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What to do about afk botting in wazones?


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Ok - so there's this guy on my server who continually goes into warzones and finds a nice quiet corner to sit for the entire match.


First up - I'm not sure what he's gaining from this, although I assume there's an auto experience or expertise (he's lvl 50) gain from just taking oart in a WZ?


But, second - what can you do? Raise a ticket and report him? Is that it?

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Yeah ive run into this myself.It's bad enough that you have to load into a warzone with a bunch of folks who don't have a clue on what todo or how to go about it or the 99.9% of other players who are not from your own guild that you really wish you could go in WZ with and fight with but to add these type of folks who just show up and do nothing just makes me want to hurt them in real life.


All these reasons above is why i quit doing WZ 3 weeks ago myself i just hope that BW will get openworld pvp fixed to give sometype of reward for kills cause if they do i will never go back in one.


my 2cents worth

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Its not against any rules to do so afaik. Very annoying though.


It actually is against the rules. The Terms and Services we all agreed to, remember that? Section 12 brings it up. If you do something that hinders another persons gameplay (which is chosen as to what by them), you can be severely punished.


Now I know that the definition is vague. Getting a drop in a group could make someone mad but it doesn't hinder it. Being better in PvP doesn't hinder them, but if someone AFKs, they prevent a fair fight for their team and in forth, hinders them.


Mind you, I didn't mean to say this to be rude, just to inform. SPREAD THE WORD!

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I agree to that there should be some report function where if enough players report afk botters, they get booted off the match and open up spaces for more willing contestants. The function implemented should be as simple as reporting spammers. As of now I just report repeat afk offenders with report spam function, not sure how much good it's doing.
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Thanks for the replies - I'll start submitting tickets.


As I say, I encountered the same dude twice. I don't pvp much, so he's surely doing it a lot if I can encounter him in two WZ days apart.


Annoying thing was, we lost one by 40 points - an extra lvl 50 on the battlefield would have made all the difference.

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