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Start fixing the faction imbalance on Ilum now instead of waiting 6 months


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It's called balance. You're part of the zerg, it comes with the package. I absolutely hate selfish responses like this.


You want to have your cake and eat it too, while crapping all over republic players. Despicable.

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Bit early to call for tons of changes when 10% or so of the player base is at max level. We got 2 of 15 players at max level in our guild.


Also when did world pvp become about having the same number on each side fighting one another ? That would be a warzone. Usually it starts out with a bigger number ganking a smaller number of player who then calls for help from guildies or general chat etc. This does not happen yet because after less than a month of the game being out very few are at max level.

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Bit early to call for tons of changes when 10% or so of the player base is at max level. We got 2 of 15 players at max level in our guild.


Also when did world pvp become about having the same number on each side fighting one another ? That would be a warzone. Usually it starts out with a bigger number ganking a smaller number of player who then calls for help from guildies or general chat etc. This does not happen yet because after less than a month of the game being out very few are at max level.


Wait excuse me?


1) there are less republic players in total. Not just at 50.

2) You're completely wrong about what the population is like in this game. You're looking for ways to justify being allowed to zerg to victory in Ilum. Hopefully Bioware cares enough to prevent this lazy gameplay style from taking over and destroying the game

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It's called balance. You're part of the zerg, it comes with the package. I absolutely hate selfish responses like this.


You want to have your cake and eat it too, while crapping all over republic players. Despicable.


Tell me more

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At first I was going to be Republic. Heck, I even have a server full of Republic characters. Why? Underdog mostly ;) And I hate Sith, almost as much as Jedi :confused: Anyway, my friends all went Empire, so I chose Empire too, just to play with them. This was after having levelled my Rep characters a little. If Bioware will allow me to switch factions, or level up my Republic characters to their Empire counterparts, who may be on other servers, I would switch to Republic in a heartbeat. This is because my friends are probably going to unsub due to various issues and I still like playing with my Republic characters. Who doesn't want to be the underdog and still have a go at their Jedi leaders :p


TL;DR: If faction change or "create characters at a level you have previously obtained on the same or different server" is implemeneted, I would go Republic. I think a lot of others would too.

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Just make PVP in Ilum, Open Group PVP so we can fight our own faction :) I'm an Imp and have no quarrels fighting other Imps... only the strong shall survive!


Yeah, remove the republic faction while you're at it. A totally redundant faction, no?

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I am afraid Bioware won't even acknowledge this issue unless people start quitting in droves because of the awful and non-existent PVP in Ilum.


What's going to happen after 1.1 is that people will still trade objectives and kills to get the missions done. Only a complete newbie Republic will show up as free kill to the zerg, and this won't last long.


It's amazing that Ilum is a huge failure from the get-go, even with Mythic developers doing the PVP portion of this game. Zero lessons learned from DAOC. Zero lessons learned from Warhammer.

Edited by Paralassa
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Feel free to take your "extra rewards" for being the underdog faction and shove them up your a55.

Being outnumbered 10:4 and still kicking Empire butt with my guildies is all i need.:cool:


Yeah, I'm enjoying having 1/3 the economy the empire has as well. And it's fun trying to get flashpoints and heroics together on non-peak hours. It's also fun seeing 4 other people on planets other than the hubs

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Well, we will see after first free month is over. My bet is, that either tons of empire will cancel subs thus improve the situation on most servers. OR, tons of republic players will cancel, because their side doesn't feel like MMO.


In any case, it is somewhat wise from Bioware to wait until the first month is over. However, they should be already working on solutions...if not, we can rename the game Star Wars: The Sith Empire, and remove republic.

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Heya! First post on the non-guild TOR forums (but many more to come!)


Here are some of my thoughts:


Firstly as an imperial player I have to agree on the "adult barbie" concept. I play a Chiss and to be honest is the only species I would want to play, in fact I've waited over 10 years just for a game that allowed me to do so! So first off if that wasn't a republic species you couldn't PAY me to play the republic.


Secondly since consular/inquisiter are the OP and over played profession it makes me very angry when I'm killed by pebbles being thrown at me while I'm wearing the top armor in the galaxy, it brings back horrible ewok nightmares from my childhood of the strongest stormtroopers in the galaxy being killed by pebbles thrown at them. It's one reason I enjoy huttball imp vs imp more because it REALLY bothers me.


The look of armor to me is VERY important. I sometimes go into fights wearing half medium and even sometimes half light armor JUST because I hate the armor looks of the BH PvP armor however I think all of the armor looks boring on the republic side and even 100x worse.


The classes of republic are boring as heck! The consular and Jedi are beyond lame (for obvious reasons), the trooper is a copy of the big guy with the minigun that is in I think...every game in the universe. Yep. All of them. And smuggler is like a snooze button to me.




Those were just SOME of the reasons I disike the republic. The thing is is that if they somehow got huge rewards like double valor and double exp I wouldn't even be tempted to go republic. Instead I would be VERY angry that I worked so hard just for anyone on the republic to have everything handed out to them. I would then create a Q_Q thread just like this one to express my E-sadness.


As for the game dieing I personally enjoy huttball and I also hate world PvP. World PvP never takes skill in any MMO and is always a numbers game (though I will admit that normally it's 100 against 40 and got 30 against 8 but theres really no difference lol). So with faction vs faction wz's plenty of imp fps and ops, the classes mirrioring each other and the fact that the empire is overall cooler than the republic I don't see any reason to even HAVE the republic and personally if there was NO republic characters left I honestly wouldn't be all that bothered.


Just my thoughts ofc.

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Those were just SOME of the reasons I disike the republic. The thing is is that if they somehow got huge rewards like double valor and double exp I wouldn't even be tempted to go republic. Instead I would be VERY angry that I worked so hard just for anyone on the republic to have everything handed out to them. I would then create a Q_Q thread just like this one to express my E-sadness.


Why is Empire the only faction allowed to get handouts and an easy time? The immense selfishness coming from some empire players is overwhelming.

As for the game dieing I personally enjoy huttball and I also hate world PvP. World PvP never takes skill in any MMO and is always a numbers game (though I will admit that normally it's 100 against 40 and got 30 against 8 but theres really no difference lol). So with faction vs faction wz's plenty of imp fps and ops, the classes mirrioring each other and the fact that the empire is overall cooler than the republic I don't see any reason to even HAVE the republic and personally if there was NO republic characters left I honestly wouldn't be all that bothered.


Just my thoughts ofc.

So Just because you've never played a game with good world pvp means this game should only have one faction? (so long as you're on that faction, of course). Not to mention the threads in my sig, for example, are about MUCH more than just world pvp.


Very disappointing to hear this from the SWTOR community. I hope Bioware doesn't agree with these sorts of responses that consider Empire to be the only faction worth having in the game.

Edited by Auxili
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So I posted this thread before the hilarious threads today came out showing just show incredibly poor of an idea the Ilum execution was. This wasn't to show that I have some sort of brilliant foresight, but rather to show that I have played an MMO before. I can't see how they released Ilum as it is, IF the people at Bioware had actually played any sort of MMO with world PvP. Or they failed 101.




Seriously consider taking down Ilum for a while. Restart it after implementing some ideas from the community on balancing. Wait til you have a real level 50 playerbase. Right now, there are numerous posts on how The Republic is getting hammered completely while the Sith exploit their way ot Battlemaster. From a lore perspective, I love it, but from a gamers perspective, you are killing your PvP scene by the hour.

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this is just a shameless self bump hoping that someone reads these ideas.


Also at this point its pretty obvious:


1) Shut down Ilum until ~1.2


2) Repeal the 50 WZs until ~1.2


3) Start making changes to balance factions




Just give up a huge section of your player base. The PvP in this game is GREAT imo. But it can't survive if you can't get a game.

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I don't agree with your solutions, but I agree this issue needs to be addressed immediately. People are going to quit in droves if this isn't fixed fast.


At the very least they need to put a faction cap on Ilum.

Edited by GeLopez
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this is just a shameless self bump hoping that someone reads these ideas.


Also at this point its pretty obvious:


1) Shut down Ilum until ~1.2


2) Repeal the 50 WZs until ~1.2


3) Start making changes to balance factions




Just give up a huge section of your player base..


I totally agree with this. Post this in the republic ghosttown thread, it's really constructive!

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Eh, the imbalance helps the republic.


At first the imp will outnumber rep in illum, but eventually the rep will stop trying, and then eventually the imp will realize there is nothing to do in illum and leave, and then the top rep pvpers will ninja nodes late at night or group up to do dailies, which they can do whenever they want, because illum will always be imp controlled. ON the other hand imp will have to be super lucky to ever capture anything.


Also I love my short ques and non 90% hut ball WZ's, and as a trooper I like my armor sets and my story ( I do feel for the jedi though). A dead economy does not matter because economy does not matter in this game at all, and I pve/pvp just fine with my guild.


I don't see all the republic players leaving, I see the stronger pvpers rolling republic and the pugs/solo players moving to imp.

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Also I love my short ques and non 90% hut ball WZ's, and as a trooper I like my armor sets and my story ( I do feel for the jedi though). A dead economy does not matter because economy does not matter in this game at all, and I pve/pvp just fine with my guild.


I don't see all the republic players leaving, I see the stronger pvpers rolling republic and the pugs/solo players moving to imp.


Empire won't have 90% huttball, they're implementing more empire-v-empire warzones.


Posts like this have done SO much harm in previous MMOs. Bioware is repeating the mistakes of so many other games, and you're encouraging it by saying things that are simply not true.

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Empire won't have 90% huttball, they're implementing more empire-v-empire warzones.


Posts like this have done SO much harm in previous MMOs. Bioware is repeating the mistakes of so many other games, and you're encouraging it by saying things that are simply not true.


everything I said is 100% true, you did not refute anything.


And they are adding a single, 1 , same faction WZ, meaning imps will have 2 wz's to play, while rep will have 4. It won't change much.

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Ilum won't be fun or successful until populations are reasonable. Incentivize both showing up to Ilum, and playing underpopulated classes. Reward players with multiple kinds of loot, buffs and fun.


They could easily fix the population imbalance. All they have to do is:

1) Increase character slots per server - I have one of each AC of Empire on the server I'm on, I can't roll Republic even if I wanted to without deleting a level 30+ Empire char, and that's just not happening.


2) Increase the rate of all XP gain for underdog faction by 500%.


3) Free set of orange gear every 10 levels.


That is all. They do this? I'm off to play Republic.

Edited by Sabbathius
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everything I said is 100% true, you did not refute anything.


And they are adding a single, 1 , same faction WZ, meaning imps will have 2 wz's to play, while rep will have 4. It won't change much.

The new Ilum, the new same-faction warzone, etc - these things show that they're designing PVP content with ONLY the Empire in mind.

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