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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Of course I will.


Unlike the majority of the whiny little spoiled brats on this forum, whom are a vocal minority anyway, I understand that an MMO isn't going to be perfect right from launch and that expecting your 20+ bullet points of "required things to be added or I quit BW!!!" is nothing but being a complete idiot.

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Of course I will.


Unlike the majority of the whiny little spoiled brats on this forum, whom are a vocal minority anyway, I understand that an MMO isn't going to be perfect right from launch and that expecting your 20+ bullet points of "required things to be added or I quit BW!!!" is nothing but being a complete idiot.



The best part is that TOR released with more content and less bugs than any other MMO at launch. Yet people still ***** and moan.

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Joined: Feb 2011


Survey Results On SW:TOR Player Satisfaction - James Ohlen's Claim Debunked | Today , 06:18 AM


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I essentially conducted a survey of 847 people in total 15 minutes ago. I processed all of the data onto pie graphs using the Survey Monkey utility, and here are the results:


Here's the link to the original survey, although I am not collecting results anymore:



Earlier this week, I'm sure you all know, James Ohlen told EUGamer that only 5% of the player base was experiencing technical issues. According to the data collected in the scientific poll here, that is untrue.


* Note: the question is included within the image.




1 is very dissatisfied

2 is dissatisfied

3 is satisfied

4 is very satisfied



Question 1:



Comments: Most people who answered the question indicated that they would not be subscribing.




Question 2:



Comments: As expected, most people indicated that they were very dissatisfied with end-game momentarily.




Question 3:



Comments: Again, as expected, most people are very dissatisfied with PvP momentarily.




Question 4:



Comments: This one was closer than the previous two. People were still generally dissatisfied with the endgame/PvE content





Question 5:



Comments: People are generally dissatisfied with the state of combat, primarily due to the fact that ability delay exists.




Question 6:



Comments: most people are dissatisfied with the technical performance of this game. I suppose James Ohlen was incorrect.




Question 7:



Comments: SW:TOR's score on this was, averagely, a 1.56 out of 4. That is an abysmal rating.





Question 8:

This was a repeat question, accidentally included in the survey. Yielded the same results as question 2. Omitted.





Overall conclusion: this was a scientific poll and I avoided most sampling bias and other data-corrupting sources. These results can be translated into the feeling of the over-all SW:TOR community, and therefore, we can conclude that most players disagree with James Ohlen's claim that only "5% are experiencing technical issues." In our data, it was significantly more than that.












The data in the quote shows that most people are not resubscribing and are dissatisfied. G'day.

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I've unsubscribed. I'll be back when the main issues are fixed. Ability delay, low quality textures, static UI, etc. Until then this is just not worth another $15, let alone the $80 I've already spent. Edited by nonforma
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The data in the quote shows that most people are not resubscribing and are dissatisfied. G'day.


The people who like the game are most likely in-game and didn't even know you were doing a poll since it was only up for fifteen minutes.


The people who are dissatisfied or merely having problems are the ones on the forums seeing that you are doing a poll.




You think your poll is, in any way, valid and accurate?

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I have unsubscribed, received a refund, dissuaded friends from looking into the game, and have begun a boycott of BioWare titles despite being a customer since the Baldur's Date days.


It is clear that they are no longer the company they once were. I attribute this to EA's nefarious influence over the brand and misguided incompetents at BioWare's head. They are not ready for a game of this scope and it shows.


Farewell, BioWare. It's been real.

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Hell yes. The first few month jitters are nothing, everything gets better with time :-).....until you introduce Pokémon and panda's into the game and take away the story, and main story characters(such as all the Moffs, Darths(Thanaton had it coming....as does Zash)and making it so that watching paint dry would be funner then playing this game any more......Oh wait did I say that....I ment....well yea that!
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For 1 month starting yesterday) and then I'll see at what state the game is. I was going to sub for 6 months, then I saw the farce that took place the last couple of days, untested patches, silly timed maintenance sessions and thought... Age of Conan all over again, sorry but I am not paying again (like I was doing for Conan for 6 months) to test their gud dumn game, just because




If they don;t improve customer support, if they don;t TEST their damn patches before sending them to live, if they don't stop with the silly for EU maintenance times, then I am not subbing after this month. Back to EvE.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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Nope and this is my last post on the forum. You are rid of me.


Deleted the game, removed the bookmarks, now I'll sign off and I guarantee you will never see me again.


I am truly, truly disappointed in Bioware. I'm disappointed the very lame non-MMORPG game, I am disappointed in the draconian forum moderation and I am especially disappointed that I will never buy a Bioware game again in my life because they have had some great games in the past.


Adios Amigos.


Keep safe.

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847 people in 15 minutes.


And this was done scientifically? Through an online poll?


847 people? That's all?


Stay in school, study more, troll less.


Another idiot that thinks Gallop Polls actually poll 310,000,000 people to predict election results!

Edited by Kryptorchid
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I'll be attempting to finish my Warrior Storyline this month and re-evaluate my subscription status when the new cycle comes around.


Overall, however, I'm unsatisfied. I've played few MMOs in my time and would likely be labeled "Casual," however, I don't understand how quality can improve very little over the years and, more importantly, why communities accept it.


I read far too often "<MMO> has been out only a month, it needs time." Perhaps my expectations for smoothe gameplay, good graphical options, and playable content are too high?


Side Note: I have other, more specific, concerns with the game, but this isn't the place for that.

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I cancelled after 1.1 and seeing today's patch do pretty much nothing to correct the issue in Ilum(besides slightly help lag). All it did was exactly what I thought it would, move the pvp a few meters back from their base instead of inside of it. And by their base everyone can assume I mean Republic because BW is doing nothing to promote server balance. (EXP bonus like DAOC anyone?)


I've been 50 with virtually nothing to do besides spam run instances every day or fly into the zerg on Ilum, and being empire I can't stand the zerg pvp either. Soooo boring.


I expect a polished game from a company that has poured millions into their system. The only thing that has me even tempted to reopen my sub sooner than later are the people I play with. But hey, if I can quit FFXIV which is what I thought would be my go to game, I can quit this pos.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Keeping because I understand how new MMO works. You need to ask this question 3 months from now.

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