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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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I hope they do something along the lines of Freelancer. Free roaming off rails pvp dogfighting.


And just remember that Freelancer was just under 800mb in size despite its hugeness. Space is BIG but its also mostly empty. Theres no reason a full free roaming Freelancer/XvT game can't be added to SWTOR.

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Imagine fps style dogfights X-Wing Vs Tie-Fighter with even the large starships being manned. I looked up Star Wars Galaxies and it looked like the had something similar. I didn't even know that game was around. I would have played it if I had seen adds for it.



Anyway, I hope we do get that style of space warfare. That feature alone if done well will bring in subscribers just for that portion of the game.

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


I would like to see an absolute ripoff of JTL. If you did it perfectly, I'd even give you another $60. That's how important *good* space combat would be to me in this game.


JTL was an expansion also...


The multiplayer ships were so fun. One guy piloting, 2 others in turrets shooting the bad guys and 1 last guy running around the ship with repair kits plugging plasma leaks, lol...


Crafting, PVP, 3D, massive groups, stations to blow up, missions that involved fighting to an asteroid, landing, completing land missions.... So awesome... So *Star Wars*...


When people were defending Space Combat as it is now, I boggled. Sure, 4 times through, engaging. How could you not see that it would get boring very, very fast? I have not used space combat in 25 levels.


JTL, please, please, please...

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Something is up with the space minigame because there is code in there to render the character and companions aboard the ship. I can't be the only one who has see the bug where their toon ends up standing in the middle of their ship as it flies through space? That doesn't make any sense at all for that code to be in there.


There is the vacant vender stall on Carrick Station across from the GTN. Absolutely nothing to prevent ships from being added to the fleet map/taxi. Or preventing destinations from being added to the galaxy map. TOR has a framework that is built for expansion. It they thought they might need it, they put it in there. That is probably why we have an escape pod on our ships.


I think off the rails combat/ ship modding/ and space PvP are almost inevitable in TOR. Otherwise this game will always lack something that SWG provided. The question is how many years will it be before we see it? The BF2 space game would be better than any of the current Warzones by a HUGE margin.


Also.. My toon can sit in the FOUR cockpit chairs on my ship That has TWO sets of guns, but no chairs anywhere else in the game that I have found thus far. Why was that coded, but not implemented elsewhere? The animation for sitting is already done. Why else would they have gone to the trouble?

Edited by Cleet_Xia
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Couple of ideas:


1. Coop space battle with no guided ship. I want to control my ship.

2. Guild space battles: using guild ships cannons (1 member per cannon or something), and some of the personal ships flying around too. Could be guild vs guild space battles too. Something like SW Battlefront space battles, but in swtor.

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This thread is stupid.


1.) Jump to Lightspeed wasnt successful. SWG hasnt been successful for 6 years.


2.) They arent going to completely revamp the game and add in an entire space combat engine just to split the playerbase and add an entire new development angle just because SWG players cant let the past go.


They need to focus on the part of the game that is implemented and make it successful. Not walk away from the already hitchy buggyness of the ground game just to start developing a space combat game for literally no reason. By comparison so much more of star wars (especially the prequels) takes place between characters outside of space combat.


The only space combat game that has been successful in forever is Eve Online, which isnt a "free roam" space mmo. Its a point and click game with no actual gameplay outside of the spaceship.


The last space combat action mmo idea was Jumpgate Evolution. I wonder how that games doing. Last i heard it was cancelled for the 5th time.

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This thread is stupid.


1.) Jump to Lightspeed wasnt successful. SWG hasnt been successful for 6 years.


2.) They arent going to completely revamp the game and add in an entire space combat engine just to split the playerbase and add an entire new development angle just because SWG players cant let the past go.


They need to focus on the part of the game that is implemented and make it successful. Not walk away from the already hitchy buggyness of the ground game just to start developing a space combat game for literally no reason. By comparison so much more of star wars (especially the prequels) takes place between characters outside of space combat.


The only space combat game that has been successful in forever is Eve Online, which isnt a "free roam" space mmo. Its a point and click game with no actual gameplay outside of the spaceship.


The last space combat action mmo idea was Jumpgate Evolution. I wonder how that games doing. Last i heard it was cancelled for the 5th time.


Just no.


So many things wrong with this post its unreal.


I didn't play JTL but even I can accept that it was a well implemented Space expansion that was technically advanced and well recieved by players and reviewers. Freelancer was awesome and is still being played today, almost all of the Star Wars XvT series was groundbreaking, profiateble and huge fun. Even SW BF2 space combat was very good. If you want to go back further I could suggest Elite which was an awesome free roam space game and kicked off the whole genre (might be before your time though).


And do you think BW is three guys working on one thing at a time? They have teams of people working on different aspects of development, some will be working on future ground based content, some will be working on the Space based expansion and others will be working on bugs.


Splitting of the playerbase could be a problem, if the Space Expac is done well a lot of players would be using it and that would drop numbers on ground based content. On the lighter population servers that might be an issue, but server merges or other solutions are available and I expect they have thought of this.


Please don't put forward your opinion as fact, its not.

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Just no.


So many things wrong with this post its unreal.


I didn't play JTL but even I can accept that it was a well implemented Space expansion that was technically advanced and well recieved by players and reviewers. Freelancer was awesome and is still being played today, almost all of the Star Wars XvT series was groundbreaking, profiateble and huge fun. Even SW BF2 space combat was very good. If you want to go back further I could suggest Elite which was an awesome free roam space game and kicked off the whole genre (might be before your time though).


And do you think BW is three guys working on one thing at a time? They have teams of people working on different aspects of development, some will be working on future ground based content, some will be working on the Space based expansion and others will be working on bugs.


Splitting of the playerbase could be a problem, if the Space Expac is done well a lot of players would be using it and that would drop numbers on ground based content. On the lighter population servers that might be an issue, but server merges or other solutions are available and I expect they have thought of this.


Please don't put forward your opinion as fact, its not.


Nope, but i played KOTOR, and KOTOR 2,


And both of them had on rails Space Combat.


This isnt SWG 2. They dont have to do anything relevant to what SWG did. And thank god, because SOE sucks and ran that game into the ground.


They arent putting in free form space combat because they dont need to, and it doesnt fit the premise of Knights of the Old Republic. It is about character development and story delivered through cutscenes with player choice. This is not Battlefront, it isnt Star Wars Eve, it isnt Star Wars Galaxies 2.


At worst it is Star Wars WoW. Just accept that the game is what it is.

Edited by Halofax
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SWG was a sandbox star wars simulator.


This is a theme park KOTOR gear based progression mmo with a galaxy map.


As of now there is no reason to go to a planet other than to level there, so the entire premise of allowing you to personally fly your ship between planets is superfluous and only further increases the ridiculous redundancy in this games travel to begin with.


The best "space control" we can hope to get is the mobile ship galaxy map from Mass Effect 2. Because that was actually really cool.


As of now we have the Mass Effect 1 galaxy map.


There is no conspiracy to start adding needless QoL spaceship enhancements when they are clearly focused on churning out raid content and fixing bugs on the ground.

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And furthermore,


to the posters saying "All they need to do is this and that and its good" ---


They cant just "take out the rails". The space combat isnt actually in a space environment with auto pilot on. Its just a scripted mini game with a visual representation.


To put in free form space flight they would need to develop an entire physics engine to control player movement, balance weapon damage and figure collision detection into the game. There is no proof that any game that I know of has been made that has air combat or space combat using the hero engine, and I dont think Bioware has ever made a space flight combat action video game before.


So expecting them to just "up and go" at making a space combat game when they are trying to deliver a completely different game to begin with is quite ludicrous.


But by all means, keep actively believing that Bioware is going to stop making SWTOR the way they have been for 5 years and start making SWG JTL2 because SOE (not Bioware) decided to shut down SWG.

Edited by Halofax
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Did you really need to post 3 times in a row Halofax? Your borderline spamming. So... your trying to convince who at this point? Sounds like yourself. I mean, I go look at the mirror in the morning and say "Look at that handsome man." And even though I'm pretty average, I feel handsome when I do it.


Your kind of going "My opinion is correct, my opinion is correct, my opinion is correct, SOMEONE ACKNOWLEDGE THAT MY OPINION IS CORRECT!"


Seriously though, if you can't get your point across in one post, then 3 just makes you look silly.


On another note, I've got a feeling this may be a let down. But I always have hope, so maybe Bioware will surprise us.

Edited by Evray
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Honestly I can't bring myself to really play the space combat. As many prob's as galaxies had, they hit the nail on the head with JTL and the space combat. Anything short of that for me just fails to catch my interest. I realize this is a new/different game and all, and I did try a few space missions in beta to see how they were. But honestly it doesn't compare for me. It's like having a street rigged corvette and then having to go to a chevy cavalier...as bad *** as the cavalier may have a setup, even street rigged, it still won't equal the corvette.


This isn't saying the space combat isn't good or fun for some people. I'm not knocking it..just saying I cant seem to get interested in it after playing JTL in SWG.

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(3 posts worth of opinion)


Agree with some of your points. However you admit they're all your opinion and not fact right mate?


You believe it won't be done.


You believe it can't be done.


You believe it shouldn't be done.


I instead admit I don't know if it will be/should be/can be BUT I know i'd like it to be :)


JTL was a fantastic feature of SWG imo. Would love to see a similar feature in TOR. Guess time will tell.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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To clarify my point of view here...I'm not saying that they need to implement what JTL was for SWG. I don't anticipate it, nor expect them too. I know the massive effort that would require and tbh thier focus should be on the ground game. I was just stating that while it may be fun for some people, I can't get into it, so whatever they decide to do with it, it's fine with me. I do think, at some point, it would be a good idea for them to involve space combat and ground missions together, but that's just my opinion.
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BioWare I have been telling you and telling you...


if someday you do it and make TOR space like Battlefront 2...and give warzones like that...and pvp with your own ship..you will ECLIPSE ALL OTHER mmos...just from that!!!! honestly!!

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Bioware isnt just 3 people working on an mmo.


But to put in free form space combat theyd have to hire/transfer a new team to creating an entirely new game and releasing it on top of the game they already have.


Id rather just see EA release Battlefront 3 and make it like Battlefront 1 was (good). Then I wouldnt have to deal with the mediocrity that comes with mmo development.

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Just no.


So many things wrong with this post its unreal.


I didn't play JTL but even I can accept that it was a well implemented Space expansion that was technically advanced and well recieved by players and reviewers. Freelancer was awesome and is still being played today, almost all of the Star Wars XvT series was groundbreaking, profiateble and huge fun. Even SW BF2 space combat was very good. If you want to go back further I could suggest Elite which was an awesome free roam space game and kicked off the whole genre (might be before your time though).


And do you think BW is three guys working on one thing at a time? They have teams of people working on different aspects of development, some will be working on future ground based content, some will be working on the Space based expansion and others will be working on bugs.


Splitting of the playerbase could be a problem, if the Space Expac is done well a lot of players would be using it and that would drop numbers on ground based content. On the lighter population servers that might be an issue, but server merges or other solutions are available and I expect they have thought of this.


Please don't put forward your opinion as fact, its not.





Indeed probably the single biggest thing BW could add to SWTOR that would add to the game, retain customers and differentiate it from most MMOs out there (even EvE really) is a decent space side.



It doesn't have to be the mythical Elite 4 or anything, a cut down version of Freelancer with a SW skin would be amazing in an MMORPG with all SWTOR already has.

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Indeed probably the single biggest thing BW could add to SWTOR that would add to the game, retain customers and differentiate it from most MMOs out there (even EvE really) is a decent space side.



It doesn't have to be the mythical Elite 4 or anything, a cut down version of Freelancer with a SW skin would be amazing in an MMORPG with all SWTOR already has.


Currently SWTOR has more subscribers than Eve does now and than SWG ever did. They are doing fine without it.

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