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So having played beta...


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My friends aren't as nice as your brother. Maybe I need new friends. :p



We played beta together and we was just destroying everything so we made it our goal when it goes live we would just help each other out, so I know exactly how you feel, not everyone's like that for sure, but still it's not the EGA that's ruining friends ability to play together is point I was trying to make. If your friends decide they are going to level without you, then that's them... not EGA lol :p

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People that were invited yesterday should be level 20-40 by now. And we havent even started. Feels good doesnt it? I like that when I log in people will already be level 50. But oh see its MY fault because I didnt preorder a game the second it was announced! Because thats a normal thing to do you know. Just preorder everything you see the second every game company in the world announces their product.


It is gonna be like you say... Unless they give new servers hopefully all the orders that get in today fill up the servers and the last wave/s get new servers :)

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Leveling is easy in SWTOR. If you go from planet to planet just running single player quests you can do it pretty easily from what I saw in beta. In one beta weekend on an underpopulated server I got up to level 25 and that was without trying to exploit and just questing on planets. I was playing a JK and had finished Tython, Coruscant and Taris and started playing in Hutta when I decided there wasn't much point in pushing further as it was near the end of the beta and it was all going away. At any rate, I'm a completionist so I killed every quest I found on those planets. Does that affect anyone else? Nope. And I think I may go a little slower for real here...that said, I worked yesterday, got home at 5:15, played from about 5:30 until about 12:30 and made level 12. It's not difficult. In fact, it's almost too easy, but then again, it could be worse...could be a total grind like most games. No one is ever happy. Will SWToR last me forever playing or will I run out of content? No idea. But I'm enjoying it a great deal right now and that's enough for me.
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OMG you guys. Who cares if there are people who start ahead of you? Is this a race to level 50? I think not. A couple of months from now, you will all not care when you got EA. Sit back and enjoy the game for what it is when it is your turn to log in. If getting ganked by higher level people bothers you, the roll on a PVE server. Simple as that. Be happy that the game is finally releasing!
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People hhave different playing styles, I can see both parts points, if you are going to play on a PVP server ofc you would get ganked by the level 50's. But come on it is a game.


SWTOR is the first fully voiced MMO, the story of each class is so awesome, missing it just so you can hit level 50 is meaningless..


I know I'm going to enjoy every minute of my first and second and third character's story. :-)

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Uhhhh, no. Some of us have lives and jobs. I'm level 6 after playing for a few hours last night, playing with characters, exploring a bit.


Stop trying to represent the population using a skewed sample (people being level 20-40 the first day...LOL!!!!)


Yup...I'm gonna take something I saw in other thread (real credit for the author Omechron).


"Lots of people have this really crippling disease called "adulthood". Basically, it afflicts them with a compulsion to feed their families and pay for their houses, so they have to get these things called "Jobs" which are kind of like the daily quests in WoW.

So when people come home from their "Jobs" then they load the game and try to play".


I'm only lv11...is all I could get before it got really late last nigth up until I get back from work

Edited by Erudain
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OMG you guys. Who cares if there are people who start ahead of you? Is this a race to level 50? I think not. A couple of months from now, you will all not care when you got EA. Sit back and enjoy the game for what it is when it is your turn to log in. If getting ganked by higher level people bothers you, the roll on a PVE server. Simple as that. Be happy that the game is finally releasing!


Exactly. And I'm sorry. Not trying to be rude, but if there are people whom are level 50 or close to it, then what does that really say about them? Tells me they have absolutely no life at all. lol:cool:

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The IT guy I work with was 11am wave yesterday, and he's so busy with family and chores he hasnt even logged in. I preordered tge game in September but unfortuately forgot to enter my code until Dec 9, so I'll be playing next year sometime. I really don't care i beta tested it a few times so I know the character and quest lines up to 20.


Good luck to all you who are upset, I hope you get in before me. My patience has increased with age I guess.

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People hhave different playing styles, I can see both parts points, if you are going to play on a PVP server ofc you would get ganked by the level 50's. But come on it is a game.



If you intend on playing on a PVP server, being ganked by maxed levels should be expected, that's part of it. Take WOW for example, you play on a PVP server there I guarantee you'll be killed by 85's left and right.

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anybody that has made it to 30 or 40 in one day probably needs to go take a poop and get some fresh air followed by a bath and some sleep. well poop, bath, then fresh air then sleep, no point in killing the trees outside with that horrible body odor. i made it to 25 playing pretty hardcore in two weekends, by the end of that second weekend, 40 in one day is just no sleep, no eat, no bathing insane.
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People that were invited yesterday should be level 20-40 by now. And we havent even started. Feels good doesnt it? I like that when I log in people will already be level 50. But oh see its MY fault because I didnt preorder a game the second it was announced! Because thats a normal thing to do you know. Just preorder everything you see the second every game company in the world announces their product.


Where you trying to make a point? By your logic you can be level 40 in just one day, so exactly how does waiting put you far behind when you can just catch up in a day?

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Personally I played two toons on the beta, a Sith Warrior that I was playing with a friend who had made a Sith Inquisitor. We were watching each others scenes for most of korriban before we went our own ways. It took me 10-11 hours to hit 12 on him. My other toon was a Jedi Councilor, and I hit 11 on him. This guy I played by myself, and it took about 8 hours to hit that level.


Now let me compare this to WoW. In 4-5 hours depending on the starting zone I hit 10 in WoW. In 11ish hours I hit 20.


What I'm trying to say is that the leveling in ToR is still more difficult then in WoW. And I love that.

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Greetings, all. We know that this is a subject everyone is wanting to discuss, and already have an existing discussion thread dedicated to talking about Early Game Access. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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