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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Why would you necro this terrible thread full of lies? On my server there are several snipers/slingers that top wfs all the time. In no way are they underpowered. Not to mention they can spec cc immunity, cannot be interrupted, cannot be gap closed on, and do mad damage.


Some of you guys are just crazy. BTW if you have never hit 200k ever, then this game is not for you.


So i gotta hitt over 200k to play ? stufu and your dumb *** comment. fkin troll.

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You're level 1 on your Chiss Sniper. Everyone 2 shots monsters at level 1. Next.


I've also played a 50 GS in beta.


Like many others have said, the vast majority of GS/Snipers don't know how to play their class. It does take skill admittedly, but with skill you can dominate.


My personal favorite are the Snipers who like to set up on the bridges in voidstar. :rolleyes:

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I've also played a 50 GS in beta.


Like many others have said, the vast majority of GS/Snipers don't know how to play their class. It does take skill admittedly, but with skill you can dominate.


My personal favorite are the Snipers who like to set up on the bridges in voidstar. :rolleyes:


No, you're wrong.


I played every class to 50 in beta, Snipers under perform compared to all of them.

Edited by Bulivyf
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I've also played a 50 GS in beta.


Like many others have said, the vast majority of GS/Snipers don't know how to play their class. It does take skill admittedly, but with skill you can dominate.


My personal favorite are the Snipers who like to set up on the bridges in voidstar. :rolleyes:


Well, I think that class is generally OK, maybe lacking here and there, but as in the quote, vast majority of sniper/slinger problems comes from players being unable to play it right.


Sure, melee=99% death with maybe saboteurs having some slight chances, but generally class is fine-what is the difference however is pretty high skill cap and inability to WTFPWN all other classes like mercs and sorcs and even ops(yes, even with nerf, L2P scrubs).

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It's simple m8. U're bad.

I'm gunslinger myself, doing almost every match top DMG (over 300k), and the 5k single hit isn't a problem, although i don't have the champion main hand weapon.


I dont understand how you are hitting for 5k and i am not..

The shot wont determine my skill in the game. I play as a team player. Hutt ball , cover or run with the ball carrier (i rarely miss a pass). Demolition on the doors , i always target the one planting or defusing. Same goes for the map with the cannons. Im not a bad player. Im an average player. I attack and defend with all my abilities and ive more than once decided a game for my side. This still doesnt help with the damage im dealing and the energy consuption. Ive specced to sharpshooter and back and not getting these 5k hitts of yours.. What is your spec?

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You do it wrong!


When used right, it melts people away. Also use speed relic and black market mods before you start Speed shooting people. It's a lot different if you channeling in 3 sec doing 3K or 1,4 secs doing 3K damage in that time, while you can recast it almost instant.


You can basically melt a healer out of a group.


I got swarmed, no escape possible.


Hunker down, blow defensive cooldowns, Speed relic on, blackmarket mods on. Melting their Sorc out of a grp of 5 before they could kill me, in like 5-6 seconds.


Except that you can do 2k+ crits with simple Charged Burst.

And only a very bad player don't move after you fire at least one Speed Shot cast on them (not to mention 3 times with the top tier useless skill).

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I dont understand how you are hitting for 5k and i am not..

The shot wont determine my skill in the game. I play as a team player. Hutt ball , cover or run with the ball carrier (i rarely miss a pass). Demolition on the doors , i always target the one planting or defusing. Same goes for the map with the cannons. Im not a bad player. Im an average player. I attack and defend with all my abilities and ive more than once decided a game for my side. This still doesnt help with the damage im dealing and the energy consuption. Ive specced to sharpshooter and back and not getting these 5k hitts of yours.. What is your spec?


He's using numbers from pre-bracket PvP when he was hitting level 10-20 Sages while under the effects of the PvP pickup expertise bonus.

Completely dismiss him and other people saying Snipers are fine, they don't play a Sniper currently and if they do they're in their either fresh early 20s when they have full level 20 PvP gear or early 40s with the full PvP gear. Since bolster gives you stats based on how good your gear is in relation to your level having BiS gear at level 20 and 40 makes you out perform level 50s with mediocre gear.

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I don't know about him but last week post 1.1 my 50 Slinger SS did over 300k in dmg. I went 53-2 on Voidstar. This is a L2P issue. I am always in the top 3 for damage. Usually top spot. I run a minimum 6:1 KD, and usually have a top 5 objective score as well. Even against 50s I'm critting over 4K and I have only 2/5 Champ pieces. It's ridiculous. I can 1v1 3/4 classes w/o breaking a sweat. If you guys want a buff I won't complain...I'll take it and lay waste more than I already do.


L2P guys. Crazy thing...this is my first MMO.


I love how some random come to forum, no bothering read at least couple of last pages and start saying "L2P" to ppl he even don't know. And if you're talking to one of the very experienced PvP-er who fought very tough premades on top PvP EU server and you simple can not comprehend the level of skill play he is talking about? I'm not saying it's like that but don't go L2P to everyone because you don't know who are you talking to.


On regard of your post - it's irrelevant how much damage you can have. Specially in Voidstar (the best wz to score lots of AoE damage numbers on gates with surtain conditions met). It's about the bugs the class has. If you imply that this class is "ok" then you're simply haven't reach it's limits yet and play against incompetive players. Think about it.

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They clearly underperform And there is nothing what makes us superior to other Classes.

Why should i Choose Slinger when there is nothing that this class brings to the table.


I have Seen Mercs And sorcs dealing 400-500 k damage but they have far better utilitys then

We have .


For Being the pure Dps class our damage is simply to low . well Maybe its Not to Low but wie cant bring the Dps to people because of awkward coversystem, Bugs , Immobility And other Things mentioned here


Yes i know l2p And stuff.

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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On regard of your post - it's irrelevant how much damage you can have. Specially in Voidstar (the best wz to score lots of AoE damage numbers on gates with surtain conditions met). It's about the bugs the class has. If you imply that this class is "ok" then you're simply haven't reach it's limits yet and play against incompetive players. Think about it.


Gunslingers are the most powerful class in Voidstar lol. You guys. Hope we get a buff from all the complaining like the WAR Engineer did even though I was already ****** face.

Edited by potroast
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They clearly underperform And there is nothing what makes us superior to other Classes.

Why should i Choose Slinger when there is nothing that this class brings to the table.


I have Seen Mercs And sorcs dealing 400-500 k damage but they have far better utilitys then

We have .


For Being the pure Dps class our damage is simply to low .


Yes i know l2p And stuff.


Absolutely correct.




It's clearly a problem

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Frankly, leave GS as they are now, just fix the bugs. We definitely don't need buff (now, that would make us really overpowered) and we don't need nerf. If GS is played right, we burst people down, but we pay the price for it and that's also why we have to play smart. So if you guys are not able to play smart, pick another class which is not that demanding...
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They clearly underperform And there is nothing what makes us superior to other Classes.

Why should i Choose Slinger when there is nothing that this class brings to the table.


I have Seen Mercs And sorcs dealing 400-500 k damage but they have far better utilitys then

We have .


For Being the pure Dps class our damage is simply to low .


Yes i know l2p And stuff.


snipers and gunslingers are already op in pve cause of their high dps and raid cd aka -20% dmg taken.


snipers output is very very high if u let him deal his dmg, saying the dmg is medicore is just wrong.

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They clearly underperform And there is nothing what makes us superior to other Classes.

Why should i Choose Slinger when there is nothing that this class brings to the table.


I have Seen Mercs And sorcs dealing 400-500 k damage but they have far better utilitys then

We have .


For Being the pure Dps class our damage is simply to low .


Yes i know l2p And stuff.


AoE and DoTs.


That doesn't mean however that you're not just as effective by doing less dmg. Burst applied in the right place at the right time is always more affective than blanket unfocued dmg.

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