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Republic Boycott of Ilum!


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All the Imperial trolls that are going to show up and say stupid crap like, "L2P" can go pound sand. We could have the best SWTOR players in the world on Ilum and it still wouldn't matter when we're outnumbered 6:1.


The only Republics that might be able to get anything done are stealthers, everyone else is boned.


Welcome to Sith Wars.

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Notice the 3 fps


I'd call that a desperate mob.


Honestly... who didn't see this coming? Next step will be buddies taking turns farming nude republic alts. What level does count for the quest?


Wish I could offer my services to the Republic a s Bounty Hunter. I am only playing Empire because the majority of my friends voted Imp :/

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Empire player. "Can't you LOSERS get an ops group together? Just have everyone on your faction pick a night to go get your daily done. JEEZE it's so easy. REPUBLIC AFRAID OF REAL PVP! WHERE ITS ABOUT SKILL!



Zerg pvp sucks. Pre-paid another month a day too early. If this isn't fixed or illum capped by then i'm out.


I'm just 1 person. But so are the other 100,000's of people too.


1 person matters.

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Everybody saying that they can't control server inbalance forgets to realize when they did server assignments, they made some of the original servers 4:1 empire....lul.


Pretty much this. Our original server was supposed to be Kinrath Spider (Unooficial Brazillian Server) and by looking at all the guilds that were assigned to it, you could see that the #'s showed a 2.5:1 ratio roughly. We left anyways because of the Brazillians and are now on The Fatman, but guess what, 3+:1 there too.

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Empire has better storylines

Empire has better/more interesting looking gear

Empire has more engaging animations

Empire can dish out more dps due to animation and ability delay affecting Reps more severely (as acknowledged by Bioware)


...just a few issues there.


I hear Jedi get blue lightsabers.



Wait....Sith can get them too? Well, then I got nothing.



In all honesty, this is not going to be fixed. Not all ideas work.


Yes. A million times yes. My main is a 50 Jedi Sage and I just re-rolled an Operative and let me tell you how much cooler and unique looking the Empire gear is. I've also noticed the animation and ability delay as I PVP on both toons and it's pretty striking the difference. I know there has been several threads about this issue.


As far as PVP on Illum with the new patch. I have not logged on , but honestly I am on a PVP server there the Imps greatly outnumber us. On the Imperial fleet there are anywhere between 350-450 people, while the republic remains around 120-140 during peak times.


I'm just going to let my subscription run out.

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Currently I play as an Imp. However I would switch sides but I will not reroll and alt just to play. I like my Char. If they offered a switch faction option I know me and most of my guild would swap sides. I do agree something needs to be done but a boycott really....... thats not the answer. If anything I think its going to be hard for me as an Imp to finish my daily because of the lack of Pubs. Yes I know it sucks to try and kill somebody when you are out numbered but it can be fun sometimes to. But I dont think a bolster or an Instance is the way to go I love the fact of open world pvp.
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Empire has better storylines

Empire has better/more interesting looking gear

Empire has more engaging animations

Empire can dish out more dps due to animation and ability delay affecting Reps more severely (as acknowledged by Bioware)


...just a few issues there.


I hear Jedi get blue lightsabers.



Wait....Sith can get them too? Well, then I got nothing.



In all honesty, this is not going to be fixed. Not all ideas work.


You forgot that republics companions are lame across the board. I hear from an empire playing friend that the Sith Warriors alone have an awesome set of companions with one that even adapts his/her alignment to yours. I don't care for any of my companions as a shadow and as a knight I only like Kira.


But that's a whole other matter. :p

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My fellow comrades in arms,


I hereby call on a boycott of the PvP zone in Ilum and I ask you to join me in my protest against the bias to Empire by the developers due to the massive population imbalance at this time.


I demand changes to be made to the zone, to favour the republic faction so PvP can at least be somewhat fair, as well as a valor buff in Ilum as well as in Warzones.


Lastly, a picture says more than a thousand words...this was only taken minutes after servers went online:



That is all.


EDIT: To clarify on why I consider it to be biased towards Empire, in case you haven't seen my post on page 2:




- Elim


Why? Done the daily and get loads of valor atm. Would like the lag to go but meh.

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I've been killed by republic plenty of times. Yea you will likely eventually be overwhelmed in most fights as the imps zerg in, but there will be all new spawn zones etc. I have an idea, instead of pressing the easy button and quitting, you can employ a strategy used by many armies across the world throughout history when greatly outnumbered (See britains many invasions into france)


Pick a point, pick off stragglers, stay grouped up and fight, try and be on the move as much as possible. There is not much imp coordination going on in Ilum and it takes forever to travel most places. you can likely kill quite a few of the impatient peeps that zerg right into the point you just took. You can stay and eventually be overwhelmed (while getting more than enough kills to finish quests) and just move to a different point to repeat or you can pick off as many as possible and move on to the next spot.


Basically, quitting because its too hard will solve nothing. There is always a way to get things done. Any real army that quits in the field loses and dies and it will not be much different for you if you do it.

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I've been killed by republic plenty of times. Yea you will likely eventually be overwhelmed in most fights as the imps zerg in, but there will be all new spawn zones etc. I have an idea, instead of pressing the easy button and quitting, you can employ a strategy used by many armies across the world throughout history when greatly outnumbered (See britains many invasions into france)


Pick a point, pick off stragglers, stay grouped up and fight, try and be on the move as much as possible. There is not much imp coordination going on in Ilum and it takes forever to travel most places. you can likely kill quite a few of the impatient peeps that zerg right into the point you just took. You can stay and eventually be overwhelmed (while getting more than enough kills to finish quests) and just move to a different point to repeat or you can pick off as many as possible and move on to the next spot.


Basically, quitting because its too hard will solve nothing. There is always a way to get things done. Any real army that quits in the field loses and dies and it will not be much different for you if you do it.



Even Leonidas eventually lost to the Zerg.


You have no clue about warfare strategies. If you are outnumbered, you do not fight unless you have to. End of story.

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I've been killed by republic plenty of times. Yea you will likely eventually be overwhelmed in most fights as the imps zerg in, but there will be all new spawn zones etc. I have an idea, instead of pressing the easy button and quitting, you can employ a strategy used by many armies across the world throughout history when greatly outnumbered (See britains many invasions into france)


Pick a point, pick off stragglers, stay grouped up and fight, try and be on the move as much as possible. There is not much imp coordination going on in Ilum and it takes forever to travel most places. you can likely kill quite a few of the impatient peeps that zerg right into the point you just took. You can stay and eventually be overwhelmed (while getting more than enough kills to finish quests) and just move to a different point to repeat or you can pick off as many as possible and move on to the next spot.


Basically, quitting because its too hard will solve nothing. There is always a way to get things done. Any real army that quits in the field loses and dies and it will not be much different for you if you do it.


You could have just shortened that to say use Guerilla tactics.

Edited by Beelzebubs
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