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Republic Boycott of Ilum!


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My fellow comrades in arms,


I hereby call on a boycott of the PvP zone in Ilum and I ask you to join me in my protest against the bias to Empire by the developers due to the massive population imbalance at this time.


I demand changes to be made to the zone, to favour the republic faction so PvP can at least be somewhat fair, as well as a valor buff in Ilum as well as in Warzones.


Lastly, a picture says more than a thousand words...this was only taken minutes after servers went online:



That is all.


EDIT: To clarify on why I consider it to be biased towards Empire, in case you haven't seen my post on page 2:

The reason I call it biased, is not because on most PvP servers the empire are outnumbering republics - which of course in itself is not a fault of Bioware, but they do have control of implenting, say, the valor buff that is achieved when capping bases.


As Republic are indeed the underdogs, we are not only outnumbered, but we also gain a lot less valor per kill than Imperials as we will basically have a hard time even getting the buff at all.


How is that not biased?


Also, I've played on the underdog side on many MMOs so I'm not QQing about pop ratio, but it is still very much unfair the way it is now in my own humble opinion. Don't expect many on the republic side to stick around for the madness that will be about around prime time...it will only get worse.


- Elim



- Elim

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Yep, boycotting this aswell. Stupid system which favors zerging.


Obviously your not allowed to use the word I used earlier. It's not even offensive, the system is mentally challenged.

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Roll on a new server when this is the Republic ganking the Imperials. There is nothing that can be done to prevent population imbalance. Reroll and force Bioware to have to merge servers to create faction balance.


And what server would that be?


on Jung Ma, we just had about 15 Imperials attack 5 Repbulic. No third faction is going to suck for this game.

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It's almost 4PM CET, there's quite a lot to jugde.

I totally support this. Zerging in World PvP is okay, there's always gonna be a zerging faction. But changing the daily and weekly quests to favour the zerging faction?! Really, Bioware?! Right now Republic has no way to possibly complete 2 of the 4 pvp available quests. You should seriously look into this.

By the way, I'm running around with terrible lag and 15 fps on a nvidia 560 while last patch I had 110 fps.

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Did it honestly come as a surprise that the if the other side (mostly imps on many servers) have a large population advantage, they will be farming the other side in Ilum? The "good" thing is that soon none of the oppositing faction will bother to enter the place anymore meaning there's nobody to be farmed.
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I may not be fond of the changes to Ilum, but I wouldn't call this BioWare being biased.


The reason I call it biased, is not because on most PvP servers the empire are outnumbering republics - which of course in itself is not a fault of Bioware, but they do have control of implenting, say, the valor buff that is achieved when capping bases.


As Republic are indeed the underdogs, we are not only outnumbered, but we also gain a lot less valor per kill than Imperials as we will basically have a hard time even getting the buff at all.


How is that not biased?


Also, I've played on the underdog side on many MMOs so I'm not QQing about pop ratio, but it is still very much unfair the way it is now in my own humble opinion. Don't expect many on the republic side to stick around for the madness that will be about around prime time...it will only get worse.


- Elim

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Legion of Lettow


80-90 imperial players in the center hub against 20 (ops group) republics.


I had an average of 3.5 fps


My PC setup :


Intel I7 2600K

8gb Corsair Dominator

AMD ATI 6990

Kingston SSD (Win7+SWTOR)


Seriously.. this is impossible.

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No third faction is going to suck for this game.





I'd totally roll a Hutt!



and on topic:


completely outnumbered on my server too!


time to die!


Well thought through changes?

i think not....

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Sorry but the numbers being mentioned in this thread are not due to a balance issue.


Republic seems to have a lot of 50s, that just don't want to try PvP. Sure the servers are not perfectly balanced, but to claim 15 v 5 can't be helped is BS..even low pop server can muster more than 5 level 50 Republic at any one time. The difference is Rep on many servers just don't seem to try.


Population imbalance will always happen, there's nothing that can be done (besides instancing PvP, but that's not everyones taste), but you still have to actually bring people to the fight...that's not going to happen automatically.

Edited by Soazak
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It's almost 4PM CET, there's quite a lot to jugde.

I totally support this. Zerging in World PvP is okay, there's always gonna be a zerging faction. But changing the daily and weekly quests to favour the zerging faction?! Really, Bioware?! Right now Republic has no way to possibly complete 2 of the 4 pvp available quests. You should seriously look into this.

By the way, I'm running around with terrible lag and 15 fps on a nvidia 560 while last patch I had 110 fps.


Not sure you understand what zerging means tbh

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Sorry but the numbers being mentioned in this thread are not due to a balance issue.


Republic seems to have a lot of 50s, that just don't want to try PvP. Sure the servers are not perfectly balanced, but to claim 15 v 5 can't be helped is BS..even low pop server can muster more than 5 level 50 Republic at any one time. The difference is Rep on many servers just don't seem to try.


Population imbalance will always happen, there's nothing that can be done (besides instancing PvP, but that's not everyones taste), but you still have to actually bring people to the fight...that's not going to happen automatically.


Really? This is your defense? "Sure the populations vastly lean toward the Sith, but that doesn't mean they have an advantage. It just means that most Jedi don't want to pvp." That doesn't answer anything.

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Sorry but the numbers being mentioned in this thread are not due to a balance issue.


Republic seems to have a lot of 50s, that just don't want to try PvP. Sure the servers are not perfectly balanced, but to claim 15 v 5 can't be helped is BS..even low pop server can muster more than 5 level 50 Republic at any one time. The difference is Rep on many servers just don't seem to try.


Population imbalance will always happen, there's nothing that can be done (besides instancing PvP, but that's not everyones taste), but you still have to actually bring people to the fight...that's not going to happen automatically.



That is seriously the stupidest thing I've heard all year.

Have you compared the amount of players on the different factions? The day of launch, there were 50 people on Tython, and 250 people on Korriban. 40 on Ord Mantell and 190 on Hutta.

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Just went to Ilum on the Tarro Blood server to check it out and was greeted by my name being spammed across the screen on my position and was only a matter of time before I was surrounded by 20 imps that ***** my face.


Republic Count: 2 ppl in the zone


Imperial Count: 37 ppl in the zone


Good job bioware...

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