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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Planting bombs in hide.


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Saw it last week figured it out today, small caracter as far to the right of the first right and after that every door as possible jump around and the cam glitch then u know your in the spot then just press it. (as far as you can get and still clicky)


There it's public now they have to do something..


Edit. Can only be interrupted by aoe.

Edited by Khazzar
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It is working as intended. It has to be done utilizing the Smuggler/Agent skill "Infiltrate". Any class must begin capping out of combat. The IA/Smugler then pops infiltrate and the capper goes stealth. It has been said by devs that this is working as intended, and the only real way to stop it is to AOE the door constantly.
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It is working as intended. It has to be done utilizing the Smuggler/Agent skill "Infiltrate". Any class must begin capping out of combat. The IA/Smugler then pops infiltrate and the capper goes stealth. It has been said by devs that this is working as intended, and the only real way to stop it is to AOE the door constantly.


And personally i think thats wrong,they should have it that any action,capping etc break stealth,i refuse to use it.

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And personally i think thats wrong,they should have it that any action,capping etc break stealth,i refuse to use it.


If you're paying attention to the door at all you will see them before they stealth. They aren't standing there in stealth having tea.


Just to be clear, no one can walk up to an objective in stealth and cap said objective without first leaving stealth.

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If you're paying attention to the door at all you will see them before they stealth. They aren't standing there in stealth having tea.


Just to be clear, no one can walk up to an objective in stealth and cap said objective without first leaving stealth.


Well ive seen it done and yes i was looking straight at them and could not target them either,that was odd,Empire on my server,well mainly two guilds pull every dirty trick in the book like moving a powertech somehow inside the door to where it is impossible to target this person.

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The problem is being invaulnerable inside the door while capping not the stealth...


On eu server chuundra it is very common, u can see the player stand next to him but not attack/target him xept with aoe.


how are they doing it in alderaan then?

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On alderaan ihave solo capped turrets with stealth and blackout because the other team didnt think to turn around


you must not be up on the new cap method then. ive been literally running around the tiny circle that makes up the node and seen it flip.

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As far as I've seen, this can be done in Alderaan, The Pit, and Voidstar... now here's the problem.


In Alderaan and Huttball, the indicator light doesn't go away. In Voidstar, there never is an indicator light... fix it please. Infiltrate/Smuggle working as intended. Voidstar is broken.

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Its not broken, voidstar doesnt have a beam of light because its obvioulsy easy to defend, so things like smuggle and infiltrate are needed imo, i sually dont say this but u guys complaining about this need to L2P. :)
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Izola I totally agree with you. So many games go 0-0 with good teams in Voidstar. This is a prefectly balanced strategy that is easily countered.


This is the counter to the lolol sorc/sage group that groups the middle and easily zerg defends both sides from 30m. This makes them actually have to go TO the doors.


On another point, smuggle/infiltrate last 15s with a 3 min cd require the smuggler/agent to be out of stealth and out of combat and will only stealth other people within 10m and out of combat. This can be increased by 5s with one of the pvp gear sets, and the cooldown can be reduced by 1 min for 27 points in the 3rd AC shared tree.


There has been many times that I've used this, gotten caught, but my team was able to plant on the other side because the enemys couldn't zerg back in time.


Oh and one last thing, it does NOT I repeat NOT keep the smuggler stealth if he tries to plant. I know because I've tried in testing, and I'm glad. Because THAT would be broken/overpowered.

Edited by Awrini
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On the map Voidstar, someone have figured out how to plant bombs in hide. Might have a look on that devs....


Report, them. I do. Encourage your ops group to report them.


Include server

WZ instance #


Player name

What they did.


This exploit is becoming very common. also people attakcing through LOS objects like the pillars holding up the 2nd level of the middle gun area on Alderaan.

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