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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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So to sum up whilst I see the benefit of characters that are DEFINITELY of X Orientation and won't waver from it, I don't think it outweighs the benefit of having bisexual potential in all of the available relationship-capable companions. Especially since not all of your characters are relationship-capable.


I would agree to a point about having companions that are definitely of one orientation or the other if they had properly planned all this before launch and actually launched with all the romance content intact. Now however unless you want to wait years for them to come back around and do it that way, it will simply not happen. Using alternate companions from the current romance options would require new stories to be written, new VO to be recorded, new quests to be written and implemented, it simply isn't going to happen.


Unfortunately since BW decided to exclude the same gender content from the game at launch they've backed themselves into the corner of the only way to implement them in a way that doesn't leave this portion of the playerbase dangling in the wind for the next couple of years is to allow the current romance arcs to be engaged by either gender. No new content needs created, no new VO needs recorded, all the triggers and quests are already implemented in game, etc. All they need to do is turn on the same gender options.


Is it going to be ideal all around for every romance option? Maybe, maybe not, but I don't see any other options really. Well, no other options if you actually care about seeing the content make it into the game that is.

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What does that even mean?


It's like saying people who like vanilla ice cream share a personality trait "liker of vanilla ice cream".

Also, simply because one is attracted to the opposite gender does not necessarily rule out attraction to one's own, to greater or lesser degree.


So how do we know?


They don't "seem bi"? Well, you see, people are just people. You can't tell orientation by looking, or behavior - unless deliberately totally camp, which is rare.


The authors who created the characters may know, or know what they believed when writing them. But without an unequivocal statement from the NPC saying so, we don't know.

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What does that even mean?


It's like saying people who like vanilla ice cream share a personality trait "liker of vanilla ice cream".

Not even that! It's like saying people who've only ever been allowed to eat vanilla ice cream share the personality trait "liker of vanilla ice cream". Call me crazy, but I can totally see Kira being just fine with some strawberry. :D


...and now I'll cease stretching the metaphor. :eek: As I've said before, claiming all the companions are straight is illogical, because as the game currently is, they're only programmed to be straight. I'm guessing that part of the implementation of SGRs will involve the companions and our characters dealing with what may be unexpected feelings.


Of course, with some, it may be just a matter of "Oh, by the way", and I think odds are good we'll have a dialogue option to be totally cool with this. ;)

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All this reading of getting new companions with the SS option and maybe getting some existing companions to also start having a SS option. Is making me want to hold off on leveling my main SI or stop flirting with Ashara until I know who the new companions are and when we are going to start getting them.

If Bioware does change some of the existing companions to Bi. I hope they let us pick which ones we want to turn bi for the different classes. I'd pick Kaliyo(IA), Jaesa Willsaam(SW), and Nadia Grell(JC). Not sure about any of the other classes.

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All this reading of getting new companions with the SS option and maybe getting some existing companions to also start having a SS option. Is making me want to hold off on leveling my main SI or stop flirting with Ashara until I know who the new companions are and when we are going to start getting them.

If Bioware does change some of the existing companions to Bi. I hope they let us pick which ones we want to turn bi for the different classes. I'd pick Kaliyo(IA), Jaesa Willsaam(SW), and Nadia Grell(JC). Not sure about any of the other classes.


1. I agree. Half of my characters are sitting on the bench as I level my so-so classes, mainly being my smuggler (Risha? Ugh, no. I'll stay with Corso. >_>).


2. HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE KALIYO?? Temple > Kaliyo any day of the week. (Just teasing. :p)


3. I wasted my question for the Q&A thread earlier specifically on the "how" of the how and when this is coming. I say wasted because the pessimist in me believes that either they will ignore the question, or give me that same... quote. :mad:

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1. I agree. Half of my characters are sitting on the bench as I level my so-so classes, mainly being my smuggler (Risha? Ugh, no. I'll stay with Corso. >_>).


2. HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE KALIYO?? Temple > Kaliyo any day of the week. (Just teasing. :p)


3. I wasted my question for the Q&A thread earlier specifically on the "how" of the how and when this is coming. I say wasted because the pessimist in me believes that either they will ignore the question, or give me that same... quote. :mad:


Umm...Mako, Jaesa, ummmmm, urr...sowee, that was weird wasn't it?

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...all of them. Because I'm greedy. And because I tend to play a LOT of alts with differing tastes.


Yes, that! In fact, there are some that aren't currently romance options at all that I would definitely want to see - Zenith, for example. More choice is good, right?

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Another interesting approach might be making companions who aren't currently romanceable, romanceable by the same gender ...


Sith Inquisitor: Talos Drellik


Please, no. I'd rather stick with Khem Val (I assume that Andronikos is a female-romance option, though at the risk of stereotyping, he's a reasonable choice to pull a Zevran and go omni-sexual).



PS: Moderator -- I have revised this post in order to comply with my understanding of the Rules of Conduct and believe it to be acceptable as written.

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Well, some of the current VOs would have to record new lines.


Only if they are using gender specific pronouns. Besides it is more than likely all the required VO was already recorded. It would have been incredibly shortsighted not to have recorded it when the actors were doing their recording.

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Honestly, this is a small part of TOR. Besides, Jedi aren't supposed to be romantically involved anyway. I think it doesn't matter TONS and while LGBT may rejoice, I think it doesn't matter when you can blow up 50-foot robots and 40-foot tall monsters and leave a mark on the SW Universe.
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Honestly, this is a small part of TOR. Besides, Jedi aren't supposed to be romantically involved anyway .


1) Jedi can already enter into heterosexual relationships in TOR.

2) Jedi make up only 1/4 of the playable classes.


I don't feel as if it's a small part when I'm accosted with unwanted [flirt] options of the heterosexual variety.

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1) Jedi can already enter into heterosexual relationships in TOR.

2) Jedi make up only 2/4 of the playable Republic classes.


I don't feel as if it's a small part when I'm accosted with unwanted [flirt] options of the heterosexual variety.





i fixed your post for you

Edited by Darth-_-
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Just read that on TORhead.com they have done a ton of datamining and have found entire planets and a huge amount of companion VO, maybe this is a good sign for us.

Do you have a link to that? I've looked through their datamined stuff for upcoming patches, and didn't see anything that had companion VO, aside from something I won't mention here because it's a spoiler.

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Actually, since they are offering such a tempting target, I was kind of thinking Austin for the Guild Leader Summit.


Yes - I am entirely serious about this.


That's a good idea :) Since they're deaf to online petitions, maybe a real life meeting has more fruitful results.


And please, don't post spoilers here, I managed to ruin parts of the IA story for myself as some people didn't hide their messages :/

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Honestly, this is a small part of TOR. Besides, Jedi aren't supposed to be romantically involved anyway. I think it doesn't matter TONS and while LGBT may rejoice, I think it doesn't matter when you can blow up 50-foot robots and 40-foot tall monsters and leave a mark on the SW Universe.

It matters a great deal, for many reasons. Most simply - and selfishly - I want to enjoy the same elements of play which others are already enjoying and discussing, which are not currently available to me. And honestly, in a game meant to be enjoyed, by a company which lauds itself on inclusiveness, that ought to be enough.


Secondly, I don't care how small a part of SWTOR this is. BioWare has made a commitment to this material in an appeal to those of us disincluded at launch to please be patient. Well, the more we see of others wanting to compare and discuss the existing romances and [Flirt] options, the more unhappy we become not to be able to participate. And the longer BioWare goes without discussing this with us, the less hope we have that their promise will be kept in any meaningful measure, any time soon.

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