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How to fix the FPS issues on Radeon Cards!


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Now I know this might sound dumb, but most the people I hear complaining on the forums are people with radeon cards, sure it's not all, but I have a couple ways to increase fps a lot before we get an official fix.


NOTE: My system specs. are really high and might differ from yours.


1.) It's very important that you turn off shadows, V-sync, and Bloom for the time being.


2.) Make sure to get the new preview driver from radeon if you have an HD 6xxx series card (12.1a)


3.) Make sure to close any unneeded backround programs using Windows Task Manager.


4.) Change the Catalyst settings (Or Nvidia Control Panel) from Custom Settings in use to Balanced or Optimal.

(3d - Standard Settings)


5. Try to restart the client after changing planets (There is a memory leak, so it doesn't dump, you need to do it by yourself)


I will come up with more, but for now see if these help.

Edited by BOLTgamer
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I haven't had any problems with my Radeon card. I installed and updated my drivers...works great.


I think a lot of people that are complaining about fps either have slow internet connections or need more ram.


My main FPS Sink is the Imperial Fleet. And I believe its more Lag then anything else... Running on a a 5770 1GB XFX

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My main FPS Sink is the Imperial Fleet. And I believe its more Lag then anything else... Running on a a 5770 1GB XFX


I have a 6770 1 gb xfx...just a notch up...so yea its probably lag.


You picking up a wireless signal or is it a hardline? A lot of people forget that by plugging a hardline into their computer will give them a faster connection.

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I haven't had any problems with my Radeon card. I installed and updated my drivers...works great.


I think a lot of people that are complaining about fps either have slow internet connections or need more ram.


Ignorant poster is ignorant. Thousands of people have been experiencing poor performance with high-end, up-to-date system, myself included.

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I have a 6770 1 gb xfx...just a notch up...so yea its probably lag.


You picking up a wireless signal or is it a hardline? A lot of people forget that by plugging a hardline into their computer will give them a faster connection.


This is so false, you might get a bit better latency (I get 60 on wireless) but the fact is your internet connection is going to be nowhere near what your wireless can do unless your wireless is so old it's b and your internet is so new you're getting faster than 10mbs

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I haven't had any problems with my Radeon card. I installed and updated my drivers...works great.


I think a lot of people that are complaining about fps either have slow internet connections or need more ram.


I have 50mbps cable connection, try again.

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This is so false, you might get a bit better latency (I get 60 on wireless) but the fact is your internet connection is going to be nowhere near what your wireless can do unless your wireless is so old it's b and your internet is so new you're getting faster than 10mbs


Hardline is almost always faster than wirless. Especially when you grow up in a rural area with crappy internet. I learned that when I lived at home as a kid.


I have no idea where the poster is or what kind of internet they have...I do know if you have slow internet the bump you get by plugging it in can give you that extra bit you need.

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What is that thread supposed to prove? Some moron posted about how he thinks his internet connection might be responsible for his poor framerate and someone else promptly informed him that one had nothing to do with the other.


Perhaps you should visit those links before posting them.

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Ignorant poster is ignorant. Thousands of people have been experiencing poor performance with high-end, up-to-date system, myself included.


If you turn off shadows, most of your problems should go away. If you are still having trouble, remove bloom.


If you are still having issues, I am going to say its a configuration issue on your card.


Thousands of people having issues on a game with over a million copies sold is not that many.

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Now I know this might sound dumb, but most the people I hear complaining on the forums are people with radeon cards, sure it's not all, but I have a couple ways to increase fps a lot before we get an official fix.


NOTE: My system specs. are really high and might differ from yours.


1.) It's very important that you turn off shadows, V-sync, and Bloom for the time being.


2.) Make sure to get the new preview driver from radeon if you have an HD 6xxx series card (12.1a)


3.) Make sure to close any unneeded backround programs using Windows Task Manager.


4.) Change the Catalyst settings from Custom Settings in use to Balanced or Optimal.

(3d - Standard Settings)


5. Try to restart the client after changing planets (There is a memory leak, so it doesn't dump, you need to do it by yourself)


I will come up with more, but for now see if these help.



I can say this works. On my laptop i have a ATI 5870 1 gig card and I was getting 5-15 fps in Warzones. I updated the drivers to the beta one last night and now I get 30-40 fps in warzones.


I haven't tried it with v-sync off though but so far it works great.

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If you turn off shadows, most of your problems should go away. If you are still having trouble, remove bloom.


If you are still having issues, I am going to say its a configuration issue on your card.


Thousands of people having issues on a game with over a million copies sold is not that many.


(1) The shadows look terrible and should not be impacting performance as much as they currently do. This is a problem with game optimization, not my system. Furthermore, I already play with shadows off because of this problem.


(2) Bloom has very little impact on my framerate whether on or off. The game remains a slideshow in the fleet.


Considering I've tried about a hundred different permutations of configurations on my card, the problem is not on my end. I run dozens of other current generation games all without issue. There have quite literally been thousands of posts of people with high-end machines on this forums complaining of poor performance.


I've been building computers for over ten years. I run a side business doing local, on-site technical support and troubleshooting. I'm well-versed in hardware and software. The issue is quite obviously not user-related.

Edited by DannyInternets
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Running the game 1080 on a 44" HDTV with 2x 6970 2GB's... runs perfectly fine with AA cranked.


My wife is also running the game 1080 on a 23" LED with 2x 6970 2GB's... runs ridiculously awesome.


If you're experiencing FPS issues with high end cards, the problem isn't the game. The problem is your system. Either hardware is defective or you have viruses/software slowing down your machine.


Time to format!

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I have a 6950 2gb GPU and the only time I get a drop in FPS is on the fleet. I'm running at 1920x1080 res and in the rest of the game it sits between 80-110. In the fleet it can drop as low as 30 fps, depending on where I am in the fleet. I've found it starts to stutter around the lift to the Flashpoints, even if there is no one else around at the time.


But I've had many conversations with people in general chat about the FPS issues and it seems to be both Nvidea and Radeon cards that have issues.

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