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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Why are you on this topic then if you don't care, do you need a tutorial on how to do searches for topics that do interest you?


Just poked my nose in to see if anything new was being announced and noticed a thread called "Weekly server maintenance EU times?" - curiosity got me to open it.


The view of these posters is that they should use unfeasably large fonts to announce to the other players that they've cancelled their subscriptions (and how many of those will continue to play whilst they still have time credit, and then resub I wonder?). and my, equally valid, view is that, if they're going to leave - then do it. Screaming about it won't make one jot of difference.

Edited by Colow_Leper
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I don't know about you, but between 10am and 4pm I'm at work, so unlikely to be playing games. I suspect the same goes for a lot of other people, they're either going to be at work/school/college/uni/whatever. I would argue that it actually is off-peak for Europe. Peak time for Europe will be late afternoon and in to the evening, when everyone gets home.


People who work from home.

Parents who care for their kids, and said kids are at school.

Students who have no lectures on the day in question and no pressing deadlines.

The disabled.

People who work in retail and have dickish managers who force them to take their days off on weekdays.

People who work nights.


There are plenty of us who are affected by this issue, and as is made plain by the times during which the server downs occur in the USA(2AM and onwards), the numbers who play during the day cannot be as small as some of you lot are trying to imply.

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Any player may access US or Europe server. Would you like people from EU jumping to US servers if its time for their maintenance?


Except that wouldn't happen. Why?


1. People that work at night roll on servers on the other continent right off the bat, they are NOT added traffic.

2. People that happen to be online during a maintenance night probably won't bother rerolling on a new server with a slightly higher ping just to bridge the few hours that the servers are offline.


I've already covered the exact same pros and cons in a post a while back, big list, you should look it up.

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If you're going to cancel, fine, do it - send a note to EA/BW - just don't bend our ears about it.


Frankly I'm fed up with it - on every game that comes out there are a bunch of posters screaming that "unless you make it better, then I'm taking my ball and going home".


If just 1% of the current player base left (which, at current sign up, would probably be replaced in two weeks), something between 10,000 and 20,000 players would be posting on here.


What's even sillier - the only people that look at these moans are a few moderators - if you want someone to look at your complaint, send something direct to them - at least that might be logged by someone.



Yes - I'm on an EU server - I'm in the UK.


With all due respect then, why are you agreeing with someone whining about the GTN, in another thread? What makes his complaint ok but this complaint isn't?

Seems a tad off IMO.

There have been a huge amount of people complaining about various issues they have, since launch. Some are petty, some are valid, some are small threads that disappear, some are big threads that keep popping up weekly, if not daily. This thread is one of them, and if I worked for bioware, and I gave a hoot about customer service, I'd be thinking maybe this issue should be at least looked at, and a statement saying they are doing it, put out.

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People who work from home.

Parents who care for their kids, and said kids are at school.

Students who have no lectures on the day in question and no pressing deadlines.

The disabled.

People who work in retail and have dickish managers who force them to take their days off on weekdays.

People who work nights.


There are plenty of us who are affected by this issue, and as is made plain by the times during which the server downs occur in the USA(2AM and onwards), the numbers who play during the day cannot be as small as some of you lot are trying to imply.


But hang on a minute.


Whatever time you take the servers down SOMEONE'S going to be affected - I would say that there are more people working 9-5 (by which I include school/college etc) than not. maintenance from, say, 6pm to midnight would impact considerably more!


Assuming that the servers have to be taken down at some, there's going to be some people affected - even a small percentage will be a big number.

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With all due respect then, why are you agreeing with someone whining about the GTN, in another thread? What makes his complaint ok but this complaint isn't?

Seems a tad off IMO.

There have been a huge amount of people complaining about various issues they have, since launch. Some are petty, some are valid, some are small threads that disappear, some are big threads that keep popping up weekly, if not daily. This thread is one of them, and if I worked for bioware, and I gave a hoot about customer service, I'd be thinking maybe this issue should be at least looked at, and a statement saying they are doing it, put out.


Actually, at this point in time, I think they have bigger fish to fry (engine efficiancy/stability for instance).


They *may* even have done it on purpose - to ease the roll out of patches during the initial phase after release (OK - so - perhaps not that likely).




The chap complaining about the GTN on the other thread came out with a list of well thought out functions that the GTN needs - and didn't scream that, if they didn't get it, that they'd leave.

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With all due respect then, why are you agreeing with someone whining about the GTN, in another thread? What makes his complaint ok but this complaint isn't?

Seems a tad off IMO.

There have been a huge amount of people complaining about various issues they have, since launch. Some are petty, some are valid, some are small threads that disappear, some are big threads that keep popping up weekly, if not daily. This thread is one of them, and if I worked for bioware, and I gave a hoot about customer service, I'd be thinking maybe this issue should be at least looked at, and a statement saying they are doing it, put out.




For my own part, it's the public declaration of 'i quit/cancel' that pushes a legitimate dialogue into an annoyance. Perhaps it is unfair to characterize such posts as petulant, but that is how I perceive them. If someone has a legitimate complaint, they should post it. If they are going to leave the game, I honestly do not want to read another I QUIT declaration. Just go, and leave a note to the men in charge if you need.

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Is anyone actually constantly contacting bioware about this? Or cancelling subs? I'm afraid unless direct action is taken, they'll scarcely think about it.


To everyone who is saying it's not important, well it may not be important to you, but obviously it's annoying the hell out of alot of people. Overnight downtimes in Europe will not affect US servers, there will not be this big influx of European players clogging up US servers when europes are down. That's just a feeble excuse.

Anyone who says it's an American company, they have to put Americans first, that is a terrible practice for a global company. They should put their customers first, all of them, regardless of country.

Anyone who says think about the poor people having to stay up and do the actual maintainance/patch, well that's part of the job. I don't like working weekends, but I have to.

Anyone who says that it's impossible to take each set of servers down separately, please provide evidence to support. And if it's true, then bioware are either extremely naive, or just plain arrogant to think that inconveniencing one set of customers to please another would be even remotely acceptable.


I've been sending Stephen Reid tweets about the matter, but he's ignored every single one. BioWare as a whole is ignoring this issue. As a result I won't be buying more game time once mine expires. It's not only this issue, but the overall arrogance BioWare is displaying towards its customers in general and its European customers in particular has made me decide that they don't deserve my money for now.

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I don't know about you, but between 10am and 4pm I'm at work


Yep, it's mostly unemployed or kids crying about this. There are a few with strange working hours but that really doesn't matter. I'm from Europe and i think maintenance times are just fine.

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But hang on a minute.


Whatever time you take the servers down SOMEONE'S going to be affected - I would say that there are more people working 9-5 (by which I include school/college etc) than not. maintenance from, say, 6pm to midnight would impact considerably more!


Assuming that the servers have to be taken down at some, there's going to be some people affected - even a small percentage will be a big number.


No one's suggesting moving the time to 6 PM to midnight. The suggestion is to move it to the same time as the US, from 2 AM to 10 AM, European time.


That affects fewer people than during the day or evening.


34 pages later and only 1 reply about how other threads got closed!


Technically it's page 234, we've already had 2 previous incarnations that went unanswered.

Edited by Keadin
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This is ridiculous and simple to fix.... argue all you want about when is actually "off peak" daytime or evening... i'll tell you when it will definately impact the least amount of players... MIDNIGHT to 8AM ! ... that's why the US gets those times.... it's not rocket science, maintain US servers and EU servers MIDNIGHT to 8AM "LOCAL" time and everyone will be happy and this argument/discussion evaporates in a flash :)
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This is ridiculous and simple to fix.... argue all you want about when is actually "off peak" daytime or evening... i'll tell you when it will definately impact the least amount of players... MIDNIGHT to 8AM ! ... that's why the US gets those times.... it's not rocket science, maintain US servers and EU servers MIDNIGHT to 8AM "LOCAL" time and everyone will be happy and this argument/discussion evaporates in a flash :)


It'd be a hell of a change - they'd need to split the game by zone - I'm not even certain that they'd be able to back-engineer it.


WoW was built, from the start, with three areas (from memory) - if you wanted to be on the US servers (because, say, you worked nights) then you'd have to buy a US copy of the game.


Good or bad, I can't see them being physically able to implement it for a heck of a long time.


At the moment they seem to be (mostly) taking the servers down when the US players are asleep and, most, EU players are at work. The guys in Ociania must be peeved (if there are any players over there).

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Actually, at this point in time, I think they have bigger fish to fry (engine efficiancy/stability for instance).


They *may* even have done it on purpose - to ease the roll out of patches during the initial phase after release (OK - so - perhaps not that likely).


Oh I agree, there are bigger things to sort out. This pops up on a regular basis though, and I think some kind of communication regarding why they can't separate, or they are looking into it would calm some people down a bit.

I can understand you getting fed up with people threatening to quit, too, but in all honesty, if you're that fed up with them, and glad to see the back of them, why read this thread in future?

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Bioware, I understand the need to take down severs for maintainece but with the timezones its harsh on the EU as not everone works 9-5. Its a pain and many many posts have been made about this topic with no answers to long term plans for this.


there was actually a post a while ago that there would be a BIG official statement regarding maintenance over here in Europe. Of course nobody said anything at all so far, still waiting...


Don't get me wrong, I fully expect a "Deal with it", just would be nice to have anything at all other than being treated like a ****** second class customer who is not even getting acknowledged.

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But hang on a minute.


Whatever time you take the servers down SOMEONE'S going to be affected - I would say that there are more people working 9-5 (by which I include school/college etc) than not. maintenance from, say, 6pm to midnight would impact considerably more!


Assuming that the servers have to be taken down at some, there's going to be some people affected - even a small percentage will be a big number.


The fact is, there are other times to do maintenance when LESS players are online. They should be doing maintenance in each region when the LEAST amount of players are online, not just when the least amount of AMERICANS are online as is currently the case.

Edited by Mandrax
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It'd be a hell of a change - they'd need to split the game by zone - I'm not even certain that they'd be able to back-engineer it.


WoW was built, from the start, with three areas (from memory) - if you wanted to be on the US servers (because, say, you worked nights) then you'd have to buy a US copy of the game.


Good or bad, I can't see them being physically able to implement it for a heck of a long time.


At the moment they seem to be (mostly) taking the servers down when the US players are asleep and, most, EU players are at work. The guys in Ociania must be peeved (if there are any players over there).


Really? They would have to split the game by zones? Maybe they should talk to a tiny little company called Trion Worlds who currently allow connections to both EU and US servers yet perform maintenance and patches at SEPARATE times.


If Trion can do it, why the hell can't BioWare? Maybe it's because though Trion are small, they have more talent in their tech teams than EA or BioWare have?


Whatever the reason, they should be embarrassed that Trion can, and BioWare/EA can't.

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Really? They would have to split the game by zones? Maybe they should talk to a tiny little company called Trion Worlds who currently allow connections to both EU and US servers yet perform maintenance and patches at SEPARATE times.


If Trion can do it, why the hell can't BioWare? Maybe it's because though Trion are small, they have more talent in their tech teams than EA or BioWare have?


Whatever the reason, they should be embarrassed that Trion can, and BioWare/EA can't.


Your are forgetting one important fact. Customer Experience is VERY important to Trion. To EA/BW? Not so much.

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It'd be a hell of a change - they'd need to split the game by zone - I'm not even certain that they'd be able to back-engineer it.


WoW was built, from the start, with three areas (from memory) - if you wanted to be on the US servers (because, say, you worked nights) then you'd have to buy a US copy of the game.


Good or bad, I can't see them being physically able to implement it for a heck of a long time.


At the moment they seem to be (mostly) taking the servers down when the US players are asleep and, most, EU players are at work. The guys in Ociania must be peeved (if there are any players over there).


Not sure if you're joking or purposely feigning ignorance.


The game is already divided into 'zones'. There are US servers (East and west coast) and then there are EU servers (currently located in Dublin, Ireland...EUROPE).


WoW was not built from the start with 3 areas. The European servers were added to that game months after launch. Months. It's doable and WoW/Rift both cater equally to North American and European customers regarding server maintenance times. It is indeed 'NOT rocket science' matey.

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Oh I agree, there are bigger things to sort out. This pops up on a regular basis though, and I think some kind of communication regarding why they can't separate, or they are looking into it would calm some people down a bit.

I can understand you getting fed up with people threatening to quit, too, but in all honesty, if you're that fed up with them, and glad to see the back of them, why read this thread in future?


Well, I don't read threads that say "I quit" somewhere in the title - this one suckered me in!

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Not sure if you're joking or purposely feigning ignorance.


The game is already divided into 'zones'. There are US servers (East and west coast) and then there are EU servers (currently located in Dublin, Ireland...EUROPE).


WoW was not built from the start with 3 areas. The European servers were added to that game months after launch. Months. It's doable and WoW/Rift both cater equally to North American and European customers regarding server maintenance times. It is indeed 'NOT rocket science' matey.


The EU servers *may* have been added after - but the funtionality that allowed them to seperate the zones *was* implemented from the start.


So, you're quite right, doing from the start isn't rocket science - doing it afterwards - whilst the game is actually running - you'd better call NASA.....

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