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Zombies in starwars


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Rakghouls = Werewolves.


Blacklight Virus (Deathtroopers) = Zombies.


I think it's actually the Blackwing Virus.


But yes, rakghouls are not zombies. I draw them closer to, as someone else mentioned, The Thing, or Dead Space (which admittedly treads pretty close to zombie turf.)

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... still not zombies.


I think it should be required that everyone has to play KOTOR or at least read the comprehensive lore before speaking on 'zombies'. They aren't zombies. Never were.


In fact, you could play the first 2 hours of KOTOR and see exactly why and what they are.

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I think it should be required that everyone has to play KOTOR or at least read the comprehensive lore before speaking on 'zombies'. They aren't zombies. Never were.


In fact, you could play the first 2 hours of KOTOR and see exactly why and what they are.


Something that for the most part has every hallmark of a zombie outbreak without the actual walking dead part?


That's really the only big difference. There's plenty of similarities beyond that factoid if we want to get technical about the thing. But, a lot of that is gonna need spoiler tags. :/



Rakghouls started off as a catastrophic chemical failure that led to a viral mutation, like a lot of zombie apocalypse stories (though not all - it's gotten increasingly more common, however). They spread mostly via blood infection, similar to zombies. They degenerate and devolve the affected person to a near-animal, feral state (like a lot of the smarter/faster zombies do in fiction). The change is often not immediate, and a slow and horrible process (as evidenced on Taris, both in KotOR1 and in TOR itself whenever it's brought up), similar to a lot of person-to-zombie conversion processes. They exhibit a desire to not only spread their infection, but consume the flesh of the dead.



I mean, I'm gonna agree and state that they're not zombies (for one, they're not undead, and it's rare that any zombie outbreak depicts zombies that aren't at some point brain dead though it has happened before - I Am Legend played with this, for example, as do a number of other fictional material about zombies). But there are significant similarities that can be misconstrued as being a zombie outbreak, and I don't see an issue with there necessarily being confusion. I don't think it's wrong to play it up as a zombie-like situation either, based on the similarities.


There are far more legitimate zombies in-canon as it is then this, though.


Don't see why people are making such a big deal out of it either, to be honest.

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  • 3 years later...
I think it should be required that everyone has to play KOTOR or at least read the comprehensive lore before speaking on 'zombies'. They aren't zombies. Never were.


In fact, you could play the first 2 hours of KOTOR and see exactly why and what they are.


you are very wrong their are zombies in star wars



"This is the Sith's greeting for tomb robbers—magic and machines created them when the tombs were built!"

―The spirit of Freedon Nadd[src]


Korriban zombies, also known as Korriban Sith zombies, were semi-sentient, undead humanoid predators native to the Sith tombworld Korriban. Originally created prior to 7000 BBY by Sith King Dathka Graush's experiments using Sith alchemy and magic to reanimate corpses, the creatures were soon discovered to be capable of creating more of their kind by biting living sentient beings. After a tumultuous fifty-year reign, Graush was assassinated, and the spirits animating the zombies were collected in a crystal that was buried with him in his tomb located in Korriban's Valley of Golg.



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you are very wrong their are zombies in star wars



"This is the Sith's greeting for tomb robbers—magic and machines created them when the tombs were built!"

―The spirit of Freedon Nadd[src]


Korriban zombies, also known as Korriban Sith zombies, were semi-sentient, undead humanoid predators native to the Sith tombworld Korriban. Originally created prior to 7000 BBY by Sith King Dathka Graush's experiments using Sith alchemy and magic to reanimate corpses, the creatures were soon discovered to be capable of creating more of their kind by biting living sentient beings. After a tumultuous fifty-year reign, Graush was assassinated, and the spirits animating the zombies were collected in a crystal that was buried with him in his tomb located in Korriban's Valley of Golg.




Yeah there are definitely zombies in Star Wars, like this thread thanks to you =P

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