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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


Q:Will I? - R:No

Q:Why? - R:Because i got really bored doing the same boring dailys and the same boring (after a run or three) Flashpoints and cause the pvp is a big joke :)


If they just stopped for a while, and fixed the "everyone should get all gear super fast". There need to be some effort to be decked in full purple.. Now everyone and their grand ma has full purple and the feeling of exclusiveness is lost a long time ago. But i got the founder title and will check back when the game hits 2.0 :)

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Been 50 for a long time now. - Would (of course) enjoy more contents.

Done all HM's lots of times. - Would like more HM's (even if it's just old ones like hammer station).

Got some alts too. - Looking forward to whatever the legacy system will be.

Haven't really explored the republic side - Waiting for the legacy system, as that will somehow benefit trying to change sides (or so the developer says).

I enjoy pvp too - but more warzones would sure be nice.



After reading the last Q&A, I have a feeling that the developers really takes the game serious and wants to make it great.


All in all, I think this game has such huge potential that I'm seriously considering changing my subscription to 6 months instead of 1 month.

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I've already explained why i canceled my subscription in another thread but i'll say it again.

This game isn't ready yet! It's all a farm & grind game, there's not a "new" crafting system, it lacks end-game content (oh yes i know, daily and weekly quests are not grinding LOL), and lacks a guild support, at the moment having a guild is just like having a Linkshell in final fantasy XI...


So, no I'm not paying for this month, hoping to see a REAL patch and a REAL improvement, not another Rise of Rakghouls LOL:D:D:D

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So after seeing the talent/skills update in the upcoming expansion for my class in another mmo(that shall not be mentioned) today, i decided to go crawl back there.

Every single major concern the playerbase had regarding my class where adressed such as to much rng in one spec, to few buttons in another etc.


On top of that like 5+ new and truly innovative skills/talents for each class.


I find it hilarious and a little sad that an expansion in another game that swtor desperately tries to copy, has more new and unique spells than the entire game of swtor at launch :mad:

Edited by Anelitt
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aye same as most of respondents, yes i will be resubscribing i reckon. when you rush through the levels, you dont see what the game has to offer. wow encourages people to rush to 85, this game doesnt.

enjoy the ride, thats the best part of this game.

so many class combinations. i truly hope they make more races though. imagine the new story lines and such.


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I cancelled mine but I get to see the big changes which are coming in before the sub runs out. So I shall wait and see for a final verdict. The thing is I like the game but I feel bad playing it because I feel like I'm being ripped off or taken advantage of in some way.
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No. Broken buggy game with so many technical issues, design issues, amateur mistakes.


No custom UI, no meters, no LFD, no macros...


What exactly are we paying for?


Thats why i love it!:D macros,LFD,meters,custom UI are for sissies!:p "Ouu i cant push more that 3 buttons i ll hurt my fingers,ahhh cant see my hp cause my eyes stick in bars,ohhh how you say looking for group to do this or that?" all that are for a bunch of fagonts get out of here this game is for REAL PLAYERS and NOT a bunch of mindless zombies we dont want your kind here.:mad:

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The UI will be fixed. Recount on your character is coming.


LFD is lame........get some bravery and actually ASK people to group.


And I still don't get why people need macros. Lazy?


Have fun on your next game you'll only give 30 days to.


A milion kudos to you sir!:cool:

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Enjoyed the lvl phase so far with my 50 Jugernaut. Doing PvP with the Jug and besides that leveling a sorcerer (lvl 26).


I am aware of the bugs and much worse..design flaws (UI, Crafting, trade, chat, combat log etc. etc.) that are currently in the game and some leave me shaking my head, really. MMO customers really expect a minimum of fundamentals for their playing experience and BW failed at a lot of them and this is just unbelievable.


I am not bothered if this game is a WoW clone or not, the main thing is


1) does it make fun to play




2) is it a "good" copy?


to 2) -> If somebody starts to copy from an already polished and evaluated and functioning MMO, sorry BW, THEN I do expect a much more "polished copy" on release. That was just a truly poor performance, sorry.


to 1) -> for your luck, BW, your class storyline has hooked me and somewhat my daily PvP sessions in the evening (although I see lots of class imbalances there, besides a luckbased "rewarding-surpsrise-bag-system", a luck based reward system BW, omg, which rectum did this idea crawl up? did you ever know about the *****torm happened on LotRO forums as they "invented" Lorien giftboxes there :-), so I level alters and hope point 2) is solved soon, really soon.


Maybe I am too forgiving for this really bad performance of BW, but I keep playing at moment.


PS: Forgiving does not mean stupid or having an angelic patience, only that we understand each other BW.

Edited by Midichlorien
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NO chance!


1) Way to linear to be an MMO

2) worlds are way to small and instanced, not to mention you are tunnelled around

3) environments are static, so no real immersion

4) PvP - lol!

5) Space - ermm... hello?!


BW really need to go back to the drawing board imo. SWG was a very good game for it's time, well, until the stupid changes! I would hae built upon SWG and took itto the next level.


BW should have also looked at other MMOs out their, for me a new MMO has to beat it's competition. The only way to achieve this is to do what they do, but do it better.......


The game has great potential but not in it's current form. Sorry.

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I'll still sub I feel the game has potential even if the story writing was a major insult to their fan base who actually made this particular game universe possible in the first place this game lacks creativity its the same mainstream stuff reused this is not the old republic merely the Original Trilogy and the Prequels mashed together bioware obviously didn't have the courage to tell EA and Lucas Art no we'll write it how it should be and you can stuff it last time this happen we got Dragon Fail 2
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Thats why i love it!:D macros,LFD,meters,custom UI are for sissies!:p "Ouu i cant push more that 3 buttons i ll hurt my fingers,ahhh cant see my hp cause my eyes stick in bars,ohhh how you say looking for group to do this or that?" all that are for a bunch of fagonts get out of here this game is for REAL PLAYERS and NOT a bunch of mindless zombies we dont want your kind here.:mad:


You are playing the wrong game. As far as I know EQ still has a few servers online, try there.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow


...and yet you felt the need to stick around long enough to hit level 50, finish 1 of 2 16man raids and get your full PvP set...? Sounds like you really enjoyed the game to me...

Edited by Zyanzor
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I am LvL 50 since 5 days after launch, almost rank 70 and done my fair share of raiding aswell.

I am not a big fun of alts, so i have only 1 character, and as u noticed from the time it took me to go 50 i just space skiped everything , and i dont care about the story line (which is supposed to be one of the best aspects of this game)


Thankfully i am on a server that Valor trading on ilum doesnt exist, and i am on Republic side.


So after a month or so exploring the end game and spending several hours per day on it,

i can say that i still enjoy this game and is getting more interesting every day.


The only thing that might ruin the fun for me is having Cross-Realm Warzones, but until then i am not going anywhere.


If you dont like it, feel free to go back to WoW and prepare for you Pokemon pet battles, that will keep your end game interesting i bet !

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