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Sorry folks come back in 20hours?


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Or how about instead of going home, "Now we wait and see how today's invites impact the servers for the rest of the day, considering we just invited an *** load of people who are still at work."


*sigh* Relax and be patient folks.


that makes perfect sense, but why can't they do somemore waves later tonight when people from today start logging off?

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I for one am glad I don't have to play with some of you kids as I level. If you complain this much on the forums god only knows how much you'll rage over little stuff in game.


I'm glad ******es like you will already be halfway done with the game by the time I start playing.

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Just wait..

if they do this now without warning, who can say that the actual "lauch" wont be in wawes too ? =) gl waiting, hopefully we get in b4 12.12.2012 (since thats day the worlds gointo end ofc!)


peace out

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Just wait..

if they do this now without warning, who can say that the actual "lauch" wont be in wawes too ? =) gl waiting, hopefully we get in b4 12.12.2012 (since thats day the worlds gointo end ofc!)


peace out


I am gunna play devil's advocate and ask...Did you even read the FAQs? They clearly stated that it was going to be in waves.

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really? your done for the day?


time to clock out and go home? how about we get bout 4 more waves out seeing the servers can take ALOT more than what their doin.


IF they cant take ALOT more then i guess its time you go bring more servers online and OMG send out more waves....not that hard people






I feel you. No discernable reason why they can't let more in. This artificial chokepoint they are creating is both pointless and the source of a lot of consumer animosity for no better reason than its completely unnecessary. I've been in countless releases where they let everyone in all at once and the servers didn't crash. It was laggy but that is the price you pay for day 1 access.


The only thing dumber and pointless than this plan of staggered access is the mental ******* here trying to validate it.

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I don't care that they didn't let more people in. I do care they waited 2 hours to tell us when the next wave was going to be. It should have been "This is our 4th and final wave of the day. We will be adding more players tomorrow at 8 am CST" How friggin hard is that lol?
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really? your done for the day?


time to clock out and go home? how about we get bout 4 more waves out seeing the servers can take ALOT more than what their doin.


IF they cant take ALOT more then i guess its time you go bring more servers online and OMG send out more waves....not that hard people





I just cant help but remember rift launch. a few queues, but servers going up all the time, and I dont remember anyone at TRION leaving to nock off early and not caring about their customers. Shows us what BW really think of us, and just how they compare to other companies.

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This launch total fail IMO.


Let 1/4th of the players in, make the others wait for days with Zero idea of when they may get in...


Let all the players in, everyone has 4-6 hour queues but are all on equal footing.



Yeh they can Expect a ton of flak for that.

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Got a question for all of you impatient folks. How is going to sit on this board complaining and flaming bioware going to get you access any quicker. You are working yourself up for northing. You AREN'T entitled to anything. Take a deep breath, and relax. I pre ordered ages ago from Gamestop. I was told there was no pre order codes. I got a call 2 days ago with a code. You think I could be a little ticked I got screwed like I did. This isn't an official launch. The launch is the 20th. You are not guaranteed a spot to early access


Bioware I kindly ask for early access, may I please get early access soon. Please. If not, I will just wait patiently, and get even more excited.

Edited by wheeloftimefan
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I didn't get my code in until November 13th. I did not expect any news of early access until

Dec. 15th. So, I have only one complaint: Why is everyone ************ over something they were not promised? There was no advertisement on it except "You may play up to 5 days early" It is not even day 1 of the 5.

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