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You Successfully Solo'd the end class quest fight - How?


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Hi There,


just did the final class quest fight with the Emperor.


T7 died in (ironically) 7 seconds and his gear isnt too bad most items are around 100 level and only one or two are 70 and 80 odd respectively.


my gear is fairly good im a synthweaver and ive kept up with my mods pretty much, most of my items are well over 100 level generally around 104-120


I'd appreciate it if someone who successfully completed this solo could talk me through it.


thanks in advance.

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pillars at his throne... los his single target casts, switch pillar if he casts aoe... only dmg him if your kick is not on cd and hide again as soon as u rupted him.


What he said. Used to pillars to los his adds and casts. Adds came around the pillaer one at a time so I could one shot them as they did so. After they died, ran out, dotted him up, los his casts, rinse repeat.


Pillars are the key.

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I tried the pillars but always ended up dying to his long cast that 1 shotted me. I decided to just kille the first wave sicne we do one shot them and then pop a defensive cd and just focus down the emperor. I used medpack and saber ward and rebuke and at the end I just used guarded by the force and killed him.

I know ther eshould be a way to use the pillars to good effect but then you have to be able to see him cast his long cast or your dead.

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First, for some context. My T7 was unused after getting Kira. I went to the GTN to gear him up, but it was too expensive, so I just got him a weapon and a few parts. The puzzle chest bugged, so he ended up with about 9k health. I had 12.5k health and is combat spec.


My first 2 attempt failed. My 3rd attempt to LOS failed too. But that did not sit too well with me anyway. I learnt enough to succeed though. First, spent the 1.5k credit to get a medpac from the droid. Have your CDs up - I did it without the 20 minute one, but I imagine that will help.


Run in instead of leaping so t7 does not waste his rocket jump. After you aggro him (if you have died in previous attempts) he will teleport to the middle of the room. Then leap. You need some luck on the first clone wave - if t7 gets them all you can then prepare to burn your CDs. Remember on subsequent clone waves our aoe do not work. You have to single target them. I find the best way is to tab and spam strike on them. Builds focus too.


For the emperor, using rebuke after t7 is down is good. That should last you through the second clone wave. As I am combat, my interrupt cd is not short enough, so got to choose what to stop and what I am forced to eat. The one that MUST be interrupted is his force blast. It has 6 second cast time so feel free to get an attack or two in before interrupting. He is unable to damage you while casting.


I saber ward during his final clone wave. And remember you can leap back to him to interrupt his cast. Otherwise just burn him down. Save force stasis and awe for when your health is low and must stop every ability cast from him. Pop your centering ability as you see fit. I killed him without having to LOS this way.

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I did it as combat. I had t7 charge in and force the teleport to the center of the room. He then died instantly because he doesn't have an interrupt. I LOS'd him by the pillars at the bottom of the stairs and used strike on the clones as they ran in on me. I then spent the next 3-4 minutes los'ing his casts and running out, kicking a cast, then used blade rush and blade storm and los'd again. Towards the end I missed an interrupt and lost most of my health so I skipped blade rush and just used blade storm every 9 seconds with zealous when it was up to generate focus. Medpacs on cooldown to regenerate health and abuse of blade storm/dispatch carried the day.


I'd be willing to bet it's doable at lower gear levels with watchman as well, as long as you apply the dots and get out of los quickly.

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Here's how I did it solo (combat):


I started the fight rushing in and getting a zealous strike off before he ported down the stairs. I leaped onto one of the adds and tab targeted down the adds quickly. By that time both myself and T7 had taken some damage so I used a squad medpac (heals both you and companion.) From then on I interrupted his long 1-shot cast and stayed on the Emperor the entire time, I ignored all other adds and did not LOS any of his abilities. Obviously I kept up the defense cds whenever they were available and he was attacking me. I also started the fight with the ability that gives you 30 centering (forget the name) so I could pop inspiration as soon as the first set of adds were down.

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You might want to wait with doing this quest until new patch, it's supposed to get tweaked there.


Because even if it can be done by using line of sight and fact you're using more than just kick to beat class boss for a change ma be fine, fight gets boring that way.

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I'd heard of how difficult it was and that the puzzle chest was bugged and I also listened to the tips about interrupting casts, LoSing and using Awe when his clones appear. I'd got some gear for T7 on Corellia, but he was still miles off what he could/should have been had I kept him up to date.


The first attempt I made went pretty reasonably, got him down to about 40% before dying. The next few attempts went worse and I was losing hope of being able to solo it, until the fifth attempt where I entered his room to find that he had bugged, didn't have the 34k or so health but instead had about 800. He died from the damage of my Force Leap.


Extremely anti-climactic yes; but I'm at least glad I didn't have to ask a guild mate to help out, which would have ruined the JK storyline for them if they rolled an alt in the future.

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pillars at his throne... los his single target casts, switch pillar if he casts aoe... only dmg him if your kick is not on cd and hide again as soon as u rupted him.


As with many, I used the pillars. But suddenly his lightning marker wouldn't disappear, dunno if it is supposed to be that way or a bug. Anyway, as said there was suddenly two of them - both behind the same pillar - that were triggered as soon as I went behind that pillar. So I just went "to hell with it" and leaped to him as soon as Force Camo was back up (100% damage reduction as Watchman) followed by Guarded by the Force. I pretty much downed him right there on the stairs during those 9 seconds (10-12 seconds tops). Up to that point he had 50% something health left.


So really, he isn't hard at all. T7 was in green lvl 10 gear and basically died on the very first clone lol.

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I'd heard of how difficult it was and that the puzzle chest was bugged and I also listened to the tips about interrupting casts, LoSing and using Awe when his clones appear. I'd got some gear for T7 on Corellia, but he was still miles off what he could/should have been had I kept him up to date.


The first attempt I made went pretty reasonably, got him down to about 40% before dying. The next few attempts went worse and I was losing hope of being able to solo it, until the fifth attempt where I entered his room to find that he had bugged, didn't have the 34k or so health but instead had about 800. He died from the damage of my Force Leap.


Extremely anti-climactic yes; but I'm at least glad I didn't have to ask a guild mate to help out, which would have ruined the JK storyline for them if they rolled an alt in the future.


Just the same happened to me either

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I had to keep T-7 on passive. I spent a ton of money on vendors around the galaxy so he could survive to. Was a waste of money. I pillar humped and just kept him passive so I could do our specials. The hardest part was keeping him out of the aoe lighting circles. IMO Doc is the best pet and the one I kept geared the entire time since receiving him.


He is either a DPS Burst fight or a pillar humper solo. Do not see any other strat to it. Watchman or Focus tree would make it easier. I was combat at the time as well. I played all 3 tree's. I feel watchman would of made it easier for rolling dps on the Emp or Focus for the mirror images.


Master Yogi

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Should this much strategy be needed for a solo quest? One that everyone is expected to do? Does everyone really think that this is doable for everyone who plays this game? Are the other class quests this hard at the end? Edited by warpass
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Should this much strategy be needed for a solo quest? One that everyone is expected to do? Does everyone really think that this is doable for everyone who plays this game? Are the other class quests this hard at the end?


Because clearly, the penultimate fight of your class story shouldn't take more than 10s and clicking 2 buttons.

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Because clearly, the penultimate fight of your class story shouldn't take more than 10s and clicking 2 buttons.


I don't think anyone is saying it should be too easy but rather not be as hard as it is presently. I think its fairly clear that there is an issue with this quests difficulty, so much so that the developers have supported this view and agreed to change it.


This view the developers have is not one bullied into them by months of forum whining but rather one they tested and found quite clearly needed fixing.

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From my experience, every major fight added a new "concept" to a what would habe otherwise been a simple fight. First it was interrupts. Then LOS. Then a combination of both. Then some "kill adds before the boss" stuff. Some AoE attacks, or things you shouldn't stand in. Then a boss that shielded and was immune. And so on.


I see this fight as the ultimate combination of all of these which, if you followed along, would put you in a good place to start normal mode operations or hard mode flashpoints. It was a really nice progression and a great deviation from just beating on an HP pool until something died.


I completed it solo, as a watchman sentinel, before it was adjusted. It was challenging and pushed me to use everything I know about fight mechanics. I got it on the first try. Some of you say that it did not feel heroic at all. Tell me, how would a stationary fight and an HP pool to slog through with nothing to watch out for feel heroic?

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I did it but it took about 7 tries. 6 tries one night and i got him on the first try after regearing my t7


First i geared the heck out of my t7 - At start of the fight he had 14.7k hp. My hp was around the 13k mark. btw i did use a stim for pres.


I stuck the t7 in Targeting mode and actived and clicked on all his damage abilities.


I popped saber ward-cof and vc at the start of the fight in that order sent the drone in.


I wiped out the clones on all 3 waves and i guess i got a interrupt on the big cast or just flat out killed him before he got it off.


I was so tired of being near full health and that darn blast killing me. I ended the fight with 3/4 of my hp. Gearing up t7 was the thing that stuck me over the top i believe. I was lucky in that i had lots of badges to spend on his gear.


My bot lasted thru 2 phases before he went down.


1. Tring to los him never worked for me.


btw i am full combat spec 0/35/6 Which i know is not the best spec in the world but i have yet to bother respecing.


I really enjoyed the fight. It was like a puzzle to me tring out different combinations!

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How I did it was as follows.




I got the chest to appear.


It was bugged, so I did the fix, I logged out for about 16 hours. When I got back the chest was unbugged.




I geared out T7.


In the fight I had to do a few tricks to finally win.



Remove T7s taunt abilities. I didn't want him pulling aggro and dying super fast.



Send T7 in first, position myself so that the "clones" had to run by me. I picked them off with single target attacks.



Save Awe. You will need it.



When the Emperor pops his last set of clones T7 will be dead. They will cluster around you. When this happens pop Awe.



Kill the clones one at a time. Leave the real Emperor for last.



Pay attention. You have to stop the Emperor's "one shot kill" attack. You have a handful of ways to do that.


1. Use Force Kick

2. Use Force Stasis

3. Use Guarded by the Force, this will let you actually survive one hit from that attack.


Usually this gives you around 5 times that you can reliably interrupt that move, which is enough to DPS the guy down.


Your interrupt rotation will look like this:


1. Force Kick during the Emperor's cast.

2. Stasis during the Emperor's cast, hold him for the full 3 seconds, remember you are looking to buy time.

3. Force Kick (which will have refreshed by now.)

4. Guarded by the Force

5. Force Kick


You do not need to LoS him. You can fight him toe to toe.

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