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Need/Greed and Orange Gear


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Lets say I'm a BH in a group in which orange heavy armor drops. The armor is better than what I have, but the mods within it aren't centered around my primary stat, aim, but rather something like strength, which I have no use for.


To me, rolling "need" would be acceptable, because the mods within are easily replaced with aim items, and the Armor Rating of the armor is otherwise useful to me, and superior to my current gear.


Do you agree or disagree?

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You'd have to put yourself in the position of the guy that actually need the armor and uses the stats provided by it. Would you go "omg ninja" in chat after group if someone rolled need and won it over you, despite the stats being off? Probably. I see it all the time.


The game allows you to roll need on everything, which is just WRONG. Considering how much they copied from WoW they failed to copy the "newer" need/greed system. I guess the current one is pretty old, which would explain a lot, since WoW added the newer one with... wotlk? I honestly don't remember.

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Lets say I'm a BH in a group in which orange heavy armor drops. The armor is better than what I have, but the mods within it aren't centered around my primary stat, aim, but rather something like strength, which I have no use for.


To me, rolling "need" would be acceptable, because the mods within are easily replaced with aim items, and the Armor Rating of the armor is otherwise useful to me, and superior to my current gear.


Do you agree or disagree?


Disagree, because you lose the armor rating the moment you pull out the Strength armoring mod therefore eliminating the reason you rolled Need.

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Lets say I'm a BH in a group in which orange heavy armor drops. The armor is better than what I have, but the mods within it aren't centered around my primary stat, aim, but rather something like strength, which I have no use for.


To me, rolling "need" would be acceptable, because the mods within are easily replaced with aim items, and the Armor Rating of the armor is otherwise useful to me, and superior to my current gear.


Do you agree or disagree?


Disagree, you will replace it later with an item that has aim as a core stat.


Don't forget, ALL of your BH abilities scale off aim, the extra armor isn't worth losing the base aim on whatever you were replacing.

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You'd have to put yourself in the position of the guy that actually need the armor and uses the stats provided by it. Would you go "omg ninja" in chat after group if someone rolled need and won it over you, despite the stats being off? Probably. I see it all the time.


The game allows you to roll need on everything, which is just WRONG. Considering how much they copied from WoW they failed to copy the "newer" need/greed system. I guess the current one is pretty old, which would explain a lot, since WoW added the newer one with... wotlk? I honestly don't remember.



I'd be as annoyed as ever at losing a roll, but I don't think I'd shout ninja. Not with custom armor of a type that the person could use.

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Lets say I'm a BH in a group in which orange heavy armor drops. The armor is better than what I have, but the mods within it aren't centered around my primary stat, aim, but rather something like strength, which I have no use for.


To me, rolling "need" would be acceptable, because the mods within are easily replaced with aim items, and the Armor Rating of the armor is otherwise useful to me, and superior to my current gear.


Do you agree or disagree?


I agree, but only in the sense that if I can enhance my char with use of an item I have a "need" for it. But I try to avoid these specific definitions of need arguments, cuz everyone has a different one and it's a waste of time.

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Then he better roll higher than you if he wants the armor...


You realize that a class's primary stat enhances all of their abilities right?


If you roll on something that has a stat your class doesn't use, you get NOTHING from it. If you do this while levelling....wow....

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If you already have a orange armor the only reason you are rolling for another orange armor is for the looks.


You say you can take out the str mods and replace them with aim...but since orange gear is statless you already can do it with your current orange gear.


I would roll greed on this one if I have a JG/SJ in the group

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Lets say I'm a BH in a group in which orange heavy armor drops. The armor is better than what I have, but the mods within it aren't centered around my primary stat, aim, but rather something like strength, which I have no use for.


To me, rolling "need" would be acceptable, because the mods within are easily replaced with aim items, and the Armor Rating of the armor is otherwise useful to me, and superior to my current gear.


Do you agree or disagree?


I've presented similar examples in other threads and each time I've been told I am a ninja, a jerk and one dude even suggested I was filth.

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Disagree. At least some of the mods (almost certainly armoring and probably the mod slot) are going to have stats you don't need, thereby going to waste on you. Even more importantly, someone who can actually wear the orange armor might actually WANT that specific orange piece precisely for its appearance. All in all, I never need roll on orange drops that I couldn't actually equip.


Not to mention, with the current bug where the orange item color is not shown properly in the roll window tooltip, a lot of people probably wouldn't realize what you're actually rolling on anyway, so I would certainly expect mass drama if this was done w/o prior agreement.


EDIT: I missed the part where you can equip the armor type too... yeah, I dunno. Closer to borderline but I still disagree, at the end of the day. I mean, if it's something you said up front I'd be fine with it ("going to need if armor X drops because I really want that appearance"), but if it just happened with no warning, I wouldn't be happy.

Edited by nezroy
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Disagree. At least some of the mods (almost certainly armoring and probably the mod slot) are going to have stats you don't need, thereby going to waste on you. Even more importantly, someone who can actually wear the orange armor might actually WANT that specific orange piece precisely for its appearance. All in all, I never need roll on orange drops that I couldn't actually equip.


The OP can equip the armor in question.

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I've presented similar examples in other threads and each time I've been told I am a ninja, a jerk and one dude even suggested I was filth.


I'd let that roll off your back....were he right you wouldn't have created the thread to ask the question, you'd have simply daid "f*ck it, I'll do as I please."


Now, I didn't realize that the mods in the armor effect the armor rating. I assumed that oranges received at higher level tended to have higher armor ratings. Where on the mod does it state how much it increases armor by? I haven't seen that.

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The OP can equip the armor in question.


Yeah I missed that part. Even still, I disagree, at the end of the day. I mean, if it's something he said up front I'd be fine with it ("going to need if armor X drops because I really want that appearance"), but if it just happened with no warning, I know I wouldn't be happy.


Basically an appearance upgrade for the OP is purely cosmetic, whereas the guy who can actually use the stats is going to get optimal functional improvement to his toon's abilities by having that item. To me that is essentially the definition of need vs. greed. But I know people fall out elsewhere on that opinion spectrum...

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I'd let that roll off your back....were he right you wouldn't have created the thread to ask the question, you'd have simply daid "f*ck it, I'll do as I please."


Now, I didn't realize that the mods in the armor effect the armor rating. I assumed that oranges received at higher level tended to have higher armor ratings. Where on the mod does it state how much it increases armor by? I haven't seen that.


It doesn't bug me, personally at least. Just wanted to give that poster a heads up that people will still be more than willing to call you names even when you are making a roll on an item that you feel is an item you would use.


It's standard loot drama. It's not going anywhere.


Regarding mods, the armor rating is listed on the mod (only one mod has armor on it). The problem is, you have to go through the whole process of clicking open the various screens, and this game's UI is still a little herky jerky so it can be a hassle.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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A group consisting of a Juggernaut, an Assassin, a Sorceror and a Mercenary takes down a Flashpoint boss. A piece of heavy armor drops with +Strength/Endurance mods in it, and appears to be a clear upgrade for the Juggernaut.


Juggernaut: [Automatically rolls Need because he needs it.]


Mercenary: "Hey, I think I can roll on this too, since I can just rip the mods out and put in some +Aim/Endurance mods. I'm Cybertech so I can make them easily."


Assassin: "Hold on, I need this for soloing, since Khem Val can use it."


Sorceror: "In that case, I'm rolling Need too, since my Khem can also use it."




What would Space Jesus do?

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A group consisting of a Juggernaut, an Assassin, a Sorceror and a Mercenary takes down a Flashpoint boss. A piece of heavy armor drops with +Strength/Endurance mods in it, and appears to be a clear upgrade for the Juggernaut.


Juggernaut: [Automatically rolls Need because he needs it.]


Mercenary: "Hey, I think I can roll on this too, since I can just rip the mods out and put in some +Aim/Endurance mods. I'm Cybertech so I can make them easily."


Assassin: "Hold on, I need this for soloing, since Khem Val can use it."


Sorceror: "In that case, I'm rolling Need too, since my Khem can also use it."




What would Space Jesus do?


If I was in that group and the Jugg needed it, I would roll greed. Common sense in my opinion and if any one got butt hurt about it I would ignore them after saying a few words.

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Personally, I think needing on Orange is no big deal. If you like the look of it, and it's the right type (light/medium/heavy), the mods/armoring/enhancements are easily replaced. The armor value is controlled by the Armoring, so if that's an improvement, it just saves you from upgrading that piece for a while.


So really, it comes down to appearance only. Need it if you really want it.

Edited by ZenBones
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