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98% of the player base is sorc/sage


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The bubble absorbs for around 3.2k if you cant do that kind of damage in more then 30 seconds you are garbage anyways, when I played my Sorc I kept getting the hurp derp whispers going, unkillebebalali and lal y o r clas r so es to play. Because I kept killing people in 1v1s for the medal.


Yes, having random ******* either ignore me then QQ about dmg or said people jump me and I kite use consumables and kill them, I am so OP.


My fellow sorcs there is no way to win against trolls and stupidity, the people who shout OP are the ones who are either raging or well... not as awesome as most Sorcerors I have met hahaha.


It abosrbs far more than that.

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Its pretty common that sorcs make up 50-75% of the Imp team on my server. Why wouldn't they, they are riduclously OP and apparently not going to get nerfed? Why wouldn't you want to kill every other class in 4 seconds without taking damage?


Just won a match with 6 BHs- we dominated with grapple, healing, unable to be killed- just try to get past the doors in Voidstar against that, and what are you going to do in huttball when you're an inch from the goalline and that grapple lifts you to your death?


Then, won a match of Alderaan with 7 operatives- stealth capping, instagibbing, healing- utter joke, no need for anything else against that. Why wouldn't you want to kill a class in 3 seconds without taking damage, then stealth up to kill another class in 3 seconds without taking damage? You'd have to be nuts to not be an op.


What's even the point of facing that 8 SW team when huttball comes around? Oh look, player one has the ball- jump, jump, jump- goal! Player 2- jump, jump, jump- goal! Player 3- jump, jump, jump- goal!


You mad because all classes are OP bro?

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1- I sure hope you don't mean per side.


2- Op opener stun easily eats the shield and still does another 2k damage afterwards- during the knockdown it's almost impossible to NOT kill a sorc if you're in full pvp gear- even with their shield up. Shield is good for no expertise vs no expertise fights- but once you get expertise you can sneeze on it and it's gone.


3- Sprint is one of two decent abilities for caps they get- the other being extricition. BH/Troopers can get a charge or a 8 second, slower sprint BUT one that makes you immune to knockbacks/slows- ie, unstoppable caps in Huttball. JK/SW get the best for huttball- triple charge from the mid to the goal line, plus, their push actually hits and sends someone flying, sorc/sage may have an aoe knockback, but it's close range, barely does a pushback, and since it takes a second to go off it rarely hits moving targets as you intend. Stealthed classes can also just sit at the goal line and wait for a pass or for their JK to charge to them. Stealthed classes can also cap nodes while stealthed.


All in all, looks like the abilities of other classes are just as, if not more, powerful in pvp situations for capturing nodes.


4- What else will a sorc/sage spam exactly? Shock- has a CD. Death Field? CD. DoTs? CD/no point in spamming. The channelled ability is the only thing that we CAN spam- other than lightning strike- but consider that force lightning/infinite pebbles also proc being able to use lightning strike as an instant sometimes.


We are using other abilities, they just are dots and/or instants so you generally won't notice.... asking for a class to not spam it's only no CD ability that's worth anything though... ok there buddy, bet you're spamming tracer missile like a pro then have no clue what to do when someone interrupts you.... oh wait, you know what to do.


Wait four seconds then start spamming tracer missile.


^^ True story.

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"2- Op opener stun easily eats the shield and still does another 2k damage afterwards- during the knockdown it's almost impossible to NOT kill a sorc if you're in full pvp gear- even with their shield up. Shield is good for no expertise vs no expertise fights- but once you get expertise you can sneeze on it and it's gone."



Really? im in full champ gear and what you said is not what i see daily i barely do any damage whatsoever,sorcs are OP and you know it.


It says you play a scoundrel... the one class that is GUARANTEED to bypass the shield in one shot... and you can't do it? What are you doing wrong? Are you not using adrenals and buffs? Have you geared incorrectly?


You still have to choose your gear correctly... also, if you're the wrong spec you have no reason to complain- I can only imagine you've geared wrong, or you're a healer.

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The bubble absorbs for around 3.2k if you cant do that kind of damage in more then 30 seconds you are garbage anyways, when I played my Sorc I kept getting the hurp derp whispers going, unkillebebalali and lal y o r clas r so es to play. Because I kept killing people in 1v1s for the medal.


Yes, having random ******* either ignore me then QQ about dmg or said people jump me and I kite use consumables and kill them, I am so OP.


My fellow sorcs there is no way to win against trolls and stupidity, the people who shout OP are the ones who are either raging or well... not as awesome as most Sorcerors I have met hahaha.


LOL. yes im sure you and all the sorcs are just way better or "more awesome" than all the other players thats why you are destroying people in 1v1 and kiting groups easily.


OR maybe its because your class is overpowered? hmmmmmmmmmmmm... probably the first one tho, i heard all the MLG players were going sorc and the class was locked out for noobs.

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It says you play a scoundrel... the one class that is GUARANTEED to bypass the shield in one shot... and you can't do it? What are you doing wrong? Are you not using adrenals and buffs? Have you geared incorrectly?


You still have to choose your gear correctly... also, if you're the wrong spec you have no reason to complain- I can only imagine you've geared wrong, or you're a healer.


We cannot bypass the shield,really what game you playing? and yes im a scrapper.

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Considering the squishiest class doesn't have the highest burst I'd say it's fair we're given skills to stay alive.


We don't have 'glass cannon' dps so why should we be made of glass?


my dps PT doesn't do more single target than a sorc, does less aoe, and doesn't have any of your abilities, like sprint, knockback, root, snaring attack, whirlwind, and most importantly *********** bubble. Bubble needs a nerf for non healing sorcs. There I said it.

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1- I sure hope you don't mean per side.


2- Op opener stun easily eats the shield and still does another 2k damage afterwards- during the knockdown it's almost impossible to NOT kill a sorc if you're in full pvp gear- even with their shield up. Shield is good for no expertise vs no expertise fights- but once you get expertise you can sneeze on it and it's gone.


3- Sprint is one of two decent abilities for caps they get- the other being extricition. BH/Troopers can get a charge or a 8 second, slower sprint BUT one that makes you immune to knockbacks/slows- ie, unstoppable caps in Huttball. JK/SW get the best for huttball- triple charge from the mid to the goal line, plus, their push actually hits and sends someone flying, sorc/sage may have an aoe knockback, but it's close range, barely does a pushback, and since it takes a second to go off it rarely hits moving targets as you intend. Stealthed classes can also just sit at the goal line and wait for a pass or for their JK to charge to them. Stealthed classes can also cap nodes while stealthed.


All in all, looks like the abilities of other classes are just as, if not more, powerful in pvp situations for capturing nodes.


4- What else will a sorc/sage spam exactly? Shock- has a CD. Death Field? CD. DoTs? CD/no point in spamming. The channelled ability is the only thing that we CAN spam- other than lightning strike- but consider that force lightning/infinite pebbles also proc being able to use lightning strike as an instant sometimes.


We are using other abilities, they just are dots and/or instants so you generally won't notice.... asking for a class to not spam it's only no CD ability that's worth anything though... ok there buddy, bet you're spamming tracer missile like a pro then have no clue what to do when someone interrupts you.... oh wait, you know what to do.


Wait four seconds then start spamming tracer missile.


Operative opener is OP. You cant defend shield by saying an OP ability goes thru it.

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In case is hasnt been mentioned.


The Inquisitor/Consular class is the most versatile and maleable class in the game right now.


Its the only class that can fill the following roles.

- Tank

- Healer

- Ranged DPS

- Melee DPS


Its only fitting you will see alot of people playing this class, also many people have the "Jedi/Sith fantasy" so instead of playing the other options for their chosen role they go with the one that has a Lightsaber.

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Its pretty common that sorcs make up 50-75% of the Imp team on my server. Why wouldn't they, they are riduclously OP and apparently not going to get nerfed? Why wouldn't you want to kill every other class in 4 seconds without taking damage?


The reason they aren't getting nerfed is because they aren't OP. In fact Operatives and Tracer Missle spammers are actually quite a bit more powerful.


If anyone gets nerfed it would be one of those two classes first. Honestly though, the classes seem fairly balanced at this point. Even the most powerful class (Operatives) isn't too far ahead of the pack.


The people who think their class is UP and/or another class is OP are usually under-geared or just plain bad. Any class is capable 500k+ dmg with 10-12 medals in the right hands. You just have to know what you're doing.

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We cannot bypass the shield,really what game you playing? and yes im a scrapper.


Then you are doing it wrong- if you were doing it right, you'd know you can destroy a sorc shield in the first hit and still do a bit of damage on top of that. Then, while they're still knocked down, if they're not in expertise gear they're dead- if they are, you can still at least get them to 25%, at which point it's just a matter of getting another blow or two off, interrupting their heal, or watching as everyone else jumps on that sorc since in pvp people tend to jump on someone if it shows they're at low hp.


I still get the feeling you're not using buffs/adrenals, in which case you're irrelevant.

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Operative opener is OP. You cant defend shield by saying an OP ability goes thru it.


Two tracer missiles without critting also go through it- only class that's going to have a hard time getting through it really is a tank or healer- which I don't think is overly unreasonable. Even then, as a level 30 tank BH I can still bust through a sage shield with a charge, rocket punch combo most of the time- sometimes a flame burst is needed too.


It's a good ability, it takes a bit of effort for some classes to get through- sounds fair to me.

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As a percentage when we actually get a match vs Republic... Sages are usually pretty loaded. We had a voidstar on Sunday that had 5 sages, and 4 commandos? (Bh Equiv) and one scoundrel. Needless to say our fairly balanced mix was completely annihilated. They had more kills than I had previously seen in any match with their top killer at like 92. Our top killer had 6.


The only reason we got any kills at all is due to the fact I had everyone group up right out side our attacker spawn and we all piled on basically one guy at a time. Never even made it to the door but we killed a few.


I'd kill to get on that team. Usually my team is loaded with Sentinels and the Empire team is 4 sorc, 3 merc, 1 PT.

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my dps PT doesn't do more single target than a sorc, does less aoe, and doesn't have any of your abilities, like sprint, knockback, root, snaring attack, whirlwind, and most importantly *********** bubble. Bubble needs a nerf for non healing sorcs. There I said it.



You're doing something wrong then. Sorcs are basically free kills for Scoundrels if the Scoundrel knows what he's doing. Your initial hit should blow through their entire shield and then do 2k or so to them (that's if they still have their shield to begin with).

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Then you are doing it wrong- if you were doing it right, you'd know you can destroy a sorc shield in the first hit and still do a bit of damage on top of that. Then, while they're still knocked down, if they're not in expertise gear they're dead- if they are, you can still at least get them to 25%, at which point it's just a matter of getting another blow or two off, interrupting their heal, or watching as everyone else jumps on that sorc since in pvp people tend to jump on someone if it shows they're at low hp.


I still get the feeling you're not using buffs/adrenals, in which case you're irrelevant.



Your right i often do not use said items aside from sometimes a stim and my relic's often,yah see i do not need to get every little check here and there to be good,i also dont need a class like the sorc with an army of inquis's to get kills,what this say's is more about you and the type of player you are,,,you like it EZ.

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You're doing something wrong then. Sorcs are basically free kills for Scoundrels if the Scoundrel knows what he's doing. Your initial hit should blow through their entire shield and then do 2k or so to them (that's if they still have their shield to begin with).


So my intial burst,which is alot of my damage is null and void and then i get 2k,lol,then what does Mr Sorc do? you know the answer dont you,and 2K lol boy in sure your scared in your little robe.

Edited by Sathid
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