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Are you blind Bioware? Tanks!


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Well our taunts dont protect us, just others. Our guard protects other but not us! Our 2-3 minute cooldown 3-10 secondish protection buffs are wasted vs good pvpers due to lockdowns or just slows.


We have great tools for protecting other but not ourselfs. The key is to kill the tank to reduce the teams survivability and most classes do it way too easy as we cannot protect ourselfs.


Were not tanks we are supports aslong as we cannot gear to be such!


A tank is, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, a support class!


"We have great tools for protecting others..."






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I'm a tank!


My DPS doesn't matter!


It's not my job to kill people, it's my job to harass people trying to kill my squishies.


I'm constantly switching targets, CCing people, pushing them away from my healers and ranged.


If you're playing a tank and trying to drop people, you're doing it wrong.


This is the sort definition of "Tanking in PvP."


"Well, I passed the Bar exam, but the doctors at the hospital say I can't practice medicine! Can you believe it?!"


This conversation makes my head hurt.

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So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol


yes I dominated S8 as a prot Warrior in 2v2 with my teammate being a prot pally.


My 3s team of prot warrior, DK, Holy Pally was also quite succesful

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This is the sort definition of "Tanking in PvP."


"Well, I passed the Bar exam, but the doctors at the hospital say I can't practice medicine! Can you believe it?!"


This conversation makes my head hurt.


I'm trying to see this through their eyes, I really am, but I can't understand why they'd roll tank and then complain about not being able to drop people.


If you die the most in a PvP match as a tank, along with having the most protection, you were the best tank.


We die.


We are the cannon fodder.


We chew up the damage so our squishies can survive and kill people.


We're the castle walls, not the catapults.

Edited by Yfelsung
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I think that the biggest issue here is skill point usage. DPS classes spend skill points to be better at DPS and everything is fine, it works equally as well in PvP as it does in PvE. Tanks on the other hand spend their skill points to be more survivable. The problem is, that skill point cost doesn't translate equally from PvP to PvE as it does for non-tank classes. I do not have a problem with different mitigation mechanics for different damage type, this is common in MMOs and, let's face it, in PvE most of the abilities a tank will face where these damage types come into play have other mechanics involved (interrupts mainly). What I have a problem with is the skill point costs with little to no return in PvP for tanks.
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I think tanks are a bit OP in pvp atm.


My good friend is an assassin tank.


Runs around with 22k hp in pvp. He picks up the ball in huttball and walks through their whole team without a healer to score 90% of the time.


On top of that he gets damage and healing medals along with protection medals.


I have seen him get 13 medals in game before. Tanks are the only class that can get that many because of guard.


Either you guys don't know how to properly gear yourselves or you are just plain dumb.

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They are effective, Expertise does reduce these stats but they are still effective in many situations, I am full Immortal spec and do plenty of DPS


Usually ending a WZ in excess of 10 Medals including 75k / 300k damage, 5k single hits and massive protection counts, I have no issues fulfilling my pvp roles.


well good for you i cant hit for over 1.5k let alone the 5k you claim.

i rarely get the 75k dmg medal i couldnt even dream of the 300k one.

protection is not a problem.


again stop assuming that since you are fine that all tanks are fine.

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They are effective, Expertise does reduce these stats but they are still effective in many situations, I am full Immortal spec and do plenty of DPS


Usually ending a WZ in excess of 10 Medals including 75k / 300k damage, 5k single hits and massive protection counts, I have no issues fulfilling my pvp roles.


Which is more proof that this game seems random.


Basically what you are saying makes no sense to a lot of other people. I am immortal spec, I know ho to play my class. I barely crit above 2k dmg, and earning above 8 medals for is guarding ofc, but also playing with a coordinated team and a healer to keep us playing to get higher dps scores, and more gaurd scores as well.


Even so... no where near your numbers. I have epic gear, and some champ pieces. I have 8% expertise pvp boost.


So how are you doing what you are claiming that you are doing?


You must be some other spec, or BW just offered a special client that does more dmg than other clients.

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A tank is, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, a support class!


"We have great tools for protecting others..."







Offcourse it is! But we cannot gear ourselfs for that role! Thus why im saying that we arent tanks were supports and we were not given heals & damage soaking shields as we have a whole tree designated to keeping us alive yet boosts stats which are nearly worthless in PVP.


Im playing a Darkness Asssassin btw so it differs alot.


Also want to say that i respect what your saying and have no intent for this discussion to get out of line. You make very viable points even though i do not agree with all of them! :)

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I think tanks are a bit OP in pvp atm.


My good friend is an assassin tank.


Runs around with 22k hp in pvp. He picks up the ball in huttball and walks through their whole team without a healer to score 90% of the time.


On top of that he gets damage and healing medals along with protection medals.


I have seen him get 13 medals in game before. Tanks are the only class that can get that many because of guard.


Either you guys don't know how to properly gear yourselves or you are just plain dumb.


Assassin tank? I think we are talking about Juggernaut tanks here. I have epic gear with high endurance stats, shield absorb, defense rating etc... and I have almost 19k hp. Thats the part that makes little sense to me as well. I have all this tank gear and I see marauders with almost the same hp as me.

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I think tanks are a bit OP in pvp atm.


My good friend is an assassin tank.


Runs around with 22k hp in pvp. He picks up the ball in huttball and walks through their whole team without a healer to score 90% of the time.


On top of that he gets damage and healing medals along with protection medals.


I have seen him get 13 medals in game before. Tanks are the only class that can get that many because of guard.


Either you guys don't know how to properly gear yourselves or you are just plain dumb.


This is a case forexample that effects our thread. A simular geared Operative, Scoundrel or damage Sorc/Sage will rip him to pieces in seconds as they ignore his armor, defense and shield. They get attributes to boost their damage while tank dont get attributes to defend themselfs from it.

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Which is more proof that this game seems random.


Basically what you are saying makes no sense to a lot of other people. I am immortal spec, I know ho to play my class. I barely crit above 2k dmg, and earning above 8 medals for is guarding ofc, but also playing with a coordinated team and a healer to keep us playing to get higher dps scores, and more gaurd scores as well.


Even so... no where near your numbers. I have epic gear, and some champ pieces. I have 8% expertise pvp boost.


So how are you doing what you are claiming that you are doing?


You must be some other spec, or BW just offered a special client that does more dmg than other clients.


Crushing Blow > Sundering ASsault > Crushing blow then hits nice and hard!

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well good for you i cant hit for over 1.5k let alone the 5k you claim.

i rarely get the 75k dmg medal i couldnt even dream of the 300k one.

protection is not a problem.


again stop assuming that since you are fine that all tanks are fine.


That is not the assumption that's being made, I am stating that the classes are fine, people just need to work them out.

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So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol


I PvPed all the time in a tank spec in wow, what are you talking about? Prot Paladin was awesome fun in PvP. this was TBC though...have no idea what it's been like since as I quite when they nerfed the crap out of everything (pugable raid content? seriously??).

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Crushing Blow > Sundering ASsault > Crushing blow then hits nice and hard!


I gave up crushing blow. But gave up spec points to give other things also important for pvp, but also have 2 stack armor for sunder. Also the max you can stack is 5. One crushing blow gives you 3stacks of armor reduciton and you need only two sundering or one more depending on your build.


Still, when i pvp, and i focus on one target with sundering on them, i dont crit as high as you do.


I dont have battle master gear. Maybe thats what you have.


However my spec allows me to do a lot cc annoyance. So i Have no problems giving up 'some' dmg for more utility.

Edited by VegaPhone
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I'm a tank!


My DPS doesn't matter!


It's not my job to kill people, it's my job to harass people trying to kill my squishies.


I'm constantly switching targets, CCing people, pushing them away from my healers and ranged.


If you're playing a tank and trying to drop people, you're doing it wrong.


I do all that plus i have the ability to kill whatever is atacking my pocket healer.


Again its all in your head about how you want to play cause you gain absolute 0 with the immortal spec in pvp. Sounds that you just need the excuse to be bad at pvp.


For the reply from the other guy saying he is in immortal in pvp gear.. Its the expertise in your gear not the spec.


This is the reason why why expertise blows, you are using a pvp stat to make up for broken tank machanic's. In reality that spec should not be viable but under the current broken mechanics it is with expertise. Its too bad cause i like playing a tank spec and i wish they had a proper system to do so without using some magic stat at 50.

Edited by Razot
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I would piss and moan like the other tanks but I'm only lvl 40. I want to see what happens when I have champion/battlemaster gear and are not getting bodied by DPS in full battlemaster stacking relics/adrenals. In the good old days (pre-release), my Powettech was eating the **** out of everybody. I am waiting for 50 to touch glory again.
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well good for you i cant hit for over 1.5k let alone the 5k you claim.

i rarely get the 75k dmg medal i couldnt even dream of the 300k one.

protection is not a problem.


again stop assuming that since you are fine that all tanks are fine.

I can't hit the 2.5k damage either, and rarely have over 90k damage (about 25% of the time I don't get the 75k damage medal). I think I'd have a stroke if I got the 300k damage medal.

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I do all that plus i have the ability to kill whatever is atacking my pocket healer.


Again its all in your head about how you want to play cause you gain absolute 0 with the immortal spec in pvp. Sounds that you just need the excuse to be bad at pvp


For the reply from the other guy saying he is in immortal pvp gear.. Its the expertise in your gear not the spec.


But I'm not bad at PvP, I protect my team quite well. I get top protection nearly every match, usually 10+ medals, the most objective scores, the most defense scores (on Alderan).


I laugh as most classes try to hurt me. Yes, I get chunked by Sorc/Consulars and their high elemental damage, but that's why I have this awesome thing called a push to talk key.


See, when my counter pop outs and starts chunking me, I hit it and go "Operative friend, could you please go insert your knife into that Sorcerer's back. Thanks"


In a PuG, I just mark them. The nice thing about PuGs, is that they sometimes want to actually be led. They won't question why a mark showed up on someone's head, they'll just try to kill them.


Meanwhile I laugh at just about every other class as I deflect all their blaster shots and saber hits.


Immortal is a great spec, all the free force screams and free smashes, along with unchanneled force choke, and massive rage generation potential.


I do just fine.


But, as I said, I am a tank. I don't look for the kill, I look to defend.

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So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol


Last time I tried was on my DK in Catalysm, wasn't bad at all :D

But that is almost one year ago so things might have changed.

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So your saying that its fair game when DPS classes get 50-100% armor penetration and we cant even protect ourselfs from most damage thrown at us? Really?


You can protect yourself from 50% of the damage as a Tank thrown at you in PvP. Stop thinking Tanks are just Tanks in PVP. As a Tank you also have a much larger health pool then a Pure DPS class, so get over it.

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But I'm not bad at PvP, I protect my team quite well. I get top protection nearly every match, usually 10+ medals, the most objective scores, the most defense scores (on Alderan).


I laugh as most classes try to hurt me. Yes, I get chunked by Sorc/Consulars and their high elemental damage, but that's why I have this awesome thing called a push to talk key.


See, when my counter pop outs and starts chunking me, I hit it and go "Operative friend, could you please go insert your knife into that Sorcerer's back. Thanks"


In a PuG, I just mark them. The nice thing about PuGs, is that they sometimes want to actually be led. They won't question why a mark showed up on someone's head, they'll just try to kill them.


Meanwhile I laugh at just about every other class as I deflect all their blaster shots and saber hits.


Immortal is a great spec, all the free force screams and free smashes, along with unchanneled force choke, and massive rage generation potential.


I do just fine.


But, as I said, I am a tank. I don't look for the kill, I look to defend.


See, there we have someone who understand how PvP works, it's a team game, not some 1v1 game like boxing.

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so just trying to make sense of this? you're mad because you're taking damage and dying as a tank? i play a bh and mitigate plenty of incoming damage but i also know where my healers are if the enemy decides to focus me.


this just seems like one of those "might want to rethink your playstyle" type thing or queue with a healer if you do the whole "john rambo's cat jumping into a pack of enemies and dying".

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So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol


Yes, I did. Prots in wow were fine from the beginning of wotlk to the start of cata when the idiotcrawler, based on whines from rogues who found one class-spec they just couldn't faceroll like they did all other classes, decided tanks shouldn't be able to pvp...unless they are blood death knights because there are more crying kids playing dks than there are playing rogues.


I was playing a prot warrior.

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