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Poll of sorts: Which spec and why


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I'm wondering how many people are running with each respective spec. I've been Anni from start to 36 (present) and am interested in the other 2 specs. That said, MOST of what I hear is that anni is superior to Rage and Carnage for both pvp and pve.


What are your thoughts?




(If this takes off, I will edit and update this first page with a running tally)


So far:

Anni = 5

Rage = 6

Carn = 5


Updated 1/20/12 9?:39 eastern.

Edited by Connecticut
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I was Annihilation from 10-50. Anni for valor 1-20 or so. Carnage for valor 20-35. Rage for valor 35-50. Recently respec'd back to Annihilation so I can get a good feel for it with 136 weapons.


My thoughts haven't really changed from beginning to end:



1. Annihilation is the best solo spec. Self heals and passive armor penetration on bleeds = zzz. Damage everything, never die, huehuehue.


2. Rage is quite entertaining and is very potent for what it does. When you can l2 cycle your cooldowns appropriately, you can start demolishing stuff. Contrary to popular belief, Rage is quite potent 1v1 as well if you can use your cooldowns to effectively stall the fight between omega Smashes.


3. Carnage is unkiteable. Easily the most contact time of the 3 specs. It leg humps like you wouldn't believe. Downside is that it is simply not as potent as the other 2 specs. It lacks punch. Gore is not smooth enough for the spec, and the general damage, regardless of Gore or not-Gore is just not quite there. It's not too far off though -- add a 10% crit chance buff to the 6s rage refund and take Gore off the GCD, and Carn would be fine probably.




Overall, Annihilation and Rage are the best specs and serve different purposes. Carnage is slightly weak but still decent.

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My lvl 50 is Annihilation spec because I soloed the entire way with Quinn.

It's a BLAST to play and never had an issue with any quest, I did all of them 2-3 levels below requirement because I skipped all the Heroics and Flashpoints.


Recently I geared up Jaesa for the heck of it, and she's fun to run with but I don't see myself in a long fight with her and surviving.. .could be that I'm used to Quinn.


All companions are viable, as long as you keep them geared up with appropriate stat gear.

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I started in rage till about level 25, i liked the burst, but the mobility was alittle eh, even with obliterate it's range for pvp was only good if your were starting to get kited, other then that its only good if theres no other cooldowns. 25-40 i used an anni spec (though i tried carnage around 37 and hated it-couldnt get a feel of it, and went back to anni) As for Pve, i ripped through any group with quinn, if i had berserk on and got both bleeds down there was no stopping me, it felt great. I felt in PVP however i would need a large buildup time to get any type of dps down. And dealing with multiple targets in a WZ was not possible unless every tick of rupture was crit, and every vicious slash refreshed rupture. Two nights ago i respec'd back to rage, mainly for pvp, and love the freight train strength of smash, and ive gotten in the mode of using rupture and force crush together before i use my choke + smash, it leaves quite a dent in any class. plus the increase in guard makes me just abit less squishy.

Anni is great for pve, and if you can get it to work for pvp, great on ya.

rage is great for any situation, has great aoe for pve, and extreme bursts for pvp.

carnage sucks. no offense to anyone whos gotten carnage to work cause i was baffled.

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Levelled as carnage, tried out all three specs as lvl 50. Found annihilation to be my favorite. Rage is pretty strong in PvP, but I don't enjoy the rotation all that much, and its pretty weak(for me) in PvE compared to anni/carnage. Carnage and anni were pretty similar, carnage was more burst oriented, anni more sustained and more survivable.


tl;dr I use anni

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I'm annihilation, soloed all the way to 50 with it.




I found it perfect for soloing , it has decent survivability with the self heals meaning I never needed a pocket healer throughout the game, I just used dps companion all the way.


Ilum was a leap in difficulty when I got there, I have orange gear with the max purple crafted hilts and armoring , but i'm getting through it now and working the missions for my tokens.


I dont PvP so have no idea how effective it is there , but for solo PvE with decent survivability and great damage output, I can thoroughly recommend it.


Most of all though, its fun to play, which is the most important bit I think.

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I have hit a few snags on a boss or two to 50 but I do not use anyone but Jaesa.


My PvE damage is great for any instance. I have not tried PvP as of yet. I will though, I like the burst I get from Carnage.


I just like the solid rotation I use and the DPS I put out is always solid and usually the higher if not highest of groups I end up in.


The only drawback is lesser survivability but in instances it does not matter. Only quest mob/boss I have had any trouble was the Sal avatar due to his large AoE lightning damage.


I do not see myself re-speccing at any point in the near foreseeable future.

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Rage pvp

Carnage pve

I used to like Annihilation but it dosen't work in pvp as well as the other ones anymore after the 50 brackets.. And for PvE it's debateble against carnage depending on the fights. But overall I think I like carnage slightly better but we will see if whenever we get dmg meters

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carnage here from 1-45.


companion quinn healer


no problems at all. solid spec, built around force scream. hitting 40 gives massacre, which was like opening the door to a new universe. not easy to play cause to do decent damage you have to fit your strongest attacks in a small time window when blood frenzy and gore are up, so your performance will heavily depend on a state, that must be watched all the time and is often terrorized by a big mean guy around the corner. His name is Input Delay.


The spec is very straight on, and I will keep it until i master it. its very rewarding and the massacre animation is pure awesomeness.

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Annihilation - started with it, hit 50 and found it to be the best in pvp out of the three specs


Rage was fun for a while but seems to be so gear dependant and didn like the fact that it revolves so much around smash - but stil I can see it being really potent if your geared, esp with those smash crits


But i jus prefer the survivability of Anni and just feel a lot more mobile than the other 2 due to the lower cd on force leap and feel more useful to the group aswel

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Currently Rage, with 45-49 gear for Annihilation. I feel more useful with the 50 brackets (and have an easier time with medals) in Warzones, but I don't enjoy it as much as I did Annihilation. I'm going to try out Carnage once I've got some decent gear. Edited by memoriesofprey
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Carnage since the beginning, never really had problems and loving the roots in pvp. I have been considering going annihilation as it seems better but have a feel I would miss some of the things we got so i always end up simply sticking to old reliable as I always have with my marauder :)
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Switched from Carnage to Rage at 20. Then levelled the rest via Rage.


Incredible DPS even single target DPS is good with this build. Using a DPS companion still haven't had trouble with a boss, only time I struggle is if I forge to heal to 100% health before I start the fights.

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Used Vette until I got Quinn. Used Quinn until I got Jasea. Used Jasea until I got Broonmark. Still using Broonmark.


Broonmark is so strong but damn his ugly as hell, if Broonmark was a female character and half as cute as Mako I'd take Broonmark with me everywhere.

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leveled as hybrid - stuff everywhere to 50 - swapped to carnage after reading kiba's write up.



Carnage is my main.


tried all 3 specs -

gotten higher numbers with Rage and annihilation but i love the 15 % speed buff in carnage plus the massacre animation does look good.


found rage to be a tough spec to play as when you were out of rotation it was tough going (for me) - that and choke choosing when to work and not didnt help.


Anni i just struggled with for some reason . dont know why - rotation isnt complicated just could not bring myself to like it.


actually to be fair i just think it was the running around at a slower pace in combat that ruined the other 2 specs for me :)

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I'm only lv. 37, I leveled as carnage until about 35 just spec'd into Anni to try it out. I'm torn on them, I like the heals from the bleeds but I find that I was dropping the mobs quicker as carnage.


I run with Vette and I'm clearing out groups pretty fast in both spec's but I find Gold and story bosses a joke as anni. I'm sure when I hit 40, I'll try out carnage vs anni again.

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