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50 pvp bracket won't solve anything, just hurt players


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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!
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No... just.... no....


The level 50's have all the moves, more health, armor, the expertise bonus, and most importantly, they have all 40 points into the skill trees.


My level 30 gunslinger is never going to beat a lvl 50 sniper unless the sniper abosutely sucks... why? because he has everything mentioned above.


An example of this is that with all 40 points into the skill tree, the sniper can have faster cast times, 6% more crit rating, more shielding, better CC, etc....


50's need their own bracket

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


Can't wait for a bracketed system. Just because you're a 50 and way better geared doesn't = you're a better PvP'r. But many 50s think so.

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


This is what a troll looks like right?

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This is what a troll looks like right?


I can't tell if OP is trolling or stupid.


60 min queue times, eh?


Classic response when you have no argument against a post: call it a troll :rolleyes:.


Bad players will continue to be bad and get owned sub-50, just the 50's will be unable to get any decent warzone pop rate anymore... gg forum whiners :(.

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Classic response when you have no argument against a post: call it a troll :rolleyes:.


Also pretty common response to exagerated arguements that have very little basis in the first place.


I agree that bads will be bads, and that the 10-49 bracket is going to get completely roffled by people who aren't *******s.


Eluding that expertise and 41 talent points dont make a difference kinda discredits you (ie gives you the troll appearance).


Also not sure why you think there are so few 50s in game that we will have 60 minute waits.

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Also pretty common response to exagerated arguements that have very little basis in the first place.


I agree that bads will be bads, and that the 10-49 bracket is going to get completely roffled by people who aren't *******s.


Eluding that expertise and 41 talent points dont make a difference kinda discredits you (ie gives you the troll appearance).


Also not sure why you think there are so few 50s in game that we will have 60 minute waits.


Perhaps because there's never usually more than 20-30 of them online at primetime on my server.... (50's) and pops already take 5-10 minutes?


49 isn't much different than 50, heck 50 isn't much different than 30-40 to be honest but for argument's sake why not cut it off from 40-50 as a bracket range, then 10-39?


"Bads" will indeed continue to be just that and would have lost if it was a bunch of 30's vs. their 20's, why screw over 50's from getting consistent queue pops for that reason?


A Zoeller post recently said the vast majority of players are still in the 30's, too.

Edited by Ancen
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Perhaps because there's never usually more than 20-30 of them online at primetime on my server.... (50's) and pops already take 5-10 minutes?


49 isn't much different than 50, heck 50 isn't much different than 30-40 to be honest but for argument's sake why not cut it off from 40-50 as a bracket range, then 10-39?


"Bads" will indeed continue to be just that and would have lost if it was a bunch of 30's vs. their 20's, why screw over 50's from getting consistent queue pops for that reason?


A Zoeller post recently said the vast majority of players are still in the 30's, too.


Yeah, the fact a 50 can easily get a 10%+ expertise bonus (which is a bonus for EVERYTHING they do), while a 49 can't, is not a difference.

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Couldn't be happier that the current under 50lvl waste of space is getting rid of. Yea, its really nice to get full lowbie group besides you to your side.. Truly fun. Doesn't matter if they can play or not, pvp geared people will just run over them.
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To the poster who said that 50s get the expertise bonus a few things:


1) You have to complete quest in order to get them for free.


2) You can buy the expertise stims on the vendors in each individual WZ and last I checked they weren't level specific (gotta look at that).


3) The most important skill you need in a wz is the cc break. If you have that and a healer and the two of you know what you are doing, you will be able to survive in a wz regardless unless it's 2 vs. 8. Then well your problem has nothing to do with levels.


This is not going to solve anything. Just an example of how the loudest wheel squeeking gets the oil. I hope all you folks who are horrible at pvp enjoy your 10 - 49 bracket, it's not going to do anything unless you learn how to play in the game.

Edited by Sheldon_Ghast
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you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team.


I didn't know the 10% damage reduction/Buff was "Skill".


The issue is not that these players are 50, it is that 50s have a very real and game breaking buff from gear that they have access to that nobody else pre 50 does. I have both a level 50 geared trooper as well as a 30 consular that for the level is very well geared, In a 1 on one fight i can kill anyone 1-49 fine and Iv successfully soloed 50's through use of better tactics(CC interrupts, vanishes), but against most level 50s with the 50 PvP gear, i get destroyed easily the main reason for this is that gear gives upwards of a 10% buff to there damage/defence, that's a 20% difference. which means if we both have the same stats with the exception of the "Expertise" stat and spam the exact ability in a fight with no other outside interference I will die while they still have 20% hp THIS is the problem. This by definition is not Balance. it would be wouldn't be a problem if pre 50s had access to the same buff or if the buff is removed but as it is there is no way for a pre 50 to match a geared 50. This is why 50s need there own bracket

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meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace


Not sure how you get to this. Right now when I PVP solo over 50% of the team is usually level 50s. So my recent experience (7 WZs last night) tells me that there are currently more active level 50 PVPers than sub level 50 PVPers.

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The lvls never was what mattered, the gear was. And since you can only get expertise at lv50 dumb ppl misstook that for the reason.


Wont matter one bit since you will be hitting lv50 without any exp gear and proceed to be ***** by full champs/battlemasters just as if you were lv10.

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Just to clarify something not all lv50 guys have the expertise bonus. You have to grind/do dailys & weeklys/swap forts (what!!!....who said that???) to get that gear.


A lv50 who didn't save commendations since lv10, or was a pver and decided to start doing pvp or is stuck in a imp/rep heavy server, most likely won't have a full champ set.


Next QQ? non geared 50s complaining about brackets because they face fully geared lv50s premades

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People are calling you a troll because it has almost nothing to do with skill. If you think you're good because you're level 50 and you're beating level 20's in PvP than I completely understand why you're not interested in being matched up with equally geared players.
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