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How to fix the FPS issues on Radeon Cards!


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Running the game 1080 on a 44" HDTV with 2x 6970 2GB's... runs perfectly fine with AA cranked.


My wife is also running the game 1080 on a 23" LED with 2x 6970 2GB's... runs ridiculously awesome.


If you're experiencing FPS issues with high end cards, the problem isn't the game. The problem is your system. Either hardware is defective or you have viruses/software slowing down your machine.


Time to format!


Yet my PC runs BF3 flawlessly...:eek:



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Obviously it's your problem that you can flawlessly run other current generation games with far more sophisticated and demanding graphics, but SWTOR chugs along at 30 fps.


Did you even read my previous post? It only drops to 30 fps in fleet, it's not 'chugging' anywhere else. L2Read..

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This is so false, you might get a bit better latency (I get 60 on wireless) but the fact is your internet connection is going to be nowhere near what your wireless can do unless your wireless is so old it's b and your internet is so new you're getting faster than 10mbs


lol 10mbit is so 2003.

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Congratulations. How about you hold off posting until you have something interesting or constructive to add?


I did. You need to format and check your hardware.


I was told the CPU runs a completely different game perfectly fine, thus the problem is SWTOR.


How much RAM do you have? Is it stable? When's the last time you tested it? Different games stress different components. Dual 6970's running in crossfire should be far more inclined to running sluggish and showing poor performance if the game & driver was at fault. Single cards always run smoother than dual cards...


If you're having FPS issues with a high end card, again, the problem isn't the game. Unless you can tell me that everyone with the same identical video card you have is experiencing the same FPS issue OR everyone using a certain incompatible driver is experiencing the same issue... then the problem is with your rig, not the game. What, the game somehow just decided to pick on you and a couple other people?

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Q9660(IIRC) @3.0Ghz, ATI 59970 with !GB and 4GB of system RAM on Win7 64bit


Without AA:


50-60 FPS(vsync), 30 in Fleet


With 4x AA:


30-40FPS, 15-20 in Fleet


If I am getting these results with this system, people who claim to have High End Sytems shouldn't have problems. If they do, it's not likely to be the game (everyone would have problems) but some drivers issue. Do you get those crappy frame rate with AA turned off?

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Q9660(IIRC) @3.0Ghz, ATI 59970 with !GB and 4GB of system RAM on Win7 64bit


Without AA:


50-60 FPS(vsync), 30 in Fleet


With 4x AA:


30-40FPS, 15-20 in Fleet


If I am getting these results with this system, people who claim to have High End Sytems shouldn't have problems. If they do, it's not likely to be the game (everyone would have problems) but some drivers issue. Do you get those crappy frame rate with AA turned off?


What he said.


If you have a high end card and you're experiencing FPS issues everywhere, the problem isn't the game.


I do wish they would reduce the stress caused by the silly water fountains in the fleet though. Those things make my FPS drop hard.

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A lot of "FPS Issues" are HD issues. This game eats HDs alive. Open Permon and see for yourself. Whenever it gets laggy and FPS drops you will see that HD useage is through the roof.


Anyway, my Radeon card worked good at release, but I just updated by drivers and now it works fantastic.

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If you're having FPS issues with a high end card, again, the problem isn't the game. Unless you can tell me that everyone with the same identical video card you have is experiencing the same FPS issue OR everyone using a certain incompatible driver is experiencing the same issue... then the problem is with your rig, not the game. What, the game somehow just decided to pick on you and a couple other people?

No. Your experience with the game with crossfired 6970s/6950s does not give you authority to claim other people's issues are definitely with their rigs. You shouldn't need freaking crossfire high end cards to run this game smoothly.


Shadows look awful and are way too resource intensive. I suppose that's an issue with people's machines? This game needs some work, and Bioware has in fact acknowledged the issue and stated they are looking into it.

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I have a 6950 2gb and don't have any issues running the game even with shadows on (as terrible as they are). I run 60 frames (vsync) except fleet which is really busy on my server. If you have a ATI card I suggest trying the 12.1 beta drivers, before I used these I had a stutter on my force charge but it fixed this maybe it'll help some of these other issues?


edit: I also force AA and AF through CCC.

Edited by Yori
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(1) The shadows look terrible and should not be impacting performance as much as they currently do. This is a problem with game optimization, not my system. Furthermore, I already play with shadows off because of this problem.


(2) Bloom has very little impact on my framerate whether on or off. The game remains a slideshow in the fleet.


Considering I've tried about a hundred different permutations of configurations on my card, the problem is not on my end. I run dozens of other current generation games all without issue. There have quite literally been thousands of posts of people with high-end machines on this forums complaining of poor performance.


I've been building computers for over ten years. I run a side business doing local, on-site technical support and troubleshooting. I'm well-versed in hardware and software. The issue is quite obviously not user-related.


OK your first comment there pretty much proved you don't know what you are talking about.



Shadows take an enourmous amount of processing power. It doesn't matter what game it is or how bad they look EVER GAME will see a performance hit when you have shadows on.



Again one of the biggest problems is still drivers and yes the game isn't fully optimized and could use some work but it is not 100% the games fault as if it was NO ONE WOULD BE GETTING GOOD FRAMERATES

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meh i got a asus 6850, usually have 70+ outside but when at fleet im lucky if I get 16+ :D


I have a 6870 and have the exact same issues regardless of graphic settings.


I use GPU-Z to monitor GPU load and noticed when in the imperial fleet my GPU usage is around 0% which means the CPU can't keep up with the tasks it has to process causing a bottleneck.


Take a read at this thread, some people were very helpful in explaining things.


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A lot of "FPS Issues" are HD issues. This game eats HDs alive. Open Permon and see for yourself. Whenever it gets laggy and FPS drops you will see that HD useage is through the roof.


Anyway, my Radeon card worked good at release, but I just updated by drivers and now it works fantastic.


That is actually something I observed too, I was thinking of changing HD (or better move TOR to a better HD) because I think my Caviar Black is having problems (it 'disappeared' from my system a couple of months ago and then 'reappeared' after a reboot, so it could be dodgy)

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A lot of "FPS Issues" are HD issues. This game eats HDs alive. Open Permon and see for yourself. Whenever it gets laggy and FPS drops you will see that HD useage is through the roof.


Anyway, my Radeon card worked good at release, but I just updated by drivers and now it works fantastic.


What drivers you using? The beta or latest release?



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Then maybe its your internets connection Mr. Danny Internets...do you know which port your router is trying to use?


FPS /=/ Lag


I'm maxing mostly anywhere no problem getting 60-110 fps, but in warzones it drops to 45 and in the fleet 15, now I know it's not tremandous, but I am a youtuber and like to post videos helping people PvP, however I can't do this right now considering with fraps I get 25 fps and it's not good for the user.

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What he said.


If you have a high end card and you're experiencing FPS issues everywhere, the problem isn't the game.


I do wish they would reduce the stress caused by the silly water fountains in the fleet though. Those things make my FPS drop hard.


You're right, it isn't the game, it's the engine not being capable to render everything at once, I also found if you turned your Shaders from high to medium FPS increases a lot without any peformance loss.

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One of the issues is graphics drivers. Give Nvidia and AMD some time to release a better update for SWTOR.


Now I have a ATI/AMD 5970 with 2 GB of dedicated memory and no issue.


The game is good at using all the video memory it can. Like I use on avg 1.7 to 1.9 GB of memory in the game.

Edited by Romiz
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I have a 6770 1 gb xfx...just a notch up...so yea its probably lag.


You picking up a wireless signal or is it a hardline? A lot of people forget that by plugging a hardline into their computer will give them a faster connection.


Its impossible for me to run a ethernet cable, so im running wireless N on 5GhZ @ 459 transferspeed

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