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10 Good
  1. Billy F. Cundiff...ugh. Baltimore here.
  2. That was crap he gave us as well...just saying. Who starts training someone to fight and enforces that there is no way they can win? It's not hard to believe the dark side could be stronger or else why set up everything to have Luke "the son of the chosen one" be the champion. Obi-Wan could have actually fought Vader instead of letting Luke see him killed. Yoda could have tried to fight again. But they didn't they placed all their hope in someone they believed would be more powerful.
  3. Yoda tells better jokes, and does his own cooking and housekeeping.
  4. In a fictional timeline. The events that "happen" before ROTJ would cause more confusion then what comes after. Moving forward is easier in this case. It's the backward looks they seem to change positions. So you'd exclude Legacy and Fate and so on, yet even in this debate people aren't sure if you include the Emperor of the Sith Empire or how strong was Bane really. Hell even from Plagueis, Movies and books about Maul there are contradictions. Here's an example why looking back is harder...the Clone wars series has been included in canon...so where's Maul's brother Savage Opress? The only way to settle this would be to have Lucas write a list and then we'd point out that he never has any plot holes.
  5. Yoda and Obi-wan said alot of things to Luke to make him serve a purpose. IMO they had Luke on a very non-Jedi path. He tried to save Vader against their wishes. Frankly they seemed to be programming him to be a weapon. If that's the case the list goes like this: Sith: Sidious Vader Jedi: Yoda Obi-wan Luke Most of the Star Wars Universe was built after ROTJ.
  6. Agreed, think about it...Luke had two of the last and best Jedi trying to convince him to go kill his father and he won't do it. He just found out Leia is his sister and he rages like that? I think this list would be helpful if you separate duelists and force users. Maul was a great duelist but he be off any list if you look at force abilities. Also in regards to Vader I like to think of him like Rocky: starts out really strong (Rocky), After some training he becomes a real threat (Rocky 3) then after becoming a cyborg he can't do everything he would have so his main focus is just raw power (Rocky Balboa). Also he seems to need a kick in the pants to get really motivated; his son's impending death, his mother dying, his soon to be master looking like he'll die (Every Rocky movie ever).
  7. You didn't have to see it true...but he was in hiding in 4,5 and 6. During the 1,2 and 3 the Jedi were in a war...it would surprise me if never fought. The rest on everyones part is opinion.
  8. You're not wrong, but he was also known for his lightsaber skill. Any of the Jedi from that era who are mentioned at being skilled are compared to Yoda.
  9. Keep in mind when Kenobi beats Maul he's just a padawan. He is shown to be one of the best duelists during his time, but duelist doesn't make a powerful Jedi/Sith. If that was the case then Jaina should make the list, but mostly I see her as a great fighter who beat Caedus, but he had a much better grasp of the Force. Anakin vs. Vader is a real argument to make...as stated the suit hindered him and that was planned by Sidious to ensure his status on top. Because of his suit Vader couldn't use or stand up to Force Lightning. As someone good with robotics he knew his cybernetics their materials and how they were fitted were inferior so he had a constant hindrance. Bane and older Sith Lords should probably be higher. As time passed alot of the Sith techniques were lost or kept secret to provide advantages between master and pupil. The challenge was not just can you beat your master, but have you learned as much as you can before you kill them.
  10. If you could leap more than three times your height and were fighting people who had that much height and reach on you. Would you really just stand there and let them have that advantage? I loved how Yoda fought. Considering Jedi don't use the force the way sith do and he was a master duelist, what's more natural than to become a fast moving ball of attacks that's hard to hit? As for the rest...well actually all of it is opinion anyway.
  11. Potential Spoiler alert. The most recent book Darth Plagueis explained how Anakin was to be the balance. Plagueis (Sidious master) experimented with creating life with the force. During the height of his work Anakin was born on another planet. He came about as a counter balance to what the Sith were doing. The way the Jedi managed him, his shortcomings and Sidious influence led to his downfall. Plagueis himself talked about moving with the currents of the Force and the backlash that could result from not doing so. He seemed to regard Anakins birth as a reaction from the force.
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