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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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This isn't North Korea, I am allowed to voice my opinion. Although both yourself and the moderators would have it differently.


My 'negativity' does not stem from hatred nor rage or any other irrational emotion. I will admit that I am impassioned, yes. I love video games and it pains me to see the sorry state the industry is in currently. My criticism comes from a clear mind that wishes only to outline the faults of the game in a logical and rational manner. I am sorry if the medicine is bitter but there it is.


And mark my words, BioWare will learn to care about my complaints once this project has gone the way of Warhammer and Age of Conan and Star Trek Online and all others who have preceded it.


Just look at my latest post, you seem much more constructive and well voiced then most, but I still disagree with some things you've said.

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People don't want to hear negativity, its not constructive criticism, its rage and whining.

If someone hates the game with such a passion then leave it, its not worth your time anyways.


So, just because someone's opinion is different than yours it's automatically negative? What if I think that people blindly praising this game while ignoring it's obvious flaws is negative?


Some people want this game to be improved, so that in return the MMO industry will be improved. WoW has created a stagnant, motionless MMO industry and it has shown in every failure for the past 7 years. Sadly, in my opinion, SWTOR is just another victim.


One of two things can happen. SWTOR and games like it can get better and challenge WoW using new and innovative ideas, or SWTOR and games like it can die a horrible death and prove that copying WoW and slapping on a brand name does not equal success.


Personally, I don't care which it is. I just want a new, quality, innovative MMO.

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My real life keeps me busy enough to enjoy this game on a casual basis. So I'll stay subscribed to enjoy it as recreation, and not a friggin obligation/second job.


I enjoy my time playing, but I wouldn't enjoy it if it was the ONLY damn thing I did.


50 isn't the goal, it's just the beginning of the end...so why be in such a rush? Enjoy it all, not just the end.

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I must say I agree with this. I really want people to give their honest feedback, but when it comes out as whining, nobody wants to hear it.


Then you fans should stop rabidly attacking anyone with a complaint. You can't though, you just can't. They complain about the game, you fans launch personal attacks on the person.


No one is more negative than fans, no one.

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I've cancelled my subscription. There are enough little things that mean I would probably keep playing it if there was more time included in my initial purchase, but it just isn't worth the $15/month for me.


I'm going to go back and replay the KOTORs and Mass Effects, which over the years have been more than worth the money I've paid for them. I'll probably return in a few months and give it another try.

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So, just because someone's opinion is different than yours it's automatically negative? What if I think that people blindly praising this game while ignoring it's obvious flaws is negative?


Some people want this game to be improved, so that in return the MMO industry will be improved. WoW has created a stagnant, motionless MMO industry and it has shown in every failure for the past 7 years. Sadly, in my opinion, SWTOR is just another victim.


One of two things can happen. SWTOR and games like it can get better and challenge WoW using new and innovative ideas, or SWTOR and games like it can die a horrible death and prove that copying WoW and slapping on a brand name does not equal success.


Personally, I don't care which it is. I just want a new, quality, innovative MMO.


This all stemmed from a very over the top and VERY negative post someone made in a blog...

I am not launching a personal attack at you, maybe the other guy a bit, but yes, 80% of the complainers right now, ARE not being constructive, they are in fact being negative.


You seem constructive, and I very much agree with you, I do not ignore the problems in the game. They just do not effect me, I am enjoying the game and will end my subscription when I am done with it, and when they release something new that I may enjoy, I will pay for a new month and continue to play.

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I was going to quit, canceled my sub and everything because I was bored. Then my husband bought a copy and playing with a partner is extremely fun and rewarding. We'll quit when we're not having fun anymore but so far so good.

Still find the bugs annoying though and completely understand why a lot of people may not want to play.

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I will resub after some fixes have been done , I enjoy the game and am having a blast but some of the issues are gamebreaking for me atm


If all bugs r fixed and BW improve their UI and game performance or during our chinese new year, i might resub it.


BTW the group mission has fun, but LFG or LFM doesnt.

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Then you fans should stop rabidly attacking anyone with a complaint. You can't though, you just can't. They complain about the game, you fans launch personal attacks on the person.


No one is more negative than fans, no one.


Someone with a complaint can be constructive without whining, there are some people who will whine, and complain all day, even when they know it won't get them anywhere, we could call them insane.


The negativity begins with the person with the complaint, while I agree that there are people who over the top defend this game, there are people who over the top criticize it as well.

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I won't be resubbing but will reconsider a few months from now.


The top 5 reasons I stated for quitting in Bioware's exit survey were:


1) Lack of server forums

2) Poor UI

3) No high res graphics

4) Animation lag

5) Poor crew skill balance and design


Bioware is a good company and it appears they are starting to address these issues.

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The only thing I'm really missing in this game is... Atmosphere. I guess it mostly has to do with the lack of ambient sounds and the boring/non existant music. I will continue playing though as there's nothing more fun for me out there at the moment.


Really, atmosphere can kill or make a game for me, and I don't think I'm the only one. :)


Your post Nailed it for me man...


Immersion is a big thing for me, and as much as visuals play a huge role in this, Music and Sound are just as important. This game is clearly lacking that, and I can't play a game like that.

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I'm cancelling because my computer chair broke heh. Can't play the game in comfort anymore until I get a new one, which might take 6-8 weeks. Seeing as it just broke yesterday, and my sub runs out tomorrow, I figure it's fate. Hopefully when I get my new chair I'll still be interested and re-sub.
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I will keep my subscription up. Why? Because I finally found THE Game for me. As a Star Wars (since 1985) and BioWare Fan (since Baldur's Gate) there is nothing else for me. Yes, there are bugs here and there, but with the time passing, they will disappear one by one...
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I can see why there are folks that are enjoying themselves in this game. It does have some strong allure to those that really like SW and games with story lines. The game builds you up as a player, the hero on the replubic or the villain on the empire (choose your preference). I can also see why some folks are very disappointed as there are significant flaws that many have already pointed out.


I don't like linear story line based games very much and it's why I'm thinking of leaving. It's not so much that I'm bored right now it's that I know it doesn't have 'replayability' for me. I can live with some bugs and I certainly am no officianado on the hero engine vs some other engine. The morality stuff is clearly questionable on the republic side. How can a quest tell you to go do something and give you the thumbs up on the first part and then give you a thumbs down when you stay consistant in answering the next choice? (well this could be the bad phrasing on the choice of your answer I guess). Mine is a longer term decision...I'm having fun short term because of the novelty but long term...no thanks.


If you're having fun stay...if not leave. pretty simple.

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