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Prequels Saber Combat sucks


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Anyone thing they should fin more as if they were weilding sabers?


Seriously, by sabers I'm not meaning light sabers but fighting with a the light weight slashing blade. I mean after all thats what the name lightsaber was modeled on.


anyways >_> as far as the OT vs the PT fighting when I'm never a fan of CG fighting over human fighting. I just stop caring as soon as they break out the super CG. Super jumps to change locations are all cool and heck even the superman fly in and attack or blocking is good stuff. but the yoda bouncing all over the place like a ping pong ball in a paint mixing machine just detached me from the whole thing.


As for OT fights being boring, yeah I have to admit they were. There was, however, a lot of emotion and story tellign int eh middle of the fighting, some of which, was not sad with words. There was a 20 year gap between the movies and hollywood changed what an on stage fight means for the consumer.


As I stated in the beginning though I think they were both wrong in depliction.


better than most of the the starwars fights lol
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I watched the prequels 1st and i gotta say these:

For those that havent been born in 60s, the episodes 4,5,6 are unwatchable...

The crap slow poke moves, the duel of vader vs obi-wan, LOL...

And the best part of it...the final battle and the death of the most powerfull sith of all time..Vader lifts him up on his arms and drops him to the generator lol, i couldnt stop laughing when i saw it. The all mighty and powerfull Darth Vader, cant even use force push or anything.


To those who say that its good cause its like samurai sword fight...

1) lightsaber's weight is only on hilt, so it cant follow the same samurai sword styles (Can u use the same samurai technique with a claymore? I doubt)

2) the ligthsaber while moved fast, it has the ability to leave a wave? of light behind it, confusing the enemy and make it harder to know where the "blade" actualy is and where is gonna hit.

3) lightsaber has the ability to turn on and off, anytime. This can be used to bypass the enemy's defenses. (Some ligthsaber style uses it. Doenst exist in movies)


The lightsaber different styles uses these advantages..

When i see lightsaber duel, i wanna see jedi duel, force powered moves/acrobatics, fast reflexes....and not some highlander movie with glowing sticks...

Edited by unicornfive
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And the best part of it...the final battle and the death of the most powerfull sith of all time..Vader lifts him up on his arms and drops him to the generator lol, i couldnt stop laughing when i saw it. The all mighty and powerfull Darth Vader, cant even use force push or anything.




I find that dissapointing aswell.


Super invincible Sidious cannot get free from a guy and Super strong Vader cannot think of a better way of killing the evil guy.

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Why did the original trilogy portray combat like a swordsman duel,


The the prequels turned every jedi into a Ledy Gaga back up dancer?


Because the 3 main lightsaber fights in the OT are:


1) An old man who hasn't fought in years

2) A trainee kid who's barely fought with one

3) A 'graduate' who never got any additional training after that trainee kid fight.



The fights are slow and awkward because the fighters are.


The prequel trilogy fights are battles between Masters of saber combat. People who've been training for years or decades.

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I watched the prequels 1st and i gotta say these:

For those that havent been born in 60s, the episodes 4,5,6 are unwatchable...

The crap slow poke moves, the duel of vader vs obi-wan, LOL...

And the best part of it...the final battle and the death of the most powerfull sith of all time..Vader lifts him up on his arms and drops him to the generator lol, i couldnt stop laughing when i saw it. The all mighty and powerfull Darth Vader, cant even use force push or anything.


To those who say that its good cause its like samurai sword fight...

1) lightsaber's weight is only on hilt, so it cant follow the same samurai sword styles (Can u use the same samurai technique with a claymore? I doubt)

2) the ligthsaber while moved fast, it has the ability to leave a wave? of light behind it, confusing the enemy and make it harder to know where the "blade" actualy is and where is gonna hit.

3) lightsaber has the ability to turn on and off, anytime. This can be used to bypass the enemy's defenses. (Some ligthsaber style uses it. Doenst exist in movies)


The lightsaber different styles uses these advantages..

When i see lightsaber duel, i wanna see jedi duel, force powered moves/acrobatics, fast reflexes....and not some highlander movie with glowing sticks...


You are reading way too much into the final scene. Its the great salvation of Anakin. How do you know the emperor could even possibly escape his grasp? Tossing him down the abyss seems like a perfectly good way to kill someone. Jedi and Sith can't "fly" no matter how much force they have.


I was born in the 80s and the saber duels in 4, 5, 6 are perfect for the movies. The acrobatic stuff was neat to watch in the later films but detracted rather than add to the movie.


Showing Yoda fight was a big mistake.

Edited by Arkerus
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You are reading way too much into the final scene. Its the great salvation of Anakin. How do you know the emperor could even possibly escape his grasp? Tossing him down the abyss seems like a perfectly good way to kill someone. Jedi and Sith can't "fly" no matter how much force they have.


I was born in the 80s and the saber duels in 4, 5, 6 are perfect for the movies. The acrobatic stuff was neat to watch in the later films but detracted rather than add to the movie.


Showing Yoda fight was a big mistake.


Yoda fight on 2 and 3 were the most amazing lightsaber duels.

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prequel saber combat literally ruined everything about the character of yoda. all of his profound teachings about the Force went right out the window when he started backflipping in midair and swinging a lightsaber. they could not have ruined yoda more perfectly if they tried.


and it looks silly also.

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prequel saber combat literally ruined everything about the character of yoda. all of his profound teachings about the Force went right out the window when he started backflipping in midair and swinging a lightsaber. they could not have ruined yoda more perfectly if they tried.


and it looks silly also.


Yoda from 4,5,6 reminds me more of jar jar than a jedi master..

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People keep saying that lightsabers are weightless. Provide a source that lightsabers are easy to wield, because everything I've read suggests the opposite.


Being weightless would make them difficult to wield, not easy.


Seriously, the lack of weight would actually throw you off if you weren't trained to use it.

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Yoda from 4,5,6 reminds me more of jar jar than a jedi master..


I'm sorry, but that makes no sense at all. That was the whole point of yoda. How could someone so small and old be powerful? That was the whole point. He was mysterious for a reason.


The saber combat made him look like a frog on springs stuck in a wind tunnel.

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I wouldn't subscribe to that.

While it is true, that Kendo strikes are devastating, the wushu way is to be quick and move around a lot. You do little cuts and slashes, which will hinder your opponent until he loses. With a light sabre this is more effective than brute force, which you don't really need with a light sabre.


And while you do your devastating blow, I have hit you 2 or 3 times. But just a bit ;)


This lady (or guy with lady avatar :) ) is right imo, and all the moving around is used to daze and confuse the opponent. Maybe even to build momentum. And about turning their back to the opponent: come on they use the force so that's like having eyes in the back of your head. But honestly ppl, they probably did it because it just looks more exciting :)

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prequel saber combat literally ruined everything about the character of yoda. all of his profound teachings about the Force went right out the window when he started backflipping in midair and swinging a lightsaber. they could not have ruined yoda more perfectly if they tried.


and it looks silly also.


How come? So Yoda was supposed to have somehow trained Obi-Wan in the Jedi Arts, and Obi-Wan was obviously able to fight to some degree, yet he cannot fight himself because he's some sort of serene monk in hiding on a swamp? I don't see the logic here. (this is all going off of the OT by the way.)

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Why did the original trilogy portray combat like a swordsman duel,


The the prequels turned every jedi into a Ledy Gaga back up dancer?


imo, it seems backwards from what you said. i just watched all six movies again last week, and in 4-6, the saber combat is well, weak. but in 1-3, saber combat is far more awesome.


i mean, i was watching luke and vader in part 5 and they barely swung at each other, my brother and i had more intense battles with sticks when we were little kids than those two did.

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I'm sorry, but that makes no sense at all. That was the whole point of yoda. How could someone so small and old be powerful? That was the whole point. He was mysterious for a reason.


The saber combat made him look like a frog on springs stuck in a wind tunnel.


If you could leap more than three times your height and were fighting people who had that much height and reach on you. Would you really just stand there and let them have that advantage? I loved how Yoda fought. Considering Jedi don't use the force the way sith do and he was a master duelist, what's more natural than to become a fast moving ball of attacks that's hard to hit?


As for the rest...well actually all of it is opinion anyway.

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If you could leap more than three times your height and were fighting people who had that much height and reach on you. Would you really just stand there and let them have that advantage? I loved how Yoda fought. Considering Jedi don't use the force the way sith do and he was a master duelist, what's more natural than to become a fast moving ball of attacks that's hard to hit?


As for the rest...well actually all of it is opinion anyway.


Thank you. Effectiveness > Aesthetics


That's why a lot of early tanks failed, because the designers focused too much on intimidation value rather than logical effectiveness. (See: Tsar Tank)

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If you could leap more than three times your height and were fighting people who had that much height and reach on you. Would you really just stand there and let them have that advantage? I loved how Yoda fought. Considering Jedi don't use the force the way sith do and he was a master duelist, what's more natural than to become a fast moving ball of attacks that's hard to hit?


As for the rest...well actually all of it is opinion anyway.


Frog. Springs. Looks ridiculous.


But thats besides the point. To any person who understands what made Yoda powerful, it wasn't lightsabers and combat. It was WISDOM and the force. Not mexican jumping beans.

Edited by Arkerus
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So he's supposed to remain a buddhist-monk type person even as he's saving the lives of two of his Jedi Knights for a Sith?


Well, yeah. He's Yoda.


It simply seems out of character. The only other character I can think of who gives out a war-scream like that during a lightsaber duel is... uh, Darth Sidious.

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Frog. Springs. Looks ridiculous.


But thats besides the point. To any person who understands what made Yoda powerful, it wasn't lightsabers and combat. It was WISDOM and the force. Not mexican jumping beans.


His wisdom sure got him places, which ended up in the swamp. Face it, Yoda was powerful because of his lightsaber combat.

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His wisdom sure got him places, which ended up in the swamp. Face it, Yoda was powerful because of his lightsaber combat.


I'll just take that as you know nothing about Star Wars or anything about the first 3 movies.


And with the way Lucas butchered the first 3 movies, no wonder you think Yoda was a great combatant.


Because Lucas didnt even consult his movies when creating the prequels. He just made a popcorn flick that makes NO SENSE.


For example:





Or any of those review on his site. They all say why the first 3 movies might as well not even be lore. THEY DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE.

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