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How do you feel about Swtor


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This game is so full of bugs that I swear we are playing a BAD beta version of it. We should all get a refund of our first months payments for putting up with this garbage.


Logged on today, my armor rating was 6545 yesterday, today is was 2373. I reloaded armor but no change. My shield chances were 22.94, today they are 7.94.


What a lovely day.

Edited by drudgee
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The game as a whole is simply rough around the edges. Every aspect of the game that is awesome has an equally distracting downside.


Questing is enhanced by the awesome storylines, but bogged down by the repetitiveness.


Graphics are beautiful, but the game's tech is poor and causes issues on even the most powerful of PCs.


Abilities feel and look awesome, but suffer from mechanic issues and lack of variation and cohesion.


User Interface looks fantastic, but is functionally incoherent and difficult to navigate.

There is lots of dessert but you aren't getting the whole meal.


That was probably the most accurate summary of this game I've ever read.



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I want to like this game so bad it hurts.....however I just found myself on the account screen trying to decide if I wanted to unsub or not. Thats not a good sign seeing as how fanboy i was about this game before release trying to get everyone i knew to get it. To many things broken. To many QOL things missing. Things that are core mechanics not in launch (im looking at you legacy system) Things missing that AAA 2011 mmos should not be missing. I find myself looking back at the last mmo launch i went through (Rift) with awe at how much better it was then tor. Trying to convince myself atm to stick around till march at least but its getting harder every day :(
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I want to like this game so bad it hurts.....however I just found myself on the account screen trying to decide if I wanted to unsub or not. Thats not a good sign seeing as how fanboy i was about this game before release trying to get everyone i knew to get it. To many things broken. To many QOL things missing. Things that are core mechanics not in launch (im looking at you legacy system) Things missing that AAA 2011 mmos should not be missing. I find myself looking back at the last mmo launch i went through (Rift) with awe at how much better it was then tor. Trying to convince myself atm to stick around till march at least but its getting harder every day :(

I know how you feel

Edited by Rigota
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I want to like this game so bad it hurts.....however I just found myself on the account screen trying to decide if I wanted to unsub or not. Thats not a good sign seeing as how fanboy i was about this game before release trying to get everyone i knew to get it. To many things broken. To many QOL things missing. Things that are core mechanics not in launch (im looking at you legacy system) Things missing that AAA 2011 mmos should not be missing. I find myself looking back at the last mmo launch i went through (Rift) with awe at how much better it was then tor. Trying to convince myself atm to stick around till march at least but its getting harder every day :(


I am so with you. I want to love it so much.....but am already looking at the other 3 huge MMO`s that are coming this spring...

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On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being of extreme awesomeness I'd rate this game as it is right now a 6. It's slightly better than average. It's a fantastic looking game with the potential to become a 9 or even a 10 in the scale but there's a lot of work to be done to get there.


Most of the issues have been mentioned in the forums here already so once Bioware has a chance to address these issues I think the qualify of life within the game will improve significantly.


Either way, I'm enjoying the game for what it is and I look forward to improvements and more content as the days go by. I'm here the long haul so waiting a bit for things to happen isn't such a bad thing. After all, game is just over a month old. There's plenty of time.


The problem is huge swaths of these issues were reported early in open-beta. Eleven months ago. In fact, almost a year ago now.


Nothing has been done to fix them. Mostly we get the sound of silence as BioWare, apparently, sticks its QA fingers in its ears and goes "la la la la, game is perfect, just ask the fanboys..."

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I want to like this game so bad it hurts.....however I just found myself on the account screen trying to decide if I wanted to unsub or not. Thats not a good sign seeing as how fanboy i was about this game before release trying to get everyone i knew to get it. To many things broken. To many QOL things missing. Things that are core mechanics not in launch (im looking at you legacy system) Things missing that AAA 2011 mmos should not be missing. I find myself looking back at the last mmo launch i went through (Rift) with awe at how much better it was then tor. Trying to convince myself atm to stick around till march at least but its getting harder every day :(


Yeah. I'd already be back to LOTRO if I was over LOTRO burn-out. The irony is it took pretty much two-years to get that... Plus half my kin, and all my close kin friends, left because they were suffering from burnout, too.


Now I'm here wondering if I'll even finish my 32+ level class-quests having finished the main story arc in all but the Knight class and it's about five-hours of game play to get that done....

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For me what stands out about this MMO is the class storyline, companions, and voice acting.


These aspects are sort of a love-hate relationship for me. I loved my smuggler companions, and I liked the story. I made some other characters and I either didn't like the story dialogue options I had, and/or I didn't like my companions. If I don't find the options to speak in a way that I enjoy and/or my companions hate everything I do, it really doesn't make me want to play that character.


I know I would have more options if I was willing to switch factions, but I have my reasons for not doing that. Anyway, just an unexpected and unfamiliar limitation driving my desire to play certain classes.

Edited by BDutch
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i loved swtor so much....


i resubbed back to rift


and now im hearing from general game beta testers that some of these bugs have been in beta and reported MONTHS prior to release???


i got a chance to alpha test rift and i can tell you that about 90% of all bugs found and reported by the alpha testers were fixed before launch.

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If this was a single player game, it would be among my all time favorites.


But I'm just disappointed with many of the multi-player aspects of the game. I'm certainly going to stick around long enough to make it to 50 on both the Republic and Imperial side. But I just don't know if I'm going to stay around much after that.

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the ONLY thing i dont like about the game is ex wow refugees b@tching about how they want wow in star wars skin and continually blabbering about how something that is in wow is not here and this and that.


i cant wait for the free month to expire so that most of these tight assed people get shaved.


Ah, the classic WoW logic from a person complaining about WoW players.

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Ah, the classic WoW logic from a person complaining about WoW players.


and how so. grandstanding wordage - and now take the time to actually explain what you were trying to ........... i am not even able to say 'express'.

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I think SWTOR had a rough start....and of course with every mmo you have to live in the shadow of LOL WOW IS SO MUCH BETTER BECAUSE IM A POMOUS ***** THAT LIKES TO COMPARE WEEK OLD MMOS TO A MMO THATS BEEN OUT FOR YEARS (Even thought WoW had a ****** start, no PvP etc etc)




It had a rough start...hopefully with patches and updates it and pick itself up and be a good game...I hope.

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Game is great for a 2004 release on a terrible game engine.


yeah. TERRIBLE game engine. hero engine.


an engine which is able to create continous environments in ONE zone like coruscant alone - which is bigger than ALL wow cities in all wow continents and all wow expansions combined.




if you dont know crap about software and programming, just shut up about 'game engines'.

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2. Cut scenes are BORING. The dialogue is not interesting and the stories are mediocre at best.


ahahahah aahahahah ahahahahahaha ahahahaha hahahaaaaaaaa h ahhaaaaaaaaaa hahaha .... hahah ..... hahahaaa......... haha ......... hah .................... heh.......... hhhhhhhhhhhh









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yeah. TERRIBLE game engine. hero engine.


an engine which is able to create continous environments in ONE zone like coruscant alone - which is bigger than ALL wow cities in all wow continents and all wow expansions combined.




if you dont know crap about software and programming, just shut up about 'game engines'.


Funny the last game to feature the Zero Engine had performance issues also.

Edited by Zezel
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Funny the last game to feature the Zero Engine had performance issues also.


i have no performance issues running the game in full detail in 5040x1050 3 monitor eyefinity resolution with just a single graphics card.


if you are having performance issues, its your fault.

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I dont compare this to WoW because I only played that game for about 20 hours during vanilla and left. I am comparing it MAJORLY to Rift because that is the last launch of an MMO I was part of and it was only a year ago. Missing things that Rift had?


1. some fricken guild love. The whole guild missions and guild tree was pretty cool. ALOT better then the joke guilds are in tor. Srsly atm the only thing being in a guild does is give you a title under your name >.<


2. Macros. God before Rift I did not realize how much I would love and use the living @#$! out of Macros.


3. Everything in the game that was marketed.......STILL looking at you Legacy system



So no dont compare to WoW because yes, yes they have had many years to come up and refine stuff. But look at the last big mmo. Hell the only reason I left Rift after a couple months was because they kept nerfing classes for PVP and screwing up PVE. I love PVE for the most part in this game and find myself playing PVP a crap ton more then I have ever done but with the way this train wreck is going atm I will hang on and hope it doesnt crash but at some point if crap looks bad enough you bail.

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