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Robe Slot


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Many of us (jedi and sith) have been complaining about the character customization options. You roll a jedi or a sith, you look pretty good in the progression video and the character creation screen.


Unfortunately, if you're a Sith, there are very few hooded robe options. As a marauder, there are NONE in medium armor, so I have to wear light armor if I want any kind of a robe. I'M A SITH! Similarly Jedi get lots of robes at low level, but as they get higher level they don't get as many. Also, Jedi get stuck with lots of hood up robes, and complain they can't see their faces.


Gabe from Penny Arcade Agrees:


Quote, (posted on Penny-Arcade.com January 16th)


"My biggest problem with the game right now is actually a pretty minor issue. I really feel like all Jedi should have a “Jedi Robe” gear slot so that no matter what ridiculous outfit I end up with I can always toss a dark brown robe over the top. I had a great hooded robe early on that I recently had to replace with a ridiculous looking white dress because of its stats.


There are plenty of times in MMO’s where your character just looks dumb. As a general rule it feels like SW:TOR goes out of it’s way to minimize this but it’s still going to happen. The problem is that it doesn’t bother me as much in other games because I’m not acting out an epic space opera with my friends every night. When we are in a shared cut scene and the camera passes over Tycho in his bad *** trooper armor and lands on me with my goofy silver headband and white dress I feel like an idiot trying to deliver my bad *** lines. I just want to be able to throw on a robe, pull the hood up and kick some ***. If Bioware really wants to be nice they could even give us the option to put the hood up or down! The robe doesn’t even need to have stats. Think of it like the shirt slot in WoW. You could get them in a handful of different colors and they’d just be for looks.


I’ve seen some pretty cool looking gear at the higher levels and I’m certainly excited to try and get some of it. But think about it, Obi-wan Kenobi had to have been at least level 50 and that ****er just wore a brown robe. Give me the same option!"


I can't agree with Gabe's sentiment enough. Having customizable gear with slots that you can upgrade was a GREAT idea for character customization.


However, lots of gear isn't slotted. And lots of gear has restrictions. For SOME REASON, one of the few proper black sith robes I can find is "Inquisitor Only". Awesome.


Either A) give both jedi and sith some basic orange robes at low level that we can upgrade and use for the rest of the game, if we wish. A Jedi or a Sith should never be without a robe. If you don't want to wear yours, thats fine, Jedi occasionally go without. But we should never be forced to abandon the robe, THAT IS THE ICONIC LOOK. Give two basic brown robes, one with hood down, one with hood up, available to both JK and JC early on. And have two basic black robes, hood up, hood down, available to both SW and SI.


OR B) Do as Gabe said, And add a Robe Slot. It would do nothing stats wise, purely cosmetic, and goes on top of your top slot, if you put something here. It would work just like the Shirt slot or the Tabard Slot on World of Warcraft. That is a great addition that WoW has for customizing your character, but people don't care nearly as much about shirts or tabards as Jedi care about LOOKING LIKE A JEDI.


Can I get a bump for justice?

Edited by miliways
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The very first customization marauder chest is a robe. It drops off one of the bosses in Black Talon.


There are many more throughout your questing, make sure you do the heroic quests.


Also I played a Jedi Knight to 18 before I deleted it and had 2 heavy armor robe options and saw plenty of marauders running around with robes they were all customizable.

Edited by Tzaz
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The level 50 Centurion and Champion PvP chest armors are "Hood up", but you have to go into your preference tab and "Hide Head Slot" to see the hood part (otherwise you only see the helmet).


I'm sure there's other lower level Marauder armors that work this way as well. If you don't have the head slot hidden, you won't see the hood.

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It's funny. Most the Sentinels are asking for a toggle 'hood off' feature, and the marauders are asking for a toggle 'hood on'.


I know, Ironic right! Makes sense though, we evil sith want that shadow and hood look of Darth Sidious, and the Jedi want the hood back over the shoulders showing the face look that Obi-Wan had.

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The level 50 Centurion and Champion PvP chest armors are "Hood up", but you have to go into your preference tab and "Hide Head Slot" to see the hood part (otherwise you only see the helmet).


I'm sure there's other lower level Marauder armors that work this way as well. If you don't have the head slot hidden, you won't see the hood.


Those are there, but they're level 50. Also, almost all of the ones with hoods are Heavy Armor. There is only 1 that is medium and has a hood, and it looks kinda weird (there's huge spikes on your shoulders).


You would think there are, but there aren't. I'm wearing the robes from Black Talon even though I'm level 40, and they're robes with the hood down. There are NO robes with the hood up till level 50. For awhile, I wore light armor for inquisitors because it was the only robe I could wear as a change of pace from that black talon robe.


After black talon, every drop that is medium is a dress, there are very, very few medium pants. I'm going with the 1 that I could find that was moddable, level 20 pvp gear. I could live with the dress if I had a robe, but again, all medium gear after black talon is vader outfits, not robes. Capes and robot armor. (Until endgame where we look REALLY ridiculous, gigantic blades on shoulders and on our head, but it seems most people look kinda silly at endgame).


Also, this hood is purple and white, not black or red.

There are some really ****** black and red robes, but they're heavy armor only. There's a couple that are really cool simple black robes that are light armor, but they're "inquisitor only" for some reason.


Most of the end game gear looks simply ridiculous. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it.

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The thing is unlike world of warcraft where you have fantasy characters constantly upgrading their artifact armor, in star wars it doesn't make as much sense.


Jedi aren't vain about their clothing, and typically don't wear armor. I'm totally fine with the robe-over-armor look, its great, that guy on the cover box art looks fantastic.


But we should REALLY be able to wear just a plain brown or black robe. That is the look. That is cannon.


The ability to mod items was a great idea, it would let us stay in basic Jedi robes the whole game, but still get new loot drops and upgrade our gear. We just need a couple basic robe options from the get-go to work with.


Or, as Gabe said, give us a robe slot that is purely cosmetic. That'd be great.

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The very first customization marauder chest is a robe. It drops off one of the bosses in Black Talon.


There are many more throughout your questing, make sure you do the heroic quests.


Also I played a Jedi Knight to 18 before I deleted it and had 2 heavy armor robe options and saw plenty of marauders running around with robes they were all customizable.


I've been wearing that single robe nearly the whole game. The only times I switched where when I got fed up and put on a new medium piece even though I wasn't crazy about the look (it was a darth vader outfit with a cape, surely THIS should be heavy armor, not the robes?!)


There was a nice black and red robe I got, but it was non-modable and green. So I outleveled that almost instantly.


There's a thread on the marauder forums about how limited our gear is. If you've seen lots of marauders running around in robes, there's LOTS of us who would love to know which. I've been running flashpoints over and over trying to get better drops, and everything that fits my class looks like robocop or darth vader.


And like Gabe said, higher level Jedi gear looks pretty weak. I don't have a high level jedi, so I don't know how many of the options are mod-able. I definitely do see several jedi going around in the robe-over-armor look in pvp which is awesome, but I also see lots of jedi who don't have that outfit. I assume it is heavy armor like with the Sith robes.


I'm okay with Guardians and Juggernauts being the only ones who can wear the robe-over-armor look (although it would be nice if medium could too) but the basic robe should be available to everybody! Inquisitors get hoods but not really robes, they're closed in front. Proper robes are restricted to heavy armor, except a couple I found that were "Inquisitor only" or weren't mod-able (or were for Imperial Agent).

Edited by miliways
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yes yes yes!!!


I /sign this whole-heartedly.


This would at least give us an option to wear a hood-up/hood-down robe when we want to in lieu of having a "Hood Toggle" as previously discussed. This was something even SWG had! :eek:


I'd much prefer the toggle, but this would suffice since that feature will be reportedly tough to implement and won't be near-term.


I read Gabe's post on PA the day it went up and was hopping in my seat with excitement at the exposure it should create.

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Agreed. There needs to be a robe slot. Also it might be cool to have the robes big and have physics to them so they move when you do.


Agree completely. Even if it's not an armor at all, just have a checkbox on the character screen for *wear robe, voila. Doesn't negate any armor, just throws a basic colored robe over it.


I miss all the cool master robes from KotOR II, the brown/black/green ones, all hardcore, serious, but flowy and stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
I know, Ironic right! Makes sense though, we evil sith want that shadow and hood look of Darth Sidious, and the Jedi want the hood back over the shoulders showing the face look that Obi-Wan had.


Who would have thought you'd want it to be correct. As a Jedi I also want black robes. I have dark side jedi.


Not to mention Luke Skywalker the most goodie two-shoes jedi on earth wore black robes.


Me? I get the tattered homeless asswipe robe sets.


my Guardian I have on white. At least its better than brown.


My smuggler use to look cool. Until end-game.


Now he looks like a mexican and if your mexican this isn't meant to be offensive. The developers made me look like a mexican. Use /sit with that stupid hat.


If I am going to look like a cowboy you picked the ugly from the good the bad and the ugly.


The bad and good cowbay gear are missing.


Black robes are missing for light side darksiders. Robes that don't have holes in them would be great at end game.


My wookie needs a god damn bowcaster not a samuri sword. Or at least make it wookie blades and they are used 1 in each hand.


My cloak shouldn't have issues on speeders as in flashing through them. Hats should fit all playable species correctly.


I hate looking like an idiot and want pants not dresses. I don't like stupid pope hats.


All in all your designers need to be forced to dress up in this stupid crap they made and ask would you honestly wear that?


Wear is the jedi guardian armor shown on the god damn game cover and at character creation?

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Agree completely. Even if it's not an armor at all, just have a checkbox on the character screen for *wear robe, voila. Doesn't negate any armor, just throws a basic colored robe over it.


How about under social in the options settings (where the show head gear option is located):


Drop down box with the following choices:


Robe Hood up.

Robe Hood down.

Robe Hood up show mask.

Robe Hood down show mask.

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  • 3 months later...



if you're not going to come through with a hood toggle, perhaps this would be easier going forward with new gear designs and new social/orange pieces.


It is understated how absolutely silly and insulting it is that you show us exactly what you have visualized--and in many cases already created--and that we can't have constantly in-game and out of it with regards to a jedi/sith's hooded or not hooded appearance. Yet, you speak of how important it is that we are able to look the way we want to. I even heard such options existed in beta and were removed! Why??


Can someone from BW please at least shed some light on how that even was allowed to happen?


And while you're at it, some of you probably need to watch the source material again and really ask yourselves if you haven't indeed strayed from several important iconic design pillars.


Did Han or Lando ever wear a huge hat? Did clone troopers have giant sensor/antennae laden backpacks? Did Mace Windu have a samurai helmet on?

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Then on top of this issue, when you equip the one or two robes choices it gives you a big butt. Sentinel here btw. Bioware just needs get off the "we are so creative we dont need appearance slots" high horse and give us a fraking appearance slot. This half@ssed modding system will not last. We can look how we want... but oinly if we have 4 campaign armor mods.


Bioware is lucky they got this IP...

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I agree about Sentinel armour, except with mine I now have a belt that somehow has some kind of brown cushion stuck to the back and doesn't conform to the colours on the rest of the outfit (white) when I select it to, so figure out how ridiculous that looks...
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Why do people ask for the impossible when all they need is somethign simple ?


A couple of social gear robes at the venders would probably satisfy everyone without having to revamp half the game systems.


As long as they weren't social V or something ...

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I agree wholeheartedly about the hood up/down. On my first Knight, I forgot what her hair color was because I didn't get to see it for 30 levels!


Another thing is why do we have to have Imperial/Republic versions of every piece of gear in game? I happen to strongly dislike most of the Imperial options (they're all the same! and all the same colors!) and like the Republic versions much MUCH better. Anointed Zeyd-cloth stuff is very nice looking on the Republic side and yet the Imperial version has those stupid looking should pads. Not every Sith wants to wear black or red; some would like to wear white or blue! And the Traditional Brocart set looks just like the robes the Revanites on Dromund Kaas wear and yet that version is only available to the Republic. :(

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