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Why do so many play Empire?


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BH would've been my class of choice. But the majority of my guild wanted to play Republic so I'm Republic (as a Guardian^^). I cannot comment on story / class content (since I havent played all classes/sides to compare it)

But to quote my companion Kira:

"Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the Dark Side."

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Initially in Beta I played Jedi characters.


Then I discovered the Imperial Agent class and I was sold.


Then I tried Sith Warrior and I knew at that point that Republic side has nothing like that to offer. Sorry guys, I am playing a Sentinel as well but he is not even close to that.


I didn't know about imbalance, I didn't know many people felt similar like me in certain matters which also decide which side you will favour.


In general however:



- light side -> mindlessly do good things for everyone you see turning your Jedi Knight into the Star Wars version of Ghandi while getting treated as someone who is on penance

- dark side -> become a selfish evil guy



- light side -> turn passion into compassion and have ideals to stand up for in a world which favours ruthlessness and maliciousness

- dark side -> gain respect and power but not just for yourself but in the name of the Empire as well


In general on Empire side it feels like the choices add alot more depths.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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In my opinion, it's the simple human nature desire to stand out from normality (the boring good guys) and be special/cool. Much like getting a tattoo or piercing. Ironically, just like in real life, everyone does it.


I play Empire/Sith because they always lose. Its a balance of good vs evil. Good always wins out. Not to mention their plot is far better.


Plus the armor though cheesy at times looks better.


People don't want to be told anymore. They don't want rules they don't want restrictions. Welcome to the sith code and welcome to the modern world.


In planets where PvP is common I don't see that much of an imbalance. I just see reds running everywhere waiting for you to attack a mob or get attacked. Plus they extremely higher level person jumping on you only to stop your progression just to prove he can beat you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda thing.


Republic players wouldn't complain if the tides turned. So let the Empire enjoy there rule at the tops. Before long there will be more Republic players and the tide will have turned.


All MMO's that have sides do this.

Edited by jackalious
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Personally, I rolled a character on both sides of the Iron Curtain to start with, and played them both equally. Then my Juggernaut found a cool Guild, and my Gunslinger didn't, so now I'm mostly playing various Empire Alts so I can stick with the Guild.


Just luck of the draw. If my Gunslinger had found a good guild first, that's where I'd be instead.

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Part of the reason I play Empire (or Horde, or Defiant) is that there always seems to be a significant number of people on the "morally correct" side that go to great lengths to convince themselves and others that:


A. Playing a good guy in a video game makes them a better person, IRL


B. People who play bad guys-yes, the actual flesh and blood humans behind the keyboards- are morally inferior to people who play good guys (meaning They>>You)


Don't believe me? Read some of the above comments.


I would much rather be on an overplayed, overhyped faction with "baddies" and kids than hang around these guys.


Also, cool accents and black goes with everything. :D



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Part of the reason I play Empire (or Horde, or Defiant) is that there always seems to be a significant number of people on the "morally correct" side that go to great lengths to convince themselves and others that:


A. Playing a good guy in a video game makes them a better person, IRL


B. People who play bad guys-yes, the actual flesh and blood humans behind the keyboards- are morally inferior to people who play good guys (meaning They>>You)


Don't believe me? Read some of the above comments.


I would much rather be on an overplayed, overhyped faction with "baddies" and kids than hang around these guys.


Also, cool accents and black goes with everything. :D




I haven't met a single person yet who shares any of those thoughts.

It's a game, what side you pick doesn't make you a better person. The decisions you make have no effect in RL.

Even amoungst the geeks that play MMO's most people know that.


"Morally inferior" - ROFLMAO. You think someone picks a Jedi in a Star Wars game to try and be moral. Both sides spend 95% of their time online killing things....nothing moral in any of that.

"Yes Mr Bad Guy, i have caught you, but now I will let you go as I am a Jedi"

"Thanks, and what about the 50 blokes you killed getting to me?, Do you feel moral about them?"




No, this is simply a case of Sith are cooler than Jedi

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During beta I tried the BH and trooper and the BH story was far more interesting at the start. The 3d and 2nd arc of the BH are poor and especially the 3rd arc just annoys me as it is a bunch of mumbo jumbo that makes less sense each time you progress.


I do love the BH cool animations, however death from above in PvP this is just a big sign for the enemy to knock you down, mortar volley would definitly be my favor now.


Troopers in PvP look a lot better to me (personal taste), most BH armor is just plain ugly stuff.


Also I found out that the Republic during beta are not good at all, the only good is that the jedi are on their side. The Empire seems a lot more straight upfront.

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Actually my husband and I debated on if we wanted to play republic or empire. Our guild is empire but i think a few have republic toons as well those traiters..........lol Being mostly an imperial through swg we continued the legacy through swtor. Not that it makes us evil or anything in our dealings in RL so to speak, but it is a good way to vent frustration.........lol Funny thing is I play a light side sith warrior but he plays a totally dark sith warrior. go figure! Guess I am kind of torn between the empires ways but still not killing needlessly. I also love the empire and sith look. Maybe I still have some morals as a sith if that is possible but anyway....... I still love the Jedi way and of course loving the star wars story line and routing for Luke, Han, Leia and chewie through the movie there is still cool playing the republic side also. After all they were the heroes were they not? I play republic side on test center just so I can get as feel for the story and see how the republic side plays. I love the trooper and smuggler and also the Jedi knight. Just wish they would make Smuggler and BH neutral faction but who knows in time what will happen. All said and done I think there are good aspects in either faction that you play. Thank goodness they gave us enough slots and allowed both factions to be playable.
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Thank goodness they gave us enough slots and allowed both factions to be playable.


This :)


I plan to get at least 2 from each faction to Max Level.


Though I still haven't decided on a bloody Main yet lol. I've still torn between my BH, IA and SW (My BH been the highest level in those three)

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I play on both sides but my main is on empire because my guild chose it so. I guess since we used to be goodies aka alliance in WoW they wanted to try and be dirty bastards this time around. ^^


I dont mind either way, i enjoy both sides.

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I play Empire 'cause I like to do something else when playing than be the exact copy of myself all the time...


And the dark side choices or similar things in other games have more unpredictable outcome than always doing the "right thing" and trying to save everyone, making the "evil" choices more interesting gaming vice.

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Because I like death, destruction, watching NPC's being tortured by force choke or lightning. I like Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, Warriors and Agents. I like the G Chat trolls, and I like being bad. Although I'm quite neutral on my main (Bounty Hunter). I do what is necessary.
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i really love playing this game.. as a Dr Jekyl & hyde


when I play Empire toons.. i get to play a mmo and talk to friends and new friends.. complete co-op mission..


when I play my Republic toon, its a great single player game!!!


I know there are a LOT of bugs Bioware need to fix, and I am sure they will fix them all!

What worries me, is the massive pop inbalance! as I said.. Empire is a MMO, while Republic is a single player KOTOR sequel...


PS: I resubbed to play as republic.. Empire will shaft me in bottom

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