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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I'm sorry, but pushing, and pushing, and pushing to try and get a video game company to include non-necessary content is a waste of time, both theirs and yours.

Should [Flirt] prompts and any companion character romances be removed, then?


These are already a part of the game. SGR will be part of the game. That's not at issue. What is at issue is that now that we know what the game looks like in play, we would like to hear more about how the Dev Team is approaching this - new options with existing companions? Only with newly introduced companions? Etc.


It seems to me that trying to validate life choices, whatever they may be, by bringing those choices over into a game world is not, and will never be, high on the list of things for them to accomodate. Sorry, but there are more pressing issues for the developers to address.

I don't need a game or anything else to offer me validation. I know my experiences are valid. I just want the same opportunity afforded to other players to enjoy these fun elements of the game.


In the interest of actually doing things that benefit the *entire* community (and not just the very few), why don't we focus on FPS, new group content, and new weapons/armor as a productive start.

That's just the point - existing content excludes a part of the "entire" community. We're not asking for anything that you don't get already. This isn't a matter of special perks. It's a matter of the same play as everyone else.


BioWare claims to want to foster a diverse and tolerant community. But it seems that they have a ways to go.

Edited by Paralassa
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As mentioned, it was stated this was already slated to be in-game.


And some people would call me an ultra-conservative, but even I don't have a problem with it since this is a game not life. And I get to make a choice with my characters in their conversations. It's not like I'm forced to endure it in a group conversation.


It seems to me that trying to validate life choices, whatever they may be, by bringing those choices over into a game world is not, and will never be, high on the list of things for them to accomodate. Sorry, but there are more pressing issues for the developers to address.


Indeed, some people are trying to push for this to do just that. Personally, I could care less either way. And the truth is that most of us are either done with or will be done with our mains and possibly some alts' storylines before this is ever implemented. So it's stale content unless they open this up to existing characters as they progress towards the next level cap bump.


And back on topic...


But please, let's get back on topic, the inclusion of SGRAs is NOT the topic, HOW it should be implemented, is the topic.


Absolutely. I support the 2b option from the OP. I hate it when an MMO developer goes back and redoes a previous section of the game. But then again, this is all based on Lucas' works, so we'll probably get everything tweaked over and over again throughout its life. So Bioware, if you're going to add this content, please do so with post 50 conversations so as not to mess with existing content.


EDIT: In addition, after seeing the option 3, I do not at all support that. I do not want to see "sexual orientation" in my character creation process. That would be forcing this sort of content to be seen by us who may not want to see it. I'd rather have a [Flirt] option for companions that can eventually unlock whatever people want to do with their characters.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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EDIT: In addition, after seeing the option 3, I do not at all support that. I do not want to see "sexual orientation" in my character creation process. That would be forcing this sort of content to be seen by us who may not want to see it. I'd rather have a [Flirt] option for companions that can eventually unlock whatever people want to do with their characters.


Wait, how is this will force you to see it?

You choose your character to be "straight" which will remove any SG flirting from the dialogue options. If anything, this will prevent people who do not want to see it from seeing it.

If I understand correctly..


Anyway, I think the most interresting option is too just create new companions/NPCs that happen to be.. dare I say it.. gay. They will only be romanclabe for those who choose to be so.

IMO, it gives consistancy which is quite important in RPGs. It other BW games when you engage in SGRA with characters they seem to change backstories and become someone completely different. This annoyed the hell out of me.

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Wait, how is this will force you to see it?

You choose your character to be "straight" which will remove any SG flirting from the dialogue options. If anything, this will prevent people who do not want to see it from seeing it.

If I understand correctly..


I do not want to see any sort of "sexual choice" for character creation. Even if the only option was "straight". I just don't want that as part of my character creation process. Some things don't belong in a game and that's one of them. If it were introduced, what's next? Level of sexual exploration? Seriously, keep that stuff out of my game, thank you.


If they just add bi/gay options to conversations with [Flirt], I have no problem with that. It means that the user can see it if they want to continue.

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I would like to see same gender romance options in TOR. I agree with this.


I disagree that they should make every companion Bi, which was one of the OP's suggestions. This, in my opinion, dilutes the individuality of the companions. They should have full personalities of their own, which should include their own sexual preference. This is part of what makes TOR such a vibrant world in my opinion.


That said, I do think some of the current companions make sense to be bisexual. Some of our current companions have that attitude about them but just don't have the conversation options.However, I do not think this should be retroactive. If you've already progressed past this point in the story... I would say sorry, but you missed it. I understand those who are against this opinion, and I don't fault you for it, but I think game quality would be overall better if it was handled that way - in addition to it being easier on the Devs (and thus, more likely to be considered).


Again, I'm all for SGR in TOR. I think Kira and my Jedi Sentinel would make a great pair, for example. But I just think it needs to be handled better than a blanket cover fix.

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Oh, Kaliyo is deffs going to be my girlfriend. I mean, she already calls me babe and goes drinking with me. Come on. It's a given! I'm just waiting for that one crazy night in Nar Shaddaa. ;)


Talos and Theran are the likely candidates for s/s male relationships, if they were to be restricted to certain companions.


I just think it's unfortunate the female playerbase misses out on so many of these romantic/flirt options. Male Sith Warriors actually get a love triangle/ two possible romanceable companions. I'm jealous. That's a lot of XP and an entertaining break from slaying mobs.


Moreover, even in general quests, I've got six female characters, and I can count MAYBE ten occasions in which I get to flirt. Even fewer where it actually goes somewhere.


Male characters get at least one hook up per planet. Just saying... keep us ladies entertained as well.


And whoever wrote the Jedi Consular female flirtations..... Really? #Awkward.

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If they just add bi/gay options to conversations with [Flirt], I have no problem with that. It means that the user can see it if they want to continue.


But exactly that will make people to see it. Me, for example. I don't want to see a [Flirt] on my character if he's talking to a guy. Yes, I know, I can ignore it, but it's still there, and I know that will annoy a lot of people.

In this case a "sexual orientation" option on the creation screen is the least bad of all the options.


I disagree that they should make every companion Bi, which was one of the OP's suggestions. This, in my opinion, dilutes the individuality of the companions. They should have full personalities of their own, which should include their own sexual preference. This is part of what makes TOR such a vibrant world in my opinion.



This is what I hated about DA.


Male characters get at least one hook up per planet. Just saying... keep us ladies entertained as well.

Not true, at least not for all the characters. My SW only got like three chances to flirt with a girl. And one chance to have a fade-to-black. With a woman who could be his mother! I mean really..

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But exactly that will make people to see it. Me, for example. I don't want to see a [Flirt] on my character if he's talking to a guy. Yes, I know, I can ignore it, but it's still there, and I know that will annoy a lot of people.

In this case a "sexual orientation" option on the creation screen is the least bad of all the options.


What about those of us playing pure light-side characters? Why should we have dark-side prompts come up when all they do is annoy us because they're options we'd never pick and don't see fitting our character? Or vice-versa on the light and dark? Those of us who see our characters as gay don't want to see a [Flirt] on our character if they're talking to someone of the opposite gender. Yes, we know, we can ignore it, but it's still there, and we know that it annoys a lot of people.

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I disagree that they should make every companion Bi, which was one of the OP's suggestions. This, in my opinion, dilutes the individuality of the companions. They should have full personalities of their own, which should include their own sexual preference. This is part of what makes TOR such a vibrant world in my opinion.


If they had an individual choice you'd be out of luck by statistics. If 1-6% of surveyed groups of people claimed to be bi/gay, the chance of your limited number of companions being oriented as such would be nil. Worse, if they made this possible for some companions and not others then you'd see all sorts of complaints from both sides on 'why isn't X straight'?!?, or 'why isn't Y gay'?!? After all the storyline is for your eyes only, so giving you the option to choose for every romance-capable companion makes it much easier on everyone.


It has to be a blanket toggle for all characters you can romance. Nothing else needs to change. The conversations and voice overs don't need to change. Nothing special needs to be done except for making the romance options open to all characters, regardless of gender. That's the easiest fix, and it can include all previous content or just new content.

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What about those of us playing pure light-side characters? Why should we have dark-side prompts come up when all they do is annoy us because they're options we'd never pick and don't see fitting our character? Or vice-versa on the light and dark? Those of us who see our characters as gay don't want to see a [Flirt] on our character if they're talking to someone of the opposite gender. Yes, we know, we can ignore it, but it's still there, and we know that it annoys a lot of people.


Then have an option on the creation screen to block opposite gender flirting for your character.


Worse, if they made this possible for some companions and not others then you'd see all sorts of complaints from both sides on 'why isn't X straight'?!?, or 'why isn't Y gay'?!?


Because they are not! Like real life, you know? I don't understand why people can't deal with the fact that some characters are not written to like you.

If anything, I think it would be interesting to have a possibility to make a gay companion straight with your "female charms" and vice-versa. But that is a different topic..

Edited by Mechavomit
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Then have an option on the creation screen to block opposite gender flirting for your character.


Thanks for completely ignoring the other half of my post. Your complain is, ultimately, "I see my character as X so I only want to see options for X even when the game is meant to give you a choice between X, Y, and Z."

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Thanks for completely ignoring the other half of my post. Your complain is, ultimately, "I see my character as X so I only want to see options for X even when the game is meant to give you a choice between X, Y, and Z."


I'm sorry, I'm trying to deal with my not-so-perfect english here.

Yes, that is my complain. I'm a selfish egoist. And I see how stupid that was of me now. Bah, we can't each get what we want...


But I still think they shouldn't make all the companions bi...

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Massive IA story spoilers


Hunter, a major character and the main villian who flirts with a female agent and other females is in fact a female and has some feelings for the agent. You can also flirt with Hunter when you first meet her at the meeting place.



Also Kaliyo seduced a woman in her past and had a thing with her, then left her and the girl cried for weeks. It's there, it fits. Deal with it.


Read my post your replying to again, "BW made this game and can alter things in the SW lore(which they have done) to fit with the game."

Edited by Paralassa
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Hunter, a major character and the main villian who flirts with a female agent and other females is in fact a female and has some feelings for the agent. You can also flirt with Hunter when you first meet her at the meeting place.





How the frack does that work?


*I missed my opportunity too*

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I think its pretty obvious Bioware's priorities are elsewhere. Sadly I don't see any of this getting changed anytime soon. The whole spiel about time constraints rings a little false to me.


They didn't have time to do what? Record a few dozen extra lines from the VA's who voice your character? They don't even have to really change anything for the companions very much...and wouldn't it take MORE lines of code, ie more work, to restrict things as they are now?


Sorry but I don't buy their reasoning. I think they just didn't want any bad PR about the game.

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How the frack does that work?


*I missed my opportunity too*


IIRC, she told my Agent in the end that Hunter had fallen in love with her [my female Agent], and in the end it was much easier to look on the Agent with Hunter's eyes than with her own.

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I think its pretty obvious Bioware's priorities are elsewhere. Sadly I don't see any of this getting changed anytime soon. The whole spiel about time constraints rings a little false to me.


They didn't have time to do what? Record a few dozen extra lines from the VA's who voice your character? They don't even have to really change anything for the companions very much...and wouldn't it take MORE lines of code, ie more work, to restrict things as they are now?


Sorry but I don't buy their reasoning. I think they just didn't want any bad PR about the game.


It's a pretty well known story, unfortunately. LucasArts squashed the entire idea of SGA in TOR at first. By the time LA opened up to the idea, there wasn't any time left. Now, other things are more important.


While we feel your pain, I personally think it is understandable.

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Hey, I'd gladly have dumped Kaliyo out the airlock and recruited that lady, especially as a f/f romance option. There were very few people in the galaxy my Agent respected as equals by the end of the story, and she was one of them.


Oh, I have no issues with her being an f/f romance option (it would be quite interesting, actually).


The way you worded the post it seems as if Hunter can only be interested in the female Agent when parading as a man but not in her female form (I find that troubling..IT MUST BE STRAIGHT OR IT CAN'T HAPPEN).


I actually haven't gotten that far in the IA storyline so I don't know what I'm talking about, ofc XD

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i dont mean to be rude but, I dont play a game (even if it is a MMO) to deal with the stupidity of this world. i play it to have fun and enjoy star wars.

And yet you don't seem to understand that is just what others want, too - to play the game and have fun, without someone else deciding what or who we should like.


I'm not going to comment on the rest of your post, but you went there - not any of us.


It's a pretty well known story, unfortunately. LucasArts squashed the entire idea of SGA in TOR at first. By the time LA opened up to the idea, there wasn't any time left.

Do you have any kind of reliable source to back this up?


Now, other things are more important.

To whom? By what standard? I see a lot of people demanding this, that or the other in-game be addressed, and they are issues I don't care about one way or another. Your yardstick of importance is not a universal measure.

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