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Doing Smuggler on Coruscant. When I hit level 14 I tried to attack Fabizan, the level 16 elite you need to defeat in order to get your starship.


After getting clobbered, I decided to level up. I'm now level 17, bought better armor for me and Corso, and tried to take on Fabizan again. It was a lot closer this time, but he beat me something like five more times.


So I want to level up some more, but I think I've done just about every quest there is to do on this planet. I play solo, but tried a heroic. Got very clobbered, so unless there are some easy heroics for a solo level 17, all I can see ahead of me is grinding in Justicar territory (have yet to find anything to send me to the Jedi precincts, so not sure if there's anything there for me). The game suddenly got a lot less fun....

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I did it by taking out his two sidekicks first & then I let Corso take on Fabizan while I stood back and kept healing him, took a little while but he went down in the end. You might want to switch off Corso's harpoon too.


Hope it helps.

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Usually, these fights are about sacrifice. I send in my companion (especially the tanking ones) to hold the boss while I take out the lackies. Then I join on killing the boss, too. Hopefully, we'll get the boss down before my companion dies, if not, hopefully we've gotten the boss low enough on health that I can kill him before he kills me, too.


But a big thing is to get rid of the boss's lackies ASAP. The sooner they die, the less damage you and your companion have to endure and the better your chances of killing the main guy. Also, don't forget to use any/all your shields or other cooldowns to mitigate the incoming damage. They can be a big help.

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As far a soloing heroics, even [HEROIC 2] does not mean you and your companion, it means two players since a player is vastely superior to your NPC companion.


By the time you can easily solo a heroic, you are far enough above it in level that the xp and reward will not be that good.


Try hooking up with others even if you like solo, it can be fun. After all that is why we are out there.

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I am a total newb, so don't take this as me calling you stupid, but this is something I didn't know...


After you are defeated your armor and weapons take damage too, multiple defeats will make all of your armor and weapons completely worthless. Be sure to visit a vendor (any vendor) and "Repair All" on the bottom tab.

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Are you sitting in cover the whole time or are you moving around? I did it at 15 or 16 and did not give Corso jack. He had maybe one piece that dropped off a mob that was good for him. I just had Corso on the boss and killed the adds then healed corso up while watching my energy level and tossed in a backblast when it was up. Once I got corso up a bit I started unloading on the boss with my DPS rotation. You'll find as you get to higher levels you have to manage your energy a lot more. It helps to sometimes take cover (whether it's just kneeling down in the open or actually behind cover) and tossing a DoT then your grenade that blows on dmg. I didn't even need a medpack for that fight. I did go LS for the convo so I have no clue if the sullistan helps out or not with DS option.
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Thanks for all the comments. I should mention that I've been able to take out the goons, although several times I've died doing so. It's Fabizan alone who keeps defeating me and Corso after we come back to life.


Leveling up on imps in the Jedi Temple, I've been trying to take the advice of healing Corso during the attack, but without success. Whenever I use Diagnostic Scan or Underground Medicine, I heal myself (which is nice) but I can't see to be able to get a target on Corso to heal him (until the fight is over). But I haven't been moving away from the scuffle either, is that the trick to targeting the companion?


We did manage to take out the level 16 elite Jedi apprentice NPC there at the temple ruins, so perhaps we have a chance against Fabizan. (Otherwise it's gonna take a long time to level up to level 18, and I see that Coruscant is officially a level 10-16 planet, so we've kind of overstayed our welcome.)

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Thanks for all the comments. I should mention that I've been able to take out the goons, although several times I've died doing so. It's Fabizan alone who keeps defeating me and Corso after we come back to life.

Are you respawning next to him? Did you know that after you come back to life you can move for about 8 seconds and cannot be aggroed? Use this time to move to a safe area to heal, rebuff, apply stims, etc. This technique also works if you are doing a dungeon crawl and get killed by the first mobs. You can revive and run past them.

Edited by BebeLeBozo
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I just made my Scoundrel the other day, so I'm not at that point yet. However, I find Corso to be a very strong companion compared to what my other characters got as their first. I did buy him some boots with commendations and made him a blue rifle, which probably helps a bit.


First thing that comes to mind - make sure that he's in tanking stance. Stances tend to get turned off randomly when you log, so manually turn it on.


Secondly - you can see Corso's bar to the bottom left of your screen. Click on that to select him instead of trying to click on his character, because the latter can be annoying if he's in the middle of mobs. Before you start the heal, make sure you see his portrait in your target bar. If it's empty or there's a mob selected, you'll heal yourself.


Start healing him early. If he's at 75%, stop what you're doing and heal him so you don't fall behind. The same applies for yourself.


Put grenade on the strongest mob on CD. That should help you kill the lackeys pretty fast. If you have to heal a lot and you're worried about energy, you can just autoattack and focus on healing Corso.


Use your aoe stun grenade whenever you need some breathing room to heal. Use the single-target stun on the small mobs if they are attacking you so you can get behind them and backblast.


Also, I don't know what abilities this mob uses, but if he does a lot of melee-range aoes, just stay at range, auto-attack, and heal Corso once the lackeys are down.

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You can target your companion by clicking the companion's picture at the lower right. And, I believe you can keep your companion targeted and use offensive abilities, which will be applied to your companion's target (although that may require setting an option).
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Go to preferences>keybinding>targetting and set "focus target modifier" to a handy button.


Prior to the fight, target Corso, and hit alt-f to set as your focus target. Holding down the modifier key you set while using your heal abilities will now heal Corso (or whomever you set as your focus target).

Edited by Morpholinium
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To OP; when I did this quest in final beta, I also felt it was inordinately difficult compared to other class story quests in that level range. In fact I included that in my feedback. As others suggested, take out adds first; keep Corso healed as long as he can stay up.
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there is no autoattack


Technically no, but everyone gets an ability which does minimal damage and doesn't consume resources. I can't remember what the Smuggler one is called. Without splitting hairs, what I meant is that if you go in full healing mode and can't spare resources for your better attacks, you can still use that one to do a bit of damage at no energy cost.

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All right, that did it! As soon as I knew how to target and heal Corso, it wasn't that hard.


And I got my starship. Much more impressive than the YT-1300 I had in SWG (but of course too bad you can't decorate it).


Thanks to all who offered advice.

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First thing that comes to mind - make sure that he's in tanking stance. Stances tend to get turned off randomly when you log, so manually turn it on.


Secondly - you can see Corso's bar to the bottom left of your screen. Click on that to select him instead of trying to click on his character, because the latter can be annoying if he's in the middle of mobs. Before you start the heal, make sure you see his portrait in your target bar. If it's empty or there's a mob selected, you'll heal yourself.


Start healing him early. If he's at 75%, stop what you're doing and heal him so you don't fall behind. The same applies for yourself.


Put grenade on the strongest mob on CD. That should help you kill the lackeys pretty fast. If you have to heal a lot and you're worried about energy, you can just autoattack and focus on healing Corso.


Use your aoe stun grenade whenever you need some breathing room to heal. Use the single-target stun on the small mobs if they are attacking you so you can get behind them and backblast.


Also, I don't know what abilities this mob uses, but if he does a lot of melee-range aoes, just stay at range, auto-attack, and heal Corso once the lackeys are down.


Which one is the "Tanking stance"?


And how close/far do you have to be to heal?


Does every class have to face this guy? I'm *this* close to just giving up and creating a new character if I can avoid this guy. If not, I'm about to just give up for a while once my month is up. It shouldn't be this hard. (And this is from a casual gamer just looking for a little fun and a way to kill an hour or two.... not a hard core player who plays MMOs all the time. I don't mind a challenge, but come on....)


Like the other poster, I am level 17 and am pretty much out of other missions apart from the Flashpoints, and the one time I tried the Esseles one I died right before the end and the other guy just kicked me out of the group instead of trying to heal me. Really makes me want to play those again. :rolleyes:


I'm in a guild, but apparently they all are past Coruscant now. So that's not really a help.

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Which one is the "Tanking stance"?


And how close/far do you have to be to heal?


Does every class have to face this guy? I'm *this* close to just giving up and creating a new character if I can avoid this guy. If not, I'm about to just give up for a while once my month is up. It shouldn't be this hard. (And this is from a casual gamer just looking for a little fun and a way to kill an hour or two.... not a hard core player who plays MMOs all the time. I don't mind a challenge, but come on....)


Like the other poster, I am level 17 and am pretty much out of other missions apart from the Flashpoints, and the one time I tried the Esseles one I died right before the end and the other guy just kicked me out of the group instead of trying to heal me. Really makes me want to play those again. :rolleyes:


I'm in a guild, but apparently they all are past Coruscant now. So that's not really a help.


Every class has to face a "final boss" for Coruscant, but only your class has to face that particular boss. (Each class has their own story with their own set of bosses) Most should be about the same dificulty level, though your particular play style might make some encounters easier or harder. On my Jedi Sage (healer), I found the Coruscant end boss to be more difficult to defeat than I did when I killed him with my Jedi Shadow (DPS/tank).


As for healing distance, each spell should tell you the range if you hover your mouse over the toolbar icon. I believe most of them have a 30 yard range.


Sounds like you've had some bad luck, in the game. If a guild isn't willing to come back and help you out when you're stuck, you may want to look for another guild. And for the flashpoint, the only reason to kick someone would be if that person was constantly getting themselves killed or not playing "smart." I can't say if either of those were the issue you had, but if the guy just randomly kicked you, he was out of line.


The best advice I can give would be to use General Chat (on Coruscant) to see if anyone would be willing to help you finish your class quest chain - and let them know it's just a one quest thing, not a "run me through the planet" babysitting job. There are a lot of helpful people out there that will help out or at least offer some advice/strategy ideas to you. They can also talk to you about what you might be doing wrong or need to improve on.


As for the flashpoint, that's a mixed bag. If someone is advertising for a group to do Esseles (or any flashpoint), whisper them as let them know you're new to MMO's and would like to go, but that you might need a bit of instruction. As long as your competent and trying, they probably won't randomly kick you if you make mistakes. If you're lucky, you might find a helpful group who will be able to train you on proper playing techniques for your class and your role in the group.

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