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Nadia Grell (Spoilers)


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Regarding that "cliffhanger" of marrying Nadia :


As Yoda would say, "Patience."


Just wait for the first expansion, when they raise the level cap, add more planets, and most importantly, advance the storylines.


I'm willing to bet that we'll be seeing new developments in the romantic storylines as well, including what happens next between the Consular and Nadia.


I doubt it will take an entire X-pac for more class story/companion advancement

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Another point to consider...Bastilla Shan begat....yadda yadda...begat Satele Shan, who begat Theron Shan. While having a child is certainly different then marriage, it's not like romantic relationships are exactly unknown, and Satele went on to become the grand master of the order.



And the likely father of her child and gets ganked by the Trooper at the end of that class' Act 1 after he defects to the Empire with his entire unit.



Even so--at the timeframe of the game, the Jedi Order doesn't seem to have any hard rules against relationships like they (arguably) did during the timeframe of Eps 1-3. It's about keeping emotions in check and not letting them control you, and about not becoming so attached to somebody that you allow that relationship to control you or become a mechanism for control.

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Agreed, she practically jumps towards you. It's almost too easy.


Not to mention she's supposed to be a jedi ! She's also useless as a companion. She's no tank, can't be used with Jedi Sages. She's just shadow dps , weak padawan that you have to travel with.


I personally only took her out when im about to have a dialogue in Voss, never used her other than that. Besides, her voice makes me eat my fingernails, no offence actual voice artist !


I completed the story with Nadia as a Sage. She's quite powerful when she gets first priority on all mods. lol


And I actually like her voice, but that's just me. :p

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I thought it was a nice story as a Female Consular with Nadia. Really. It is more of a Padawan Master story if you're a female Consular where you teach her and remind her of the ways of the Jedi.


THe part about how I gave her a rock to practice on, and she blew it up made me ***...

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THe part about how I gave her a rock to practice on, and she blew it up made me ***...


Meh! Not to whine, the romance for males was really sweet (if a bit rushed) and all, but would have been cool to add more things like that there as well. Now I have a padawan that I couldn't really teach at all :/

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Yeah, I ended up romancing her COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT.

So eventually I got her up to 10,000 affection, and the final conversation gave me the option to propose marriage. I went middle-ground again, which ended up being something kind, that she liked (another +102 affection), but leaves it at "I don't want to lose you". And then it just stopped there. No closure. Weird.


Why is there no closure? I mean the ''Marry Me'' question on my part was too bold for a consular, too straightforward, no hesitation, no delicate touch, just a rumble. I thought there was going to be some closure, where I could hint at the ''love'' and end up cultivating the relationship and marrying Nadia. but the convo abruptly ends in nothing. Seems wierd and was irritating as heck, especially when my intentions didnt get through =/ There should be more than 1 chance for a proposal, they should add at least 1 more convo for Nadia.


And what the heck happened to the subtlety? I was playing my character to be humiliate, patient, caring, wise and subtle, but no humility, patience, wisdom and the subtlety goes out the window in that last covo. and thats not just the 1st time. What is going on with that?

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  • 2 months later...

I see a lot of people talking about the validity of the Nadia relationship as it pertains to Star Wars lore, but very few address the real primary issue - which is that the player, in a game of choices, has no choice. I've seen a lot of people say you can avoid it, but I have never seen anyone say HOW you can avoid it. I can however find dozens and dozens of threads and articles that say it's impossible to avoid. I am in the latter group. Try as I might, I could not avoid the relationship.


Unfortunately, the way it's set up, there is no way my Consular will get this 6th companion maxed for the Legacy and Presence bonuses because I refuse to even talk to Nadia now. Bioware made a HUGE error in this story, in my opinion. Whether you feel it's acceptable by the Jedi Code or not, you should still have the choice to pursue the relationship or NOT.


The way I choose to play my character, he would not have pursued it. I believe that the reasons the padawans on Tython shouldn't be involved with one another are the same reasons I shouldn't be involved with someone. What's even worse in my opinion, and borderline offensive/disturbing, is that this is essentially a teacher-student relationship.


What bothers me is that there is no apparent way to avoid this relationship. It's forced on the character. If there is a way to avoid it, it's so completely obscure that most people seem to never find it, given the plethora of complaints about this very issue. I did get a customer service rep to respond, saying they would not reset my companion quests for me, but assured me that there would be another opportunity to break up the relationship. When? I am now afraid to even talk to her anymore. The next conversation starts off with poetry and eventually gives me only 3 choices: (1) I love you too; (2) I'm glad you love me; (3) Let's go sleep together. Yeah, that's really an opportunity to break up the relationship....


Thank for a great game, Bioware, but you guys seriously screwed up on this story/quest and I'm very disappointed if you aren't going to take into consideration the legitimate concerns that have been expressed regarding the lack of a player's choice in this situation in a role-playing game that is all about choices. As it stands right now, I refuse to progress any further in her quest line, meaning also unfortunately I will have to suffer the loss of the legacy bonuses. I seriously almost considered re-rolling my Consular for the sole reason of avoiding the relationship, but then as I already stated, I have yet to see anyone state how it can be avoided (not to mention all the work I'd have to redo getting him leveled and geared up all over again) - all on account of a very bad story design.

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Agreed, she practically jumps towards you. It's almost too easy.


Not to mention she's supposed to be a jedi ! She's also useless as a companion. She's no tank, can't be used with Jedi Sages. She's just shadow dps , weak padawan that you have to travel with.


I personally only took her out when im about to have a dialogue in Voss, never used her other than that. Besides, her voice makes me eat my fingernails, no offence actual voice artist !


As a healer sage Nadia is not a terrible companion to have. She excels in 1 vs 1 elite and even Champion fights however you are gonna have to heal her a lot. The armor boost she got in 1.2 helps but she is still squishy.


DPSers with healer support go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly so with a little practice she is an effective companion to use. Stack crit and surge on her and her damage will be insane.

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I finished the Nadia story line and..

flirted with her some along the way.. even bedded her. (That may seem unethical to some but is really in accord with the Jedi code. The problem this generation of Jedi seem to have with love is the possessiveness and dark side emotions like jealousy and anger at loss that get evoked in a bad relationship.) When I got to the end, the Jedi code kicked in. I had the option to marry her and.. Nope..

we are just friends. And she is happy with it, DPS and is now always at 10K affection. She still likes her courting gifts.


As far as her just jumping at you..

She is not really a Jedi in the true sense, YET. She is one that was discovered as an adult, made a pilgrimage to Tython and probably did what you did from levels 1-10. She did not get the extensive Jedi code training most Jedi get from birth up on the Jedi morality. That actually was your job when you took her on as a padawan.. On her planet, the Force is unknown and she actually was only accepted because her father was the planets ambassador. Speaking of which, she IS the ambassador for that planet so she is politically powerful in her own right. Emotions on her planet, and for most non-Jedi, are not something to be supressed

so she can decide for herself how she acts.

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I Thought that Luke skywalker in the future changed the whole dynamic of the jedi code? I vaguely remember a new code that was sworn, something about emotion as a tool, there is only the force or some such. I also thought that In jedi knight jedi accademy(my favorite) that they were actually allowed romance? I also thought something was said to that point in KOTOR II


Honestly after looking at the two students, there reaction of anger to me turning them in, was a defensive thing. These inlove jedi are angry that they have to hide them selvs.


HMM Hopefully someone with more indepth knowldge will come in here and help out with this.

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I Thought that Luke skywalker in the future changed the whole dynamic of the jedi code? I vaguely remember a new code that was sworn, something about emotion as a tool, there is only the force or some such. I also thought that In jedi knight jedi accademy(my favorite) that they were actually allowed romance? I also thought something was said to that point in KOTOR II


Honestly after looking at the two students, there reaction of anger to me turning them in, was a defensive thing. These inlove jedi are angry that they have to hide them selvs.


HMM Hopefully someone with more indepth knowldge will come in here and help out with this.


Thats the future. Luke also recognized the oneness of the Force, that there was neither Darkside nor Light, but only the actions of others moving it that made it light or dark. A point lost on thousands of years of Jedi teachings at the point where we are.

Interesting that the first Jedi counsel had that point when they included the father of the Darkside in their holocron databanks on Tython.


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What I'd actually kind of like to see in an expansion is the revelation that she was unconsciously using Force Persuasion on you. The Consular may be a Jedi Master, but he's also kind of a young twerp, and it's hinted that Nadia is at least his equal in terms of raw power, if not training. Might not have realised what she was doing.


Hm. Makes the whole relationship kinda dark, really. I guess that... once she loses her loved one's favour, then she'll be turned to the Dark Side by some opportunistic Sith and try to kill her master, possibly while on a volcanic planet hey wait a minute


Heh. The relationship between the Jedi Consular and Nadia always makes me think of Anakin and Padme (maybe that was the intent?), because she's a starry-eyed country girl and he's a secluded monk, and they fall for each other without much rhyme or reason because they've had so little former experience. But I never thought it would be *that* similar. :eek:

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I think there is a dose of reality in the whole relationship arc.


In life you don't always get to choose who falls for you. This can happen even though you don't have similar feelings for them.


...or BW was just sloppy in their story writing. :p


Unfortunately my Shadow is female so I won't get to enjoy it as much. :(

Edited by Veluthurk
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I see a lot of people talking about the validity of the Nadia relationship as it pertains to Star Wars lore, but very few address the real primary issue - which is that the player, in a game of choices, has no choice. I've seen a lot of people say you can avoid it, but I have never seen anyone say HOW you can avoid it. I can however find dozens and dozens of threads and articles that say it's impossible to avoid. I am in the latter group. Try as I might, I could not avoid the relationship.


Unfortunately, the way it's set up, there is no way my Consular will get this 6th companion maxed for the Legacy and Presence bonuses because I refuse to even talk to Nadia now. Bioware made a HUGE error in this story, in my opinion. Whether you feel it's acceptable by the Jedi Code or not, you should still have the choice to pursue the relationship or NOT.


The way I choose to play my character, he would not have pursued it. I believe that the reasons the padawans on Tython shouldn't be involved with one another are the same reasons I shouldn't be involved with someone. What's even worse in my opinion, and borderline offensive/disturbing, is that this is essentially a teacher-student relationship.


What bothers me is that there is no apparent way to avoid this relationship. It's forced on the character. If there is a way to avoid it, it's so completely obscure that most people seem to never find it, given the plethora of complaints about this very issue. I did get a customer service rep to respond, saying they would not reset my companion quests for me, but assured me that there would be another opportunity to break up the relationship. When? I am now afraid to even talk to her anymore. The next conversation starts off with poetry and eventually gives me only 3 choices: (1) I love you too; (2) I'm glad you love me; (3) Let's go sleep together. Yeah, that's really an opportunity to break up the relationship....


Thank for a great game, Bioware, but you guys seriously screwed up on this story/quest and I'm very disappointed if you aren't going to take into consideration the legitimate concerns that have been expressed regarding the lack of a player's choice in this situation in a role-playing game that is all about choices. As it stands right now, I refuse to progress any further in her quest line, meaning also unfortunately I will have to suffer the loss of the legacy bonuses. I seriously almost considered re-rolling my Consular for the sole reason of avoiding the relationship, but then as I already stated, I have yet to see anyone state how it can be avoided (not to mention all the work I'd have to redo getting him leveled and geared up all over again) - all on account of a very bad story design.


I played my Consular true blue Lightside, and to do so I avoided the romance option from the beginning, and I have almost maxed out affection with her.



When Nadia talks about how much she like Tharan, she will talk to you about her attraction to you. If you state that it is inappropriate, the issue will not come up again and all her dialogue will be that of a padawan learner, not a lover.



Hopefully that helps.

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Thats the future. Luke also recognized the oneness of the Force, that there was neither Darkside nor Light, but only the actions of others moving it that made it light or dark. A point lost on thousands of years of Jedi teachings at the point where we are.

Interesting that the first Jedi counsel had that point when they included the father of the Darkside in their holocron databanks on Tython.



In the Legacy of the Force series Luke reverts on his earlier concept of one-nes and intent as he was concerned that young Jedi would start down an "end justifies the means" path, as Jacen does. He does however accept that relationships (romantic or family) should form part of the order, as long as the service to the order and the force is placed first.

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I played my Shadow as a pure Light character all the way but ended up marriying her since I never want to miss out on anything in games.


It feels so wrong now.


I actually regret it.


I have customized her, and make her wear clothes that cover her completely (Ancient Seekers Headgear) just to avoid thinking about it too much.



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