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Complaint: We need a complaint forum.


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General discussion isn't being used for general discussion.


9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints.


How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.

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its not just the complaints, its the same complaints over and over and over again. 600 threads to complain about the same thing just saying it in different ways. it gets old, pretty quick.


It's also the same few people, posting the same thread, 600 times...

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General discussion isn't being used for general discussion.


9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints.


How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.


General discussion IS being used for GENERAL discussion...lrn2english




1.Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category: "subduing all her impressions as a woman, to something more general" (Virginia Woolf).

2.Affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved; prevalent: general discontent.

3.Of or affecting the entire body: general paralysis.

4.Being usually the case; true or applicable in most instances but not all: the general correctness of her decisions.


a.Not limited in scope, area, or application: as a general rule.

b.Not limited to or dealing with one class of things; diversified: general studies.

6.Involving only the main features rather than precise details: a general grasp of the subject.

7.Highest or superior in rank: the general manager.

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General discussion IS being used for GENERAL discussion...lrn2english




1.Concerned with, applicable to, or affecting the whole or every member of a class or category: "subduing all her impressions as a woman, to something more general" (Virginia Woolf).

2.Affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved; prevalent: general discontent.

3.Of or affecting the entire body: general paralysis.

4.Being usually the case; true or applicable in most instances but not all: the general correctness of her decisions.


a.Not limited in scope, area, or application: as a general rule.

b.Not limited to or dealing with one class of things; diversified: general studies.

6.Involving only the main features rather than precise details: a general grasp of the subject.

7.Highest or superior in rank: the general manager.


And what I am saying is general discussion is so clogged with complaints that a special forum needs to be made to contain these.


It is unreasonable to ask when a general forum is 90% dedicated to one topic that a specialized sub-forum be made?

Edited by Al_Sparagus
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General discussion isn't being used for general discussion.


9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints.


How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.


At least the complaints are directly GAME related. This post is NOT directly game related and this therefore OFF TOPIC.

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And what I am saying is general discussion is so clogged with complaints that a special forum needs to be made to contain these.


And what im saying is that the complaints belong here...even this thread, a post that is a complaint about complaints.


See, a complaint thread that is a complaint about something in game is actually GAME related and may bring something to the developers attention and maybe lead to an improvement...this thread isnt even game related, its just a whine. A whine about people with concerns over something they are paying money for...yet even this worthless thread that does absolutely NOTHING for the game or the developers belongs in the general forum!

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General discussion isn't being used for general discussion.


9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints.


How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.


You're on a forum on a game that was just released, a MMO at that. If you don't expect this then you must not come to a lot of forums early in a games life. Not trying to be a douche either I'm just saying.

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And what im saying is that the complaints belong here...even this thread, a post that is a complaint about complaints.


See, a complaint thread that is a complaint about something in game is actually GAME related and may bring something to the developers attention and maybe lead to an improvement...this thread isnt even game related, its just a whine. A whine about people with concerns over something they are paying money for...yet even this worthless thread that does absolutely NOTHING for the game or the developers belongs in the general forum!


Well congrats on whining about me whining about the whiners.


You win, happy?

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General discussion isn't being used for general discussion.


9/10 threads are complaints, and 9/10 of those are poorly written complaints.


How about creating a complaint forum so the complainers feel their needs are met and general discussion can be general discussion.


You are a "MMO forum"-virgin, right?


The first time can always be unexpectedly hard or inconvenient, but don't worry, it will get easier and better with practice. :)

Edited by GHeissi
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Well congrats on whining about me whining about the whiners.


You win, happy?


Clearly I am whining by pointing out that the complaints you are whining about belongs here, including your only useless whine.


No really, by wanting the whines here, I am whining!


The derp is strong with this one.

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Because then all the other forums will be empty.


Poor Bioware.


Keep telling yourself that.

I'm guessing WoW is also dead?


Swtor has been number 1 in our country for 3 weeks now, and we are not alone.

I've seen they sold alot of copies, keep telling yourself that 75% will leave swtor, if it makes you feel happy.


And you know i'm right.


It's BioWare, it's star wars, it's an mmorpg. It can't go wrong.

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Clearly I am whining by pointing out that the complaints you are whining about belongs here, including your only useless whine.


No really, by wanting the whines here, I am whining!


The derp is strong with this one.


Would wish you would pick a horse though. Since its general discussion can complaints be posted? Or just complaints you agree with? Or just complaints about the game itself. Or are you just having a bad day and feel the need to be a ***** no matter what?

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Keep telling yourself that.

I'm guessing WoW is also dead?


Swtor has been number 1 in our country for 3 weeks now, and we are not alone.

I've seen they sold alot of copies, keep telling yourself that 75% will leave swtor, if it makes you feel happy.


And you know i'm right.


It's BioWare, it's star wars, it's an mmorpg. It can't go wrong.


The free month hasn't run out yet. The Star Wars name will move a lot of boxes. We'll see quite soon what retention looks like. None of us know the future.

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its not just the complaints, its the same complaints over and over and over again. 600 threads to complain about the same thing just saying it in different ways. it gets old, pretty quick.


That's because every snowflake thinks it is unique, special, and entitled over every other snowflake.


And yep, it gets old, it makes actual construtive discussion threads get buried on page 6 within minutes. Which is the poster child example of what spam does. Most complaint threads are actually just spam really. They offer nothing productive, they clutter up and clogg the forums and interfere with actual meaninful construtive discussion threads.

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Would wish you would pick a horse though. Since its general discussion can complaints be posted? Or just complaints you agree with? Or just complaints about the game itself. Or are you just having a bad day and feel the need to be a ***** no matter what?


You could have kept your trolling going if you didnt just go blatant like that.

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Would wish you would pick a horse though. Since its general discussion can complaints be posted? Or just complaints you agree with? Or just complaints about the game itself. Or are you just having a bad day and feel the need to be a ***** no matter what?


And once again: at least the complaints are about the game, and therefore on topic. Your post arent even game related.

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You could have kept your trolling going if you didnt just go blatant like that.


Not trolling. I think there should be a complaint subforum. How is that really such a horrible idea? Do you find it so offensive? Do you think the only way you can get your moneys worth out of the game is to complain on the general forum?


Really you need to clarify yourself much better, otherwise it seems you are the troll.

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Not trolling. I think there should be a complaint subforum. How is that really such a horrible idea? Do you find it so offensive? Do you think the only way you can get your moneys worth out of the game is to complain on the general forum?


Really you need to clarify yourself much better, otherwise it seems you are the troll.


There will always be a majority of threads of the same kind.


If you really want a suggestion: Deal with it, subscribe to liked threads and read them carefully, quickly browse through other threads and skip obviously unwanted threads entirely.


Just do it efficiently without forcing the removal of threads which you don't want to see.

Edited by GHeissi
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There will always be a majority of threads of the same kind.


If you really want a suggestion: Deal with it, subscribe to liked threads and read them carefully, quickly browse through other threads and skip obviously unwanted threads entirely.


Just do it efficiently without forcing the removal of threads which you don't want to see.


Who talked about removal? Never said to delete threads. Just give the complainers a place to complain that's all.

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its not just the complaints, its the same complaints over and over and over again. 600 threads to complain about the same thing just saying it in different ways. it gets old, pretty quick.


Agreed, again like the other poster said tho, hopfully the number of QQ'ers will dwindle away after the free 30 days.

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