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Everything wrong with a Marauder in ONE thread!


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General Problems:



1) The fact that we're melee means we can get kited extremely easy.

2) Pathetically squishy. Aren't we wearing Medium Armor?

3) Only abilities that make us tankier are on INSANELY high cooldowns

3.5) The abilities that make us tanky are on short timers or don't add nearly enough to warrant such massive cooldowns.

4) Need to be fighting for a while to do anything due to Rage/Fury mechanics

5) Can't live long enough to get our resource up to actually USE our abilities

6) Our most reliable CC - Force Choke (unless you're Carnage and got the Ravage perks) is a channel.

7) No sort of healing/regeneration/life steal. I'd honestly expect Life Steal from a class like this... Instead the Tank Assassins have it.

8) Pathetic ranges on nearly everything.

9) Our gap closer requires line of sight, and if there's even a bug flying through said line of sight, you can't use it. If you're specced into Rage, you now have two gap closers. Except the range is pathetic.

10) It seems to me that glitching involving ability-usage screws us over harder than any other class. (Vicious Slash, Battering Assault, Pommel Strike seem to be the most common)

11) Battering Assault is very glitchy with a fairly high cooldown. Considering this is one of only THREE abilities that build up Rage (one being impossible to use if you're close to them already, and the other being on a massive cooldown as well as being a channel).



Ability problems:


1) Ravage:


i. Ravage still gets interrupted even though I got the perk that should have made it uninterruptable.

ii. Unless you're using the Carnage tree, the enemies will simply walk away.

iii. CCing myself is the smartest thing in the world. Channels are the best, right?

iv. You can't have Ravage be both uninterruptable and have it become a CC at the same time.


2) Force Choke:


i. Our most reliable CC ability.... but it also CCs ourselves.

ii. Very high cooldown.


3) Fury System:


i. This one... I can't even understand... 30 Stacks feels way too high.

ii. You cannot ever use your Fury-based abilities in small fights or skirmishes.

iii. Absolutely useless in PvP: There's no way you're surviving that long.

iv. For 30 stacks, the effects don't last nearly long enough. You spend all that time racking up Rage to spend on your Fury, and you get the effect for a fraction of the time.

v. The effects are sub-par anyway.


4) Cloak of Pain:


i. Why does this only work as long as we're taking damage?

ii. Lasts for a very short amount of time if not being attacked.

iii. Can only be up 50% of the time under ideal circumstances


5) Saber Ward:

Not much to say here. Great skill, except for 3 minutes of a cooldown it should last longer. So pick one: Make it last longer, or put the cooldown at 1 minute or something.


6) Pommel Strike:


i. Unbelievably glitchy.

ii. A class with virtually no CC gets an ability that requires the target to be CC'd.

iii. Can't be used while using Choke (I've tried it a million times hoping it would work, but it doesn't).

iv. For how situational it is, it shouldn't be affected by global cooldowns.


7) Smash:

i. Seems to glitch out on occasion. I'd argue it's the (Rage) Marauder's best ability though, regardless of glitching.


8) Vicious Slash

All I can say about this ability is "I OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM YOUR RAGE BAR"





My opinion on the Marauder class:Marauders, to me, are flawed by design. They need to stay in a fight to use any of their abilities, but are too easily killed to be able to do so. Their only abilities to help them stay alive have very high cooldowns and very short durations. The Fury-based moves feel useless, and that's putting it lightly, as it takes ridiculously long to build 30 stacks.


In PvP, they get kited super fast, and if they get jumped (say by a stealther), they lose one of their best abilities to build up some initial Rage (Force Charge). They lack the CC to use one of their hardest hitting moves (Pommel Strike) and their Fury moves are useless because it's virtually impossible for them to live that long with such weak survivability.


I do have to say, however, that I love them in 1v1 combat (at least my Rage Marauder). The reason for that is that Force Choke cannot be interrupted at all, and Smash is an amazing nuke if you use it right after.





*If I missed anything, want me to add anything, or I have misinformation, post and I will add it and/or fix it.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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If they would fix the glitches with abilities and animations, most of my concerns with the mechanics of the class would go away.


But as it stands, our main dps abilities sometimes work, sometimes won't.


And that's a dealbreaker.



Can't begin to number the times I/the group has wiped because of abilities glitching and not going off when they should.

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The only game break issue with mara/sent IMO is the animation.


About the kite, you have the talent Seeping Wound and Leg Slash for slow and anti kite abilities such as Force leap, Force Scream and even camouflage.



The Def CD's are also very good. Blade Ward protect against Melee, Range, Force and Tech. Its right to be 3 min CD. Sin's version has 2 min CD but don't protect against Force and Tech.


Cloak of Pain has 1 min CD and up to 30 sec duration. It's always on when you need, if well timed. Obfuscate can also reduce for a brief moment the damage you receive.



About the fury its hard to tell. The affects are good IMO, but the duration of Beserk is too low. For Juyo its 6 sure crits and with Ataru you can spam massacre. Don't forget about Frenzy.

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We don't need changes @ Fury. It's working perfectly IMO.

In Annihilation i can build the 30 Stacks needed just by setting my bleeds on the target.


Also, most Marauders needs to learn how to use their CDs.

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marauders are built for world pvp...not instanced pvp where ALL they do is very likely to get interupted or stunned/cced/knockbacked. how cc and stun work atm in pvp is ridicilous:/ no diminishing returns or resist chance at all. IMO bioware took a dump in their own food bowl when they thought "sith warriors" overall would be the most populated class hence why they remove stuff from beta-->live and instead gave bigger utilities to other classes so they would be more popular....bioware told us we shouldnt listen to gossip from others and draw our own conclusions based on bioware facts...now u see what a truly pathetic class is bioware....
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all these complaints can be boiled down to wah wah, i'm not good enough to defeat better players. which is plainly ridicoulous. let's look at them from point-to-point.



- rage issues: i always have so much rage i can spam massacre all day, most of the time don't even need normal attack. l2p issue.


- you die before you can use predation/berserk: i use it over 10 times every pvp match. another l2p issue.


- it ramps up in damage, needs lot of uptime: did you just pick anni, and still want burst?


- no sort of healing: wait, didn't you pick anni?


- pathetic range: really? you're complaining about range on a melee class?


- ranged ability requiring line of sight: seems kind of obvious doesn't it?


- talk of glitches: seeing as you provide no examples only names of skills, i will ignore this

- ravage is bugged: we know, they'll fix it when they do, stop complaining


- high cooldowns on our cooldowns: this is kind of a meta complaint, every class has 1 2 3 minute cooldowns and such, this is very potent in pvp and hard to balance. i'd say they are fine where they are, some cds could be reduced but it might make us too tanky.


- fury system: you can't just blatantly state that YOU can't use something as an universal fact. pve, i use it once every two fights, pvp, lots of times every wz. maybe because i'm carnage and generate when i get attacked, but that is a matter of balance between specs.


- pommel strike: again, just stating something is glitchy does not make us understand what you mean. personally, i have no issue with savage kick and pommel strike, only that they're unusable in pvp.


- getting chain stunned in pvp: no class can survive this. i understand that it's annoying, but getting focused down is a fact of life in pvp



so in short, you want marauder (not a single spec, just the entire class) to get more burst, sustained dps, tankiness, healing, unlimited gap closing, un-kitability, lower cooldowns, more healing, AND more cc? do you realise how ridiculous this is?

Edited by DarthBoga
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Carnage Marauder in Rakata/Columi here. My main issues with the Marauder are as follows:


Battering Assault: It just plain sucks. Yeah, sure, it's great that it builds so much rage, but the damage it outputs is nearly half that of our baseline weapon attack. Half. This ability needs to hit at least 3x harder than it does, if not even harder than that.


Gore: Excellent ability, terrible implementation. 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds. It doesn't last long enough to be reliable while mobile, and during PVP it's incredibly difficult to get full use out of the timer. Gore itself should hit harder, have its rage cost reduced by 1(down from 3) and apply 3 charges rather than a timer. 3 is the maximum number of abilities you can conceivably sneak in in 6 seconds anyway.


Ravage: A melee channel? Nothing about this ability feels right while playing a marauder. It often can't be used when we need to, locks us in place, bugs out half the time... Just cut the channel and let us front-load some damage with it.


Force Choke: Would be incredibly useful if not for the channel for temporary CC/rage building. Considering just about every class has a "press it and forget it" version of this, I fail to understand why we can't just do the same.


Vicious Throw: Assassins/Shadows can use their similar ability at 30% or below. This is basically an "execute" ability, however ours is only usable at 20% or below and deals far less damage. The reason behind this is our execute strikes only with our main hand weapon, not the offhand. An assassin's execute will use the extra power from a double-bladed lightsaber with a much higher damage range. Add our offhand damage to Vicious Throw.


Dual Wielding: It sucks in general. Offhand damage is static and doesn't scale. You could throw on over 9000 extra strength and see no change in your offhand strikes. At least give us some scaling.

Edited by Kanzel
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Carnage Marauder in Rakata/Columi here. My main issues with the Marauder are as follows:


Battering Assault: It just plain sucks. Yeah, sure, it's great that it builds so much rage, but the damage it outputs is nearly half that of our baseline weapon attack. Half. This ability needs to hit at least 3x harder than it does, if not even harder than that.


Gore: Excellent ability, terrible implementation. 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds. It doesn't last long enough to be reliable while mobile, and during PVP it's incredibly difficult to get full use out of the timer. Gore itself should hit harder, have its rage cost reduced by 1(down from 3) and apply 3 charges rather than a timer. 3 is the maximum number of abilities you can conceivably sneak in in 6 seconds anyway.


Ravage: A melee channel? Nothing about this ability feels right while playing a marauder. It often can't be used when we need to, locks us in place, bugs out half the time... Just cut the channel and let us front-load some damage with it.


Force Choke: Would be incredibly useful if not for the channel for temporary CC/rage building. Considering just about every class has a "press it and forget it" version of this, I fail to understand why we can't just do the same.


battering assault: does the same damage as auto-attack for me, but i do agree it could use a damage buff.


Gore: the charge thing is a good idea, might be too OP with ravage.


ravage: good ability imho, with gore and a root from charge/throw/talent it's our best damage, a real shame it bugs out if the enemy so much as moves an inch

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battering assault: does the same damage as auto-attack for me, but i do agree it could use a damage buff.


Gore: the charge thing is a good idea, might be too OP with ravage.


ravage: good ability imho, with gore and a root from charge/throw/talent it's our best damage, a real shame it bugs out if the enemy so much as moves an inch


In my gear battering assault does about 300 damage less than assault for... no reason that I can discern. The gap's widening the more strength/power I pick up.

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- talk of glitches: seeing as you provide no examples only names of skills, i will ignore this

- ravage is bugged: we know, they'll fix it when they do, stop complaining





- pommel strike: again, just stating something is glitchy does not make us understand what you mean. personally, i have no issue with savage kick and pommel strike, only that they're unusable in pvp.




If all Marauder players know the problems with the glitches, I am assuming it's been brought up often enough that it's not necessary to specify at this point.


- fury system: you can't just blatantly state that YOU can't use something as an universal fact. pve, i use it once every two fights, pvp, lots of times every wz. maybe because i'm carnage and generate when i get attacked, but that is a matter of balance between specs.


So just because ONE out of THREE specs can use it, it becomes viable? It still requires a lot of micromanaging to play a Marauder, and many agree.


- getting chain stunned in pvp: no class can survive this. i understand that it's annoying, but getting focused down is a fact of life in pvp


I heard they're fixing this: After getting CC'd you're supposed to get a reduction on future CCs for a number of seconds. "Tenacity" as it might be called. And from what I hear this was supposed to be implemented but bugged out.



so in short, you want marauder (not a single spec, just the entire class) to get more burst, sustained dps, tankiness, healing, unlimited gap closing, un-kitability, lower cooldowns, more healing, AND more cc? do you realise how ridiculous this is?


No. I feel like something needs to be fixed. Whether it's a little or a lot, there's a reason this class, on both Sith and Republic side, feels underpowered by most players.

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Force Choke: Would be incredibly useful if not for the channel for temporary CC/rage building. Considering just about every class has a "press it and forget it" version of this, I fail to understand why we can't just do the same.



theres no other class that has a cc that does dmg and regenerates AP...


while i agree that a carnage marauder would profit alot from a unchanneled Choke,

Rage + Annihilation make perfect use of it in its current state.


As Anni apply all your dots + pop all buffs (overcharge/adrenal etc) + pop berserk + give your enemy a choke and you take down 18k hp in 4 secs from 100% to 10%-30% getting 2.5k selfhealing, dishing out 6-7k+ groupheal, building up 4 rage... while your enemy does nothing and having enough rage to finish with execute/annihilate while still being buffed, thus able to even 3-4 shot the guy next to him

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General Problems:




1) The fact that we're melee means we can get kited extremely easy.

If your Carnage that isnt the case. Other specs will have a harder time. But since we are Melee this is just something you ahve to get use to and find ways around(LOS, Roots, Snares)


2) Pathetically squishy. Aren't we wearing Medium Armor?

We are a bit Squishy for Melee


3) Only abilities that make us tankier are on INSANELY high cooldowns

3.5) The abilities that make us tanky are on short timers or don't add nearly enough to warrant such massive cooldowns.

I sorta Agree, Cloak of Pain needs to be reworked, we arent a tanking class so the idea is for us to not get hit. Undying Rage is good, especially in PvP, and there is armor that reduces the CD of this, as well as talents.


4) Need to be fighting for a while to do anything due to Rage/Fury mechanics

Of course, i dont see a problem with this. If you have the Defensive Forms Talent in the Tier 1 Carnage Tree you will never have Fury issues again. If you dont have this you arent playing a marauder correctly


5) Can't live long enough to get our resource up to actually USE our abilities

This is redudant, you already specified this in (2). Part of the issue is that end game relics done have Endurance.


6) Our most reliable CC - Force Choke (unless you're Carnage and got the Ravage perks) is a channel.


Whether or not this needs to be channeled is open for debate. Im carnage and use this ability as an Interrupt or Root. I think to help, it needs to not increase the Resolve meter but keep everything else the same.


7) No sort of healing/regeneration/life steal. I'd honestly expect Life Steal from a class like this... Instead the Tank Assassins have it.

Annhilation has self heals and you have to do damage to receive it. We are not a Warlock Class, or a Death Knight Class, We can probably be Called an Arms Warrior.


8) Pathetic ranges on nearly everything.

Again, we are a melee class, If you want a Ranged class play the 5 other Advanced classes that offer that.


9) Our gap closer requires line of sight, and if there's even a bug flying through said line of sight, you can't use it. If you're specced into Rage, you now have two gap closers. Except the range is pathetic.

A talent more easily accesible for lowering the CD of Charge would be helpful, or make it so Mara's can charge to people behind cover(talented).


10) It seems to me that glitching involving ability-usage screws us over harder than any other class. (Vicious Slash, Battering Assault, Pommel Strike seem to be the most common)

Yep, completely aggree. We are gimped from the start. We are the underdog. They will fix this in time. For now, enjoy the challenge in knowing you can work through it, and when it finally gets fixed, you will be that much better.


11) Battering Assault is very glitchy with a fairly high cooldown. Considering this is one of only THREE abilities that build up Rage (one being impossible to use if you're close to them already, and the other being on a massive cooldown as well as being a channel).

I havent had too many issues with this. I do think we need another Rage builder somewhere though.


Ability problems:



1) Ravage:


i. Ravage still gets interrupted even though I got the perk that should have made it uninterruptable.

I have played Rage only briefly not long enough to see this happen so i have no comment


ii. Unless you're using the Carnage tree, the enemies will simply walk away.



iii. CCing myself is the smartest thing in the world. Channels are the best, right?

Having a Channeled melee move is stupid.


iv. You can't have Ravage be both uninterruptable and have it become a CC at the same time.

They did it this way to match the play style of each spec, its more of a flow thing with the way the talents work. Carnage has ways of controlling your opponent, while Rage has abilities of denying your opponent.



2) Force Choke:


i. Our most reliable CC ability.... but it also CCs ourselves.

ii. Very high cooldown.

Force choke is in a wierd place, not really sure how i feel about it other than its a nice interuupt if the enemies resolve bar isnt full.


3) Fury System:


i. This one... I can't even understand... 30 Stacks feels way too high.

30 stacks are fine, get Defensive forms, you will have 30 stacks at the end of every fight.


ii. You cannot ever use your Fury-based abilities in small fights or skirmishes.

Why would you need too?(what do you mean by skirmishes?) they are limit Breaker moves(forgive the Final Fantasy Reference) Its meant for rewarding you with some extra dps. At 50 you can insta build 30 stacks on a 3 min CD, very nice.


iii. Absolutely useless in PvP: There's no way you're surviving that long.

iv. For 30 stacks, the effects don't last nearly long enough. You spend all that time racking up Rage to spend on your Fury, and you get the effect for a fraction of the time.

I hate to throw in a L2P but you def need to PvP more. I almost exculsively PvP as Carnage and use my beserk ALOT, Fury is great in places like Defending in VS and Civil war, and Predation is a god send in Huttball. and it effects my entire party. Keep that in Mind. Mara are kinda a Support Class, keep that in mind with our group buffs relating to Fury, only 1 Fury Related move effects us. the other 2 are group wide. I think we need to be able to apply debuffs to targets that benefit our raid, like Moonkins in WOTLK, Otherwise, why give us Fury Group abilities that can only be used every once in awhile.


v. The effects are sub-par anyway.


4) Cloak of Pain:


i. Why does this only work as long as we're taking damage?

I agree, for a non tanking class this doesnt make much sense, Great Rage builder in PvE, PvP it sucks.


ii. Lasts for a very short amount of time if not being attacked.



iii. Can only be up 50% of the time under ideal circumstances




5) Saber Ward:

Not much to say here. Great skill, except for 3 minutes of a cooldown it should last longer. So pick one: Make it last longer, or put the cooldown at 1 minute or something.

Agreed. Its hard to know when to use this in PvP because of its long CD. Again, we arent a tanking class so why give us this move?



6) Pommel Strike:


i. Unbelievably glitchy.

ii. A class with virtually no CC gets an ability that requires the target to be CC'd.

Agreed it makes no sense. We can use it on targets who recived our smash and scream, but only if they are weak, which means they will probably be dead already.


iii. Can't be used while using Choke (I've tried it a million times hoping it would work, but it doesn't).

Well thats obvious.


iv. For how situational it is, it shouldn't be affected by global cooldowns.




7) Smash:

i. Seems to glitch out on occasion. I'd argue it's the (Rage) Marauder's best ability though, regardless of glitching.

Rage relys on this move.


8) Vicious Slash

All I can say about this ability is "I OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM YOUR RAGE BAR"

Enraging Slash in the Annihilation tree helps, no spec should be without it.



My opinion on the Marauder class:Marauders, to me, are flawed by design. They need to stay in a fight to use any of their abilities, but are too easily killed to be able to do so. Their only abilities to help them stay alive have very high cooldowns and very short durations. The Fury-based moves feel useless, and that's putting it lightly, as it takes ridiculously long to build 30 stacks.


See notes, you probably need to rework your spec. Im betting you missed a few key points.


In PvP, they get kited super fast, and if they get jumped (say by a stealther), they lose one of their best abilities to build up some initial Rage (Force Charge). They lack the CC to use one of their hardest hitting moves (Pommel Strike) and their Fury moves are useless because it's virtually impossible for them to live that long with such weak survivability.

I think what would help with this, is if we could use Undying Rage whenever, even if we are stunned.


I do have to say, however, that I love them in 1v1 combat (at least my Rage Marauder). The reason for that is that Force Choke cannot be interrupted at all, and Smash is an amazing nuke if you use it right after.

Rage is a fad that people will realize isnt as great as it sounds. In PvP, i have more trouble with other Carnage and Annhilation Mara's than i do Rage. Rage is too easy to play and to reliant on certain moves, while the other 2 seem to flow better and mesh better together. Rage does some awesome damage, but too often is see that they never get beyond 10 kills.


I know you may not have wrote this, but thats what i have to say about it all.

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If they would fix the glitches with abilities and animations, most of my concerns with the mechanics of the class would go away.


But as it stands, our main dps abilities sometimes work, sometimes won't.


And that's a dealbreaker.



Can't begin to number the times I/the group has wiped because of abilities glitching and not going off when they should.



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1) The fact that we're melee means we can get kited extremely easy.




2) Pathetically squishy. Aren't we wearing Medium Armor?




3) Only abilities that make us tankier are on INSANELY high cooldowns




3.5) The abilities that make us tanky are on short timers or don't add nearly enough to warrant such massive cooldowns.




4) Need to be fighting for a while to do anything due to Rage/Fury mechanics




5) Can't live long enough to get our resource up to actually USE our abilities




6) Our most reliable CC - Force Choke (unless you're Carnage and got the Ravage perks) is a channel.


Don't see how this matters / all 3 trees have reliable snares or roots.


7) No sort of healing/regeneration/life steal.




8) Pathetic ranges on nearly everything.


Agree that 'midrange' abilities should be a base 15' instead of 10'. On the flip side, this doesn't really matter. I think that the client-server sync issues will alleviate most of this problem.


9) Our gap closer requires line of sight, and if there's even a bug flying through said line of sight, you can't use it.


No. The LOS is fine.


10) It seems to me that glitching involving ability-usage screws us over harder than any other class. (Vicious Slash, Battering Assault, Pommel Strike seem to be the most common)


Yes, including all the off-GCD abilities, Ravage, and Choke. Seen some people complain severely about Annihilate as well. I suspect that the 'glitchy animation' abilities are related to client-server desync, but the 'instant ability not firing' is due to bad ability queuing. The two may be interrelated and cause even greater issues.



11) Battering Assault is very glitchy with a fairly high cooldown. Considering this is one of only THREE abilities that build up Rage




i. Ravage still gets interrupted even though I got the perk that should have made it uninterruptable.


That talent makes Ravage immune to "INTERRUPT" abilities. It does not make it immune to interruption.


ii. Unless you're using the Carnage tree, the enemies will simply walk away.


Snare them or stand in front of them or just use the first 2 ticks.


iii. CCing myself is the smartest thing in the world. Channels are the best, right?


That's the price for the ability being so potent and costing 0 rage.


iv. You can't have Ravage be both uninterruptable and have it become a CC at the same time.


Too bad.


i. Our most reliable CC ability.... but it also CCs ourselves.


Oh well.


ii. Very high cooldown.


Most anytime-stuns are this way.


3) Fury System: i. This one... I can't even understand... 30 Stacks feels way too high.


Fury dumps are pretty potent. It's fine.


ii. You cannot ever use your Fury-based abilities in small fights or skirmishes.




iii. Absolutely useless in PvP: There's no way you're surviving that long.




iv. For 30 stacks, the effects don't last nearly long enough. You spend all that time racking up Rage to spend on your Fury, and you get the effect for a fraction of the time.




v. The effects are sub-par anyway.


Ataru and ShiiCho Berserks, yes. Annihilation Berserk, Predation, Bloodthirst? No.



4) Cloak of Pain: i. Why does this only work as long as we're taking damage?


It would be overpowered otherwise, or too weak.


ii. Lasts for a very short amount of time if not being attacked.


Don't use it when not being attacked.


iii. Can only be up 50% of the time under ideal circumstances


Oh well.


5) Saber Ward: Not much to say here. Great skill, except for 3 minutes of a cooldown it should last longer. So pick one: Make it last longer, or put the cooldown at 1 minute or something.


It lasts plenty long, and you have other cooldowns.


6) Pommel Strike: i. Unbelievably glitchy.




ii. A class with virtually no CC gets an ability that requires the target to be CC'd.


Pommel Strike?


iii. Can't be used while using Choke (I've tried it a million times hoping it would work, but it doesn't).

iv. For how situational it is, it shouldn't be affected by global cooldowns.


Lol Pommel Strike.



8) Vicious Slash All I can say about this ability is "I OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM YOUR RAGE BAR"


Enraged Slash.



*If I missed anything, want me to add anything, or I have misinformation, post and I will add it and/or fix it.


Most of your post is misinformed. You can remove all the complaints I have listed as "NO", and refine the complaints where I have provided additional explanation.

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theres no other class that has a cc that does dmg and regenerates AP...


while i agree that a carnage marauder would profit alot from a unchanneled Choke,

Rage + Annihilation make perfect use of it in its current state.


As Anni apply all your dots + pop all buffs (overcharge/adrenal etc) + pop berserk + give your enemy a choke and you take down 18k hp in 4 secs from 100% to 10%-30% getting 2.5k selfhealing, dishing out 6-7k+ groupheal, building up 4 rage... while your enemy does nothing and having enough rage to finish with execute/annihilate while still being buffed, thus able to even 3-4 shot the guy next to him


There's also no other class(aside from Jugs) that is forced to build resources before using them. For tanking Jugs, force choke is already reduced to an instant, and the damage that force choke does isn't exactly stellar. When we have no rage our DPS is essentially zero.


Therefore the class needs to be balanced around having the tools to constantly output consistent damage vs. having random holes in it as we do now. Marauders don't have huge hits aside from Ravage, and Ravage is only impressive when coupled with Gore because of its channeled nature. When compared against other classes our single hits are not nearly as large, and so giving us tools to keep up that consistent damage is not unbalancing for either PvE or PvP.


To put it in perspective, I also have a DPS Mercenary I play frequently that's pretty geared, as well as a friend who has an excellently geared Sniper. My Merc is just plain stupid compared to my Marauder. In terms of damage output there is zero comparison; I can output double what my Mara can do and then just vent the heat. Even if vent heat's not available, I can still constantly output higher damage without ever stopping, with no need to build up resources or even pay much attention. My friend can play his Sniper in almost exactly the same manner, albeit with a few more buttons.


That's a problem.

Edited by Paralassa
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Is no one going to mention the terrible 1.5 second gcd this class is forced to suffer? This class seems to have many important 6 second buffs, and with a clunky 1.5 second gcd that means you will be able to use maybe 3 abilities in that short window assuming you don't get cc'd. That is what is the most discouraging imo. I don't think BW is going to make fundamental changes to the class like that to make the marauder viable. But hey this is Bioware we are talking about. I had the misfortune of playing a marauder on their last mmo Warhammer. As long as they stick to this "all classes doing the same dps" bs, this game will never reach some semblance of balance
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check deaths on every single warfront u are..i bet my unborn daughter that u will ALWAYS or mostly find marauders/sentinels there topping the death chart...ofcourse some shine now and then but on the average this class is BROKEN for a easymode game where the map tells u even where to pee!
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My biggest problem is the pure number of extraneous skills. I have 34 Keybinds. Yep 34. After all my skills, Medpacks, stims, pvp potions, mount, and everything else I use, I went out and bought a 17 button mouse, because I ran out of buttons! I have been playing MMOs since 1999, and I have never seen this level with micro management in any other class. Power wise, I don't really have a problem with the Marauder. I'm only level 33 and I'm normally in the top 5 DMG in a BG, which I think is about right. If they add macros, simplify a few skills, and fix some of the ability glitches/delay, I think we will be fine.



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If all Marauder players know the problems with the glitches, I am assuming it's been brought up often enough that it's not necessary to specify at this point.

consider yourself informed that in fact, i don't know what you're talking about. so no, not all marauder players know of this.



So just because ONE out of THREE specs can use it, it becomes viable? It still requires a lot of micromanaging to play a Marauder, and many agree.

again, this is a wholly different matter of internal spec balance and not class balance. as it is, this balance is not great as far as we know, but we do not have the numbers so we might as well be discussing the number of cells in each apple in a tree.



I heard they're fixing this: After getting CC'd you're supposed to get a reduction on future CCs for a number of seconds. "Tenacity" as it might be called. And from what I hear this was supposed to be implemented but bugged out.

tenacity is a word from league of legends, resolve is what you're looking for. the fact remains that if you get focused down by 5 people, you should under almost no circumstances survive this.




No. I feel like something needs to be fixed. Whether it's a little or a lot, there's a reason this class, on both Sith and Republic side, feels underpowered by most players.


i could say i get top dps in almost every warzone, but it wouldn't matter. as i've said before, we are a fairly complex class that has many different shades of players. i'm not calling you bad or me the best, but i'm just saying a bad player would notice less difference in dps (relative to a good player) playing the TRACERLOL or SNIPERAMBUSHSNIPE classes that are ranged. melee dps has always been about complexity and playing against the odds. everyone expects to faceroll as a melee class but when they don't they scream UP! UP! . after that they might play something like sniper, and come back to the marauder forum screaming UP! UP! even harder than before. the fact is the player i just described is just a BAD melee dps, and better of in a protected position. a GOOD melee dps should be able to defeat people easier than a good ranged dps - a bad ranged dps will be better than a bad melee however.


by the way, the 'vast majority' of people on this forum feeling this class is underpowered means nothing, it's the rule of the vocal minority - the people who don't feel the class is underpowered have much less reason to argue this fact that the people who do.


nothing can be assumed as true from this forum. on one side there are people screaming marauder is underpowered, while on the other end people complain it's overpowered. but honestly? none of us know, we don't have the numbers.


i don't agree with all the issues you have with this class. honestly, if it bugs you so much, reroll by all means, and go spam tracer missile and snipe. i do agree some things (like ravage) needs to be fixed and handicap us a little at this point, but i don't agree with your opinion that the class is underpowered. to be honest, it's a lot like frost death knights or retri pallys and the complaints about them.

i still think the balance right now is pretty good for a game under a month old. we can speculate all we want, but until we have dps meters and full premades with top-geared lvl 50 players, this is all just personal opinion, we have no facts.



as for keybinds, i researched this extensively and planned out my keybinds when i started marauder.

all i use is 1-6, shift+1-6, control+1-6, alt+ 1-6, VQE, shift + VQE

that's 5 bars of 6 slots, way less than some classes in wow.

this excludes things like mounts and stances that do not need hotkeys, but i do use F1-F6 + shift/control/alt for this kind of stuff.

Edited by DarthBoga
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