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Commando: post your skill builds & discussion


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My current plan is to roll PvE Gunnery-spec Commando.


the build i am looking at is: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800McMZMIkrordokfzZc.1


a few of the points are filler or subjective, depending on how it works out when i actually sit down behind this character.



post your potential builds or thoughts/comments/suggestions on posted builds.

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You have the healing push back talent and supercharge cell. Are you going to be off healing and running in SC?


If you are then why have the talents that only work with APC?


i didn't take supercharge cell, but took healing push back because the last 2 points were purely subjective - and thought that while playing, it would be nice that if i needed to self-heal to have less push back. (weirrd if supercharge cell is showing up for you).


there are about 4 points in the build that can pretty much be anywhere.

currently, the 2 in Steady Hands and 2 in Tenacious Defense.


there was a big discussion during the beta forums about the value of Alacrity (or in this case, lack of Alacrity) for dps Commandos. which is why i didn't take Weapon Calibrations or First Responder.

Edited by entropyboy
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i didn't take supercharge cell, but took healing push back because the last 2 points were purely subjective - and thought that while playing, it would be nice that if i needed to self-heal to have less push back. (weirrd if supercharge cell is showing up for you).


there are about 4 points in the build that can pretty much be anywhere.

currently, the 2 in Steady Hands and 2 in Tenacious Defense.


there was a big discussion during the beta forums about the value of Alacrity (or in this case, lack of Alacrity) for dps Commandos. which is why i didn't take Weapon Calibrations or First Responder.


It was determined (on sithwarrior.com's forums) that if your alacrity reduces the cast time of an ability to 1.2 seconds then THAT will become the GCD time for that ability instead of the usual 1.5 seconds. Therefore making alacrity more useful than previously thought, although still not your strongest stat.

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thats my exact same build, i can't really see another way of doing it haha.


*highfives thourton*


Yeah, I think the PvE healing builds will be rather cookie cutter. I see some skills that I could move around if I needed a little more defensive setup, but, like you said, I don't see much room for variation without gimping the role.

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I am going split gunnery/CM for mostly PvP/soloing storyline quests. From the beta streams I watched of L50 commandos split specs are awesome with this class.




Yes contrary to some people's beliefs hybrid specs are very very good in this game, class depending.

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Here's the build I'm thinking of trying. It's a hybrid combat medic / gunnery build.




A lot of theory crafting involved because I am only level 14, but the idea is to have versatility with strong healing and decent, reliable, ammo efficient dps. The other aspect of the build is to take as many good survivability skills as possible, such as tenacity, skills to reliably knock back, a reliable armor proc, med zone to heal through an annoying juggernaut that's in your face, etc. This build would run combat support cells and would be able to build up for the supercharge move for extra bursty dps or healing quite easily. I'm hoping this build will be decent for both pve and pvp since I don't want to be costantly respecing.


Feedback welcome.

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Here's the build I'm thinking of trying. It's a hybrid combat medic / gunnery build.


Dig the spec man! And I like it for a lot of the same reasons you do (good for pve and pvp). You got all the important stuff in the medic line and then plenty of dps and survivability goodies from gunnery. I'm also only lvl 12 atm, so we'll see what happens.


My current spec plan is different in only 2 areas:

- I went First Responder instead of Kolto Residue. I figure the First Responder buff in gonna be up almost constantly as opposed to Kolto Residue only being used some of the time.

- I went Gravity Surge instead of Armor Screen. Mostly selfish dps reasons here... I have a feeling I may switch on this one...

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Please Let me know what you think of my build.


This assumes you are hit soft capped with gear (100% chance to hit)




Its not to different from most builds, but I grabbed first responder, 5% alacrity will be huge for the channel heavy gunner. Also, activatable 10% dmg bonus? yes please!

Edited by Pokeytehpenguin
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Dig the spec man! And I like it for a lot of the same reasons you do (good for pve and pvp). You got all the important stuff in the medic line and then plenty of dps and survivability goodies from gunnery. I'm also only lvl 12 atm, so we'll see what happens.


Thanks, glad you like it and glad to hear at least one other person is thinking this will work!


My current spec plan is different in only 2 areas:

- I went First Responder instead of Kolto Residue. I figure the First Responder buff in gonna be up almost constantly as opposed to Kolto Residue only being used some of the time.


I debated this one myself. I'm just personally not clear enough on what alacrity does and to what extent a 5% alacrity bonus will make a difference. This works out to what, a 0.1 second faster cast time? More info from more experienced players on whether first responder is worth it would be appreciated, I'm on the fence on this one.


- I went Gravity Surge instead of Armor Screen. Mostly selfish dps reasons here... I have a feeling I may switch on this one...


I debated this one too, but I just wasn't sure that an extra 4% armour debuff per grav round shot would make a big difference to dps. I plan to do a lot of healing (especially since there seems to be lack of decent healers around so far) so a reliable 10% armour boost to whoever is getting the healing love seemed like a safe bet.

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According to whines, commandos are piss in pvp. Squishy and requiring to stand still in order to dish out damage. They also seem to be favorite targets for sorcerer inquisikids looking for free kills.


I heard the exact opposite--that they are the anti inquisitor class. Besides, I don't see how a character in heavy armor that can heal is possibly squishy. The whiners must be suck or are stupid or both.

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