the root cause of most of our dps issues.


But until it's fixed we need to remain vocal about the issue.

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My character, who happens to be a Sentinel is BROKEN.


Until BW comes out and says clearly and with no vague answer that they are aware of the issue and are actively working on it I will continue to try and get that response from them.


The stuttering is INSANELY bad, yes, and likely the root cause of most of our dps issues.


But until it's fixed we need to remain vocal about the issue.


uh they have publicly stated that they are working on the ability stuttering:


we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel.


and more here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141027

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This class is broken. That's not to say it's overpowered or underpowered. It's not to say it's playable or not... but what else do you call it when you aren't even sure if an ability is going to fire after pushing it OTHER than broken?


Playing this class, especially in PvP, is like trying to slush through a swamp. Sometimes your foot lifts up easy. Sometimes you sink up to your knee and can't get out. Yesterday, I spent almost 6 seconds spamming Rebuke, finally gave up getting it to go off, tried Zealous Strike... began to wind up, stopped. Hit Zealous Strike more and more, moved to the left, finally got it off, just in time to die to my enemy who had full life still.


I mean, really... Bioware. This is broken and it has nothing to do with overpowered/underpowered. This class doesn't work right.

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Nice try JediLupus but you can't convince these people with the truth! :)


Everything sucks all the time and they thrive on their own angst. It is entertianing tho.


If only positive thoughts got Saber Ward to activate in PvP when I need it most, though I'll settle for it working when I push the right button. This isn't exactly sky-high expectations I'm asking for here.

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