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Everything posted by Lumocolos

  1. I heard they spent 5 gazillion dollahs Now in what way is world of warcraft the "big" mmo better than swtor ?
  2. There is more than 10 million people playing World of Warcrtaft and those forums are even worse. What happens is that a vocal minority goes on the forums and *****. That is never going to change with mmorpg forums.
  3. AA works fine for me on high setting on an old intel e8400 and ati 6850 card.
  4. huh ? is the flashpoint and operation only for empire side ?
  5. Bit early to call for tons of changes when 10% or so of the player base is at max level. We got 2 of 15 players at max level in our guild. Also when did world pvp become about having the same number on each side fighting one another ? That would be a warzone. Usually it starts out with a bigger number ganking a smaller number of player who then calls for help from guildies or general chat etc. This does not happen yet because after less than a month of the game being out very few are at max level.
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