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Why do so many play Empire?


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The amount of quests has nothing do to with it. It's the presentation of said quests. Also last I heard Republic-side Taris is a buggy mess that can break your game. Most people also seem to find the class storylines for Republic characters to be much worse.


I disagree, and 'most people' is not scientific. Most people i know like republic, but that doesn't mean much.


The impreial agent, commando and smuggler are the 3 best storylines IMO. 2 are republic.


Your opinion does not equal fact.

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I think its a combination of several reasons why more empire exist.


1) People think evil is cool in games. Add in the fact that evil has lightning, dark clothing, animation differences, etc only compounds this.

2) Empire has more race appearance options. Republic gets a blindfolded human, while empire has chiss and pureblood.

3) Empire lore is mostly a mystery, while republic lore is pretty well documented.


To really make a difference in side balance, will probably need to add another race or two to the republic side, and they really need to improve armor appearance. Even the DS armor on the republic side is lacking on a vendor(no luck yet with raid drops with dark requirements)

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Same reason more and more people tend to make evil characters in games and goes anti-democratic when they feel they can safely and anonimously express it.


Western civilization is decadent, it's dying. People subconsiuosly feel it, demand change, are revolting against current order.


As art shows society's condition so does "avatars" people create.


I have to admit, I like your answer...

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Personally I couldn't stand the cheesy American voice-acting, so I kind of had to go Empire. The VO's here are much much better.


I remember the early polls though. They all showed that it would be almost 50/50, and now when the game is here, it's more like 80/20 Empire. It's terrible.


Oh well...

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Not on the 2 i play on and not from the data that's been released but keep telling yourself that.


Your read it on the internet so it must be true right?


Please tell me your server names so I can check them out, 'cause I have been searching for a PVE server with Republic majority, couldn't find one.

PVE servers mind you. Not RP-PVE, that's the only types that I see Republic having a slight edge.


And please link the source to your "data that's been released." TORProgress and Taugrim all have Empire having a majority even on PVE servers.

Edited by corebit
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Personally I couldn't stand the cheesy American voice-acting, so I kind of had to go Empire. The VO's here are much much better.


I remember the early polls though. They all showed that it would be almost 50/50, and now when the game is here, it's more like 80/20 Empire. It's terrible.


Oh well...


polls I saw showed at least a 60/40 empire/republic split. and most showed it even more unbalanced.

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Honestly, I love the Empire class stories moreso than the Republic class stories. I am hooked on my Imp Agent... even though I play him neutral (usually around 0 lightside or darkside after everything is tallied).


I really love the Trooper story too, but I have to admit, the agent one hooked me deeper.


thats the one im currently doing, giving the game a second chance, the story is much much better than the warrior one in regards to actually enjoying it. Still peeved about a ton of stuff in the game tho ^_^

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I think its a combination of several reasons why more empire exist.


1) People think evil is cool in games. Add in the fact that evil has lightning, dark clothing, animation differences, etc only compounds this.

2) Empire has more race appearance options. Republic gets a blindfolded human, while empire has chiss and pureblood.

3) Empire lore is mostly a mystery, while republic lore is pretty well documented.


To really make a difference in side balance, will probably need to add another race or two to the republic side, and they really need to improve armor appearance. Even the DS armor on the republic side is lacking on a vendor(no luck yet with raid drops with dark requirements)


For reason #1 I tried to play republic several times. For reason #3, I chose Empire. Too many Jedi Lore know-it-alls telling you how to play. And the Hobo look is terrible IMO.

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People like to be bad. Same reason running over ******s in gta is fun. Fun to do bad things.


I choose republic just cause of the imbalance. Plus when I get bored of the republic side, the empire will be like a whole new game to me.


Same and same.


Started on a pvp server, went Rep. because Empire has far more #'s and I wanted more targets

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my hat's off to the people who were honest in their reasons (i wanna be boba fett, or i like shooting lightning out my fingertips, etc). i wanted to be han solo/malcolm reynolds, so im a smuggler.


reading the philosophical waxing by some of these empire people and suppositions by people who think they know "most people" should be enough to tell you where the kooks are. not exactly who i'd want healing me, know what i mean? ;)

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