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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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I am a lvl 50 gunslinger geared in full champion gear and enjoy the class a lot. My spec is dirty fighting which is a lot more mobile than something like sharpshooter. I personally think dirty fighting is an awesome spec for objective games like voidstar, because you have an aoe dot attack that you can use on a group of enemies who are trying to plant a bomb on the door. Personally as an old time swg pre-cu player that enjoyed professions such as carbineer and pistoleer, the gunslinger class with dirty fighting spec fits my playstyle just right. I was having a pretty fun time countering this operative tonight and putting dots on him preventing him from making an escape. Operatives are definitely the class that gives me the most trouble but if I survive the first onslaught attack I usually come up the victor just by snaring, dotting them up, and nuking them. I do agree with a lot of the negatives people have described on this thread though and gunslinger really shines with a full spec healer keeping hots on you.
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I do think Gunslingers need something more to compensate for having to self root, especially when the system for doing so is so buggy.


"Unknown Effect" so often prevents you from taking cover it isn't even funny let alone all the advantages Snipers get from their melee stun not rooting them to their equivalent of sabotage charge being instant.


Perhaps the self shield could be buffed to absorb the same kind of damage as the Sorc/Sage bubble or a combat sprint like theirs could be added for the Gunslinger AC only.

Edited by Rykko
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Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


Yup, "other classes" all of them have heavy armor and heals and 31/31/31 specs



Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Is not BW fault you didnt learn how your resource works. L2P issue


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


My level 40 Rage Juggernauth can´t even reach 150k damage. I have no heals or CC. You´re doing fine. Also, "competent" players never go hero on their own, they stay within their team

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As a gunslinger I only have a few problems


1: Cover takes for...ev...er to get in. Getting jumped by a mar...Ok i need to leg shot him..done.....Ok move away....ok get into cover...get into cover...get into..for @#$@ sake.


2: Why does my shield have flasing lights on it?!:eek:


3: Rolling into cover...ok what cover....warzones have barely any and ev has like 1 or 2 spots


4: Ops....god do i hate thee:mad:


5: LOS is a pain in the ***...I really cant move much, so when some plays hide and seek with me im toast


Thats about it....Now you can tell me how im a crappy gunslinger and how your friend's cousin twice removed can take out 4 ops and a sorc all by himself and top dam at 600k:D

Edited by LuthirFontaine
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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks


well i seen bad gunslingers and good ones ......

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I am a lvl 50 gunslinger geared in full champion gear and enjoy the class a lot. My spec is dirty fighting which is a lot more mobile than something like sharpshooter. I personally think dirty fighting is an awesome spec for objective games like voidstar, because you have an aoe dot attack that you can use on a group of enemies who are trying to plant a bomb on the door. Personally as an old time swg pre-cu player that enjoyed professions such as carbineer and pistoleer, the gunslinger class with dirty fighting spec fits my playstyle just right. I was having a pretty fun time countering this operative tonight and putting dots on him preventing him from making an escape. Operatives are definitely the class that gives me the most trouble but if I survive the first onslaught attack I usually come up the victor just by snaring, dotting them up, and nuking them. I do agree with a lot of the negatives people have described on this thread though and gunslinger really shines with a full spec healer keeping hots on you.


This is an accurate post.

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I've recently ditched my 32 gunslinger - not because I felt the class weak or underpowered (I've never been lower than top 3 damage dealers in any wf, which is OK since I play sharpshooter and do almost only single target damage), but due to the fact that the cover mechanic leaves a lot to be desired.


Not being able to enter cover QUICKLY (while a severely upset melee dps is chopping away your hp bar) is a deal-breaker for me and I think this represents the main (if not single) issue this class has right now. You get great damage and enough crowd control to compensate being nailed to the floor most of the time; combined with good strategy and battlefield positioning, you can poop on a lot of people :D. But still you can find yourself in need of a pulse and the damned cover won't pop :jawa_mad:.


LE: And I also find the story to be crappy and uninteresting, compared to other classes'.

Edited by decazut
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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks


im sorry when i saw this post i laughed.


gunslingers in cover with that extra cover sheild to make it even bigger then the aoe massive sheild makes them pretty dam hard to kill and they are sitting in 1 place spamming off 5k shots.they get stuns and knock backroots also.


how on earth can you make out they need a buff when they are already insane as it is.

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im sorry when i saw this post i laughed.


gunslingers in cover with that extra cover sheild to make it even bigger then the aoe massive sheild makes them pretty dam hard to kill


im sorry i had to laugh when i read this excuse of a sentence, do you even know how the sniper/slinger works ?

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The class is fine, you do amazing burst and sustained damage and even though cover can suck you've got a lot of cc to make up for it.


Ok, then explain to use the damage mitigation system because (no offense meant) you seem to have no clue about.



If you started using Crouch instead of Take Cover then over half the complaints in this thread magically disappear.


I am sorry but I doubt you play a gunslinger or sniper. Why? It is quite common to get kicked out from cover and then even crouch seems to have an internal delay and sometimes the icon is even greyed out for 2-3 seconds.


Also, it seems if you get rooted sometimes, you cannot go into cover either.


The idea of cover is good. The mechanic is clumsy, though




Personally I play as a lethality sniper and enjoy it because it suffers less from the cover glitches (I can still use my most potent stuff even if cover is bugged or delayed as so often) and I am also not crippled by the damage mitigation since (nearly) all a marksman has is weapon damage (haha).


However, I dread the day the healers find their dispel button. Boy, then there is no sniper spec which is even remotely on par with a dps specced BH or sorc

Edited by Desgarden
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I'm not saying sniper/gunslinger don't have their issues, however, 99% of the snipers I see are absolutely dreadful, and have no clue as to how to play their class.


No chaining rifle attacks.


Using cover pulse with zero intelligence. If you're playing huttball, all it takes is one debilitate/flashbang -> reposition -> pulse -> goodbye.


Zero IQ positional sense (hey, let's stand 15m away from the alderaan mid turret on the ground floor, so absolutely everyone will see I'm a free kill with my shiny shield)


List goes on...


As for damage, I've seen snipers take ~50% of my health with one shot.


are you level 30 with 6k HP or something??


highest one shot damage i did was on a lvl 10 lowbie with 4.5k crit on ambush. on fully geared expertise lvl 50 toons my ambush crits for 2k average. you tell me thats alot of damage compare to other class???

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Ok, then explain to use the damage mitigation system because (no offense meant) you seem to have no clue about.





I am sorry but I doubt you play a gunslinger or sniper. Why? It is quite common to get kicked out from cover and then even crouch seems to have an internal delay and sometimes the icon is even greyed out for 2-3 seconds.


Also, it seems if you get rooted sometimes, you cannot go into cover either.


The idea of cover is good. The mechanic is clumsy, though




Personally I play as a lethality sniper and enjoy it because it suffers less from the cover glitches (I can still use my most potent stuff even if cover is bugged or delayed as so often) and I am also not crippled by the damage mitigation since (nearly) all a marksman has is weapon damage (haha).


However, I dread the day the healers find their dispel button. Boy, then there is no sniper spec which is even remotely on par with a dps specced BH or sorc


I've never had any issues with crouch except a few huttball ledges which I try to avoid for obvious reasons. Hell have the time my charged burst shots are halfway done casting before my player completes his crouching personal shield crouch.


Im not gonna lie and say the class is flawless but if you have half a brain then you can do some serious work in team based fighting. You know the only kind of fighting that actually matters.

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Snipers are really solid.


Cover cannot be leaped to. Cannot be interrupted in. Cannot be pulled from, and as if that wasn't enough, 1/3 of the time you're immune to CC (entrenched).


Wait what? Cover cannot be leaped to? Obviously if you're behind something not to mention the only cover protects you from is other green lasers and not grenades/missiles Lightning/force actk. cover is easily interruptable by a knock-back/cc which every melee and their mother like to spam.

Not to mention the entrench skill sacrifices mobility, so if you're planing on killing the sorc that you busted down to 25% health you have two options:

1: stay trenched and watch the healer break your los by simply going behind a wall which exist in every WZ.

2: get out of entrench to chase down the healer which leaves vulnerable to cc and there goes your 20 sec cc immunity with a min cd.

compared to the sorcs/sage bubbles our entrench skill is pretty gimped in risk vs reward.

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Burst is great except people are gearing up now. My burst does aprox 8k thats good yeah but all it takes is 1 medpac and 1 heal and now i'm screwed cause my burst is gone and now i'm seen. Sure WZ you can put out damage but compared to others its so so.


They need to add a healing debuff imo to our aimed shot. That would level it out a bit and do what burst does best kill healers.

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Have you tried respeccing to Lethality build? I haven't tried that myself since my Sniper is just a low level alt atm, but I'm told it works wonders for pvp and doesn't require cover all the time like marksman.


It adds some mobility and makes you suck less in pvp. But the problem still lies in that as a gunslinger I can spec contrary to my pve needs, play on the edge of my seat, increase my reflex/reaction time -or- be a trooper, scratch my butt with one hand, spam Grav Round with the other for the same level of effectiveness.


It's not that you can't do well in pvp as a gunslinger, it's that it's so, so, so much harder than any other class.

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Gunslinger's mechanic is somewhat of a joke.


For example:


If you go for sharpshooter build(for which most people go), you basically lack a thing which is maybe most important factor in any pvp ----> MOBILITY. You're literally an immovable turret with mediocre dmg ( sage does same + more damage and retains his mobility + has healing ). When they get to you, you're mostly dead ( usually flipping in and out of cover 'til you die ) without any excuse due to lack of proper CC for kiting, such as 'hamstring' + you wear medium armor.


If you instead go for a tree that enables you to retain some mobility ( dirty fighting), you do so at the cost of damage, and as well you are faced with horrible energy consumption problems.


In overall, it's least played class in game atm, cause it basically SUCKS ( due to it's buggy mechanic ).


Cover mechanic is useless at times, mostly due to ability delay problem; although many times i noticed myself being crowd controlled even with 'hunker down' ability popped. Most of the abilites have huge cast times and sometimes i noticed many of them simply not going off for 5-10 secs.


This class basically only works ok in PvE, though in PVP you will usually be outmatched by classes such as: Jedi Sage ( dps ), Commando or Scoundrel with no problem.


Please Bioware, start considering some workover on this class/mechanic because it's obvious that it fails in so many ways.

Edited by Wrakk
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Snipers hit like a truck. They may not have the mobility other classes have but they are immune to knockbacks, etc while in cover.


lol fail. No we arent. unless we use an ability that last 20 seconds and has a decent cooldown. Then every person that feels like it knocks you out of cover, which means you have to re-enter cover to do any damage since not being in cover screws you over.


No heals, only DPS, and not good enough DPS to have nothing else. Fail class fails



On a side note, i'd swap to a stealth, healing dps class (scoundrel) any day of the week. We all know they will put duel specs in this game. and when they do.. gunslinger will be a thing of the past.

Edited by Wrekkoning
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Step1: /facepalm the gunslinger/sniper for actually rolling the class and not a scoundrel/OPs in PvP.


Is it me, or is a "Gunslinger" supposed to be a better class for PvP than a "Scoundrel"? I play in a PvP server with the full intention of engaging in open world PvP. I chose Gunslinger simply based on the class description. Turns out that the Scoundrel is the better PvP specialization... even OP'ed? And the Gunslinger seems to be the least played class on either faction.


I really can't say how well we do in open PvP and 1 on 1's because I haven't run into any (lvl 28), but in instanced PvP the cover system does suck. I end up with a decent amount of damage done, but most of that is by spreading damage around multiple targets.


I guess that I rolled the most gimped class in PvP :p

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I have to say that i just love my gunslinger and i do a lot of pvp matches with that class.

The Problem is that you are extremly dependant on a good team that supports you. With a Tank guarding you and a Healer healing you there is no class (exept scoundrels/operativs XD) that will outdamage you.


If you play in a PUG and are on you own then you have to prepare for a lot of dying cause if you're outnumbered it's pretty damn hard to survive (but mostly you'll be able to kill at least on of the zergs ;-D)


In 1on1 situations Gunslingers/Snipers are a beast but it will take a lot of skill cause you'll need all your abilitys :cool:



So lets face it:


--> Gunslingers are just damagebeasts with a good team and a skilled player.


--> Without the team and/or skill they are nearly unplayable...

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It adds some mobility and makes you suck less in pvp. But the problem still lies in that as a gunslinger I can spec contrary to my pve needs, play on the edge of my seat, increase my reflex/reaction time -or- be a trooper, scratch my butt with one hand, spam Grav Round with the other for the same level of effectiveness.


It's not that you can't do well in pvp as a gunslinger, it's that it's so, so, so much harder than any other class.


So your complain isn't about gunslinger's viability, but the learning curve into doing it succesfully?. Honestly if all classes would be as easy to play, their mechanics would be nearly the same too, playstyle the same and abilities the same with only different color flashes etc.

If you're any familiar to the concept of class based games, the goal is to make playstyle of each class feel at least some way unique, and eventually some people find other classes harder than others; it has always been, and always will be.

Sure, a class being relatively easy to faceroll through seems appealing to people not being able to dedicate themselves to it, but it doesn't necessarily mean the harder ones are bad either, they just need some learning to make them work.


Tbh the first thing your post reminded me of was complaints on BF3 forusm, whining of how engineers are OP just because they can just lay back spamming SMAW / RPG / Carl Gustav all day long, as opposed to other classes that actually had to aim :p

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