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  1. Where would you move to? They are ALL full at one point. The difference is waiting an hour or 2 hours. Might as well stay.
  2. I feel bad for you. The ONLY way you are going to fix that is by going through that awefull phone "support" they have. And let me tell you from my and some of my friends experience, we would've rather been subjected to a prison shower **** than go through that ordeal again. I was on the phone with them waiting just like you for about an hour and 12 minutes. I started to time it due to it being some ridiculously long. Know what happened? The phone picked up and immediately hung up on me. I won't lie. I was raging. If I had that little bastard on the other end of the phone within my grasp I would've jerked his/her lungs out through his nose and urinated on his/her dead corpse. Needless to say I had to cool off and wasn't ready for public consumption. The next day I try again. I was on the phone waiting for about 1 hour and 20 something minutes when the same thing happened again. My friend had his account locked up due to the security question and he waited on the phone for over 3 hours. YES 3 hours. He got his game working but that is beside the point. Since when did a three hour hold time on tech support become ok buisness practice? It didn't. This is pure amatuer hour and we have to deal with the children running the show untill someone with a brain steps up and corrects it.
  3. Depends. Usually I just spend the time lookin at ****.
  4. You know? I feel yah. 2 hours queues are long and would probably piss me off too. But think on this. 2 days ago I wasn't even playing the game. I'm sitting in an hour's worth of queue right now to play on space slug with my friends. I'm ok. I que up and go do something else like read these forums, check up on the greatest college football team Ohio State and how they are spanking that behind in recruiting, might even pick up one of the books I'm working on a read a chapter while waiting. Point is you have access when just a short time ago you didn't. The que times will change as soon as Bioware stops making server populations artificially small. Once they open the wallet and decide to let people play, it will get better. You just got to be patient. I know its not going to help you to hear but the games today are like this upon release. I had to sit in a 4 hour que once when Rift first came out.
  5. I never recieved an email either which is strange. The button wasn't clickable last night. I click play and the intro movie starts but when I get to server select window there isn't any listed. Its not like its greyed out. There isn't ANYthing listed. Just a blank window with America/Euro tabs below it.
  6. They will eventually and they will charge you a nice price for it too.
  7. Supposed to be a mirror of yesterday. Yesterday the waves started at 6AM pacific and there were 4 waves.
  8. I feel you. No discernable reason why they can't let more in. This artificial chokepoint they are creating is both pointless and the source of a lot of consumer animosity for no better reason than its completely unnecessary. I've been in countless releases where they let everyone in all at once and the servers didn't crash. It was laggy but that is the price you pay for day 1 access. The only thing dumber and pointless than this plan of staggered access is the mental ******* here trying to validate it.
  9. I can know if I should even bother for the next couple days? Being asked to wait is fine but being asked to wait with a window that stretches over a week is a little much. I'm sure I am not the only one who has a life and need to schedule game time around it. An Approximate would be nice. I would just rather be doing something else instead of being here if I know what time to check or around what time. Sounds like the amount of waves are fixed dailey so it wouldn't be very difficult to estimate. Say something like this: July-August preorders will most likely get in 13-14 August through X most likely 15-16 X through December preorders ....... That way I know when to clear my schedule and I can stop hanging around here and checking my email constantly. These are just simple curtousy's you can extend that might go a long way to quieting the masses rather than the present strategy of "who cares". Another suggestion would be on a particular day...be more precise on just that day. Example: You have your rough estimates laid out but when the 13th rolls around perhaps you can narrow down the times you are going to release the emails and more specifically which groups will get them. "We are going to be allowing in X amount of "waves" today. !st wave will be those who subscribed on this day to this day. Its just good buisness. You keep a channel of dialog open. People know whats going on when its going on. And it beats sitting here being treated like a mushroom. Inlfexibility is the same as brittle. Brittle things break all the time. Don't be afraid to change the plan to something better.
  10. I can know if I should even bother for the next couple days? Being asked to wait is fine but being asked to wait with a window that stretches over a week is a little much. I'm sure I am not the only one who has a life and need to schedule game time around it. An Approximate would be nice. I would just rather be doing something else instead of being here if I know what time to check or around what time. Sounds like the amount of waves are fixed dailey so it wouldn't be very difficult to estimate. Say something like this: July-August preorders will most likely get in 13-14 August through X most likely 15-16 X through December preorders ....... That way I know when to clear my schedule and I can stop hanging around here and checking my email constantly. These are just simple curtousy's you can extend that might go a long way to quieting the masses rather than the present strategy of "who cares". Another suggestion would be on a particular day...be more precise on just that day. Example: You have your rough estimates laid out but when the 13th rolls around perhaps you can narrow down the times you are going to release the emails and more specifically which groups will get them. "We are going to be allowing in X amount of "waves" today. !st wave will be those who subscribed on this day to this day. Its just good buisness. You keep a channel of dialog open. People know whats going on when its going on. And it beats sitting here being treated like a mushroom. Inlfexibility is the same as brittle. Brittle things break all the time. Don't be afraid to change the plan to something better.
  11. I'm sure you thought this was very helpfull when you typed it. Unfortunatly posts like this are just more white noise in the sea of whining. You are whining about the whiners, obviously, which sort of puts you in their boat.
  12. You are right, of course. Its just a game and it isn't a big deal. However that doesn't mean the people who are upset don't have a right to be upset. Its not a big deal when your cable service goes down. You may even be asked to wait a day or two because its a busy time of the year and you will be serviced in the order you called. It is not acceptable for a cable company to call you and say...."Well, we'll get to you between 4AM pacific and.....the 20th of December. I don't mind waiting my turn. What I do mind is not being told even in the most broadest of terms when my window is going to open. That way I ,m not chained to this fu*()#$ computer waiting for an invite that may or may not come in an hour or 3 fricken days. I don't have a week to waste waiting patiently. I have a life and in order to play I have to clear my schedule. I can't clear a phvcking week. And while its no big deal in the grand scheme of things because there are people getting killed in Africa for no better reason that being the "wrong" religion. There are children starving to death in third world countries and small kids getting abused by parents. That doesn't mean this is right just because we atempt to minimize this. And if this control freak like way of d1king over joe consumer because you are too incompetetant to just use simple addition, count preorders and then estimate bandwidth needs accodingly. I fear for the future of this game when decisions like this are considered "ok". Your first thirty days are crucial for MMO releases. It often determines the long term success or failure of a new mmo for the simple fact that there are too many alternative games to play and people don't need to put up with being put in a 5 hour que to play your game. They will leave and play something else. And to those that say, "Good. Leave then". Keep in mind your 15 a month will not float this game alone. They need those subscibers as they fund future content. Again to be clear because I know there are morons here who can't read very well. I don't mind waiting. I mind being told my wait is a week long window that can open at any time. I hope the "genius" who hatched that brain child gets a taste of his own medicine. I know my review of this game is going to suffer because of it.
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